MG1.4 Population and Urban Research (25 ECTS)
- 290122 VU [ en ] Social network analysis and economic geography
- 290376 VU [ en ] Demography of European Cities
- 290386 VU [ en ] Principles of Urban Planning and Urbanism
- 290109 PS [ en ] Contemporary Challenges in Urban and City Region Development
- 290133 PS Geographies of health - health and the city
- 290045 PS Social Area Analysis
- 290117 PS Analysis of landscapes and open spaces - case studies, methods and applications
- 290119 PS Migration systems in Southeast Asia - (Labour) Migration processes in selected coun-tries of the region
- 290115 SE Seminar in Applied Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning: - Regional, integrated, sustainable. A spatial vision for Northern Lower Austria
- 240126 SE ( NR ) VM1 / VM6 - Global social inequality in context of climate change - and urban sustanability policies
- 290088 PS [ en ] Understanding Rural Livelihoods: Methods and Research Designs
- 290120 VU [ en ] Urban Development and Planning in Eastern Europe
- 290135 PS Dimension of forced migration in Southeast Asia and East Africa
- 290148 SE Seminar in Human Geography: Population Problems in Third World Countries - Spotlight on Asia
- 290149 VO Residential multilocality
- 290154 PS Regional Housing Markets in Europe. Boom, Crisis and social Protests
- 290165 PS [ en ] Contested Resources, Rural Livelihoods and Globalisation
Last modified: Fr 25.02.2022 01:42