Master Teacher Training Programme: Geography and Economics (196 049, 199 510)
Das Masterstudium Lehramt ist für alle an der Universität Wien angebotenen Unterrichtsfächern seit Oktober 2015 in Kraft. Es baut auf das Bachelorstudium Lehramt konsekutiv auf. Eine Zulassung zum Masterstudium ist erst nach Abschluss des Bachelorstudiums möglich. Eine Anmeldung zu den prüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen im Masterstudium ist nur mit Zulassung zum Masterstudium möglich.
MA UF GW 01 Subject Didactics (6 ECTS)
- 290123 KU Media - Space - Education
- 290097 PS Human Resource Management from the perspective of didactics and economics
- 290075 PS Proseminar on subject specific didactics: Migration and Diversity in teaching geography in Austria - principles, possible approaches regarding subject didactics and their application in school
- 290155 EX Into the Wild - Didactics of Excursions and learningspaces outside the school
MA UF GW 02 Subject-Specific In-Depth Studies Geography (8 ECTS)
- 290023 VO Theory of Spatial Planning
- 290212 VO Scientific Progress in Geomorphology
- 290365 VO Scientific Progress in Quaternary Research
- 290138 VU Statistical Data Analysis with SPSS
- 290119 PS Migration systems in Southeast Asia - (Labour) Migration processes in selected coun-tries of the region
- 290135 PS Dimension of forced migration in Southeast Asia and East Africa
- 290048 SE Bachelorseminar Spatial Research and Spatial Planning - Planning and development for the city and its region
- 290040 SE Bachelorseminar in Physical Geography: Current Topics in Physical Geography - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Diplom- und Masterstudium)
- 290347 SE Master seminar in Physical Geography
- 290047 SE Master Seminar in Human Geography: Social Geography of Food - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende)
- 290106 SE Seminar in Human/Economic Geography: Innovation for grand societal challenges - Spatial aspects and new policy approaches
- 290448 EX Field Trip: Waterbalance and Agriculture Marchfeld
- 290248 EX Field Trip: The Danube in the Vienna Basin
- 290395 EX Field Trip: Water Ressource Management Lower Austria
- 290039 PS Preparatory course for the scientific excursion abroad - Germany: City planning and regional development
- 290041 EX Scientific excursion abroad: Germany: City planning and regional development
- 290060 PS Preparatory course for the scientific excursion abroad: Urban and regional development at Java - (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290079 EX Scientific excursion abroad: Urban and regional development at Java
- 290090 PS Preparatory course for the scientific excursion abroad: Volcanoes and Snow - Mapping Armenia
- 290085 EX Scientific excursion abroad: Volcanoes and Snow - Mapping Armenia
- 290148 SE Seminar in Human Geography: Population Problems in Third World Countries - Spotlight on Asia
- 290149 VO Residential multilocality
- 290154 PS Regional Housing Markets in Europe. Boom, Crisis and social Protests
- 290157 PS Regional Disparities and Key Actors of Change
- 290160 EX Field Trip: Suburbanisation in the Vienna Region - the Case of Klosterneuburg-Kierling
- 290267 VO Economic Geography of China - Regional Economic Development and Regional Disparities
MA UF GW 03 Subject-Specific In-Depth Studies Economics (8 ECTS)
- 040066 SE [ en ] Philosophy and Economics: Austrian Economics: Economic theories and methodological positions (MA)
- 040166 KU Solidary Economic (MA)
- 040302 UK Economic History (BA) - Historic development of exchanges: forms, theories of its function, case studies of market trends and speculative bubbles
- 040842 VO [ en ] International Trade (BA)
- 041010 UK [ en ] Keynes for Beginners (BA)
- 040113 UK Anticapitalist theory and practice (BA)
- 040231 SE SOLV - Staat und Ökonomie
- 290001 RV Lecture series "Eight topical questions on current monetary policy" - OeNB Ringvorlesung
- 290049 VU Special Topics in Economics - Macroeconomics: Open Goods and Financial Markets from an Economics Perspective
- 290070 SE Seminar in Economics (Macroeconomics) - USA against the world? Trade disputes with China and Europe and in America
- 290153 EX Excursion in Economics and Business Administration, Group A
MA UF GW 04 Didactic Supervision of Teaching Practice (4 ECTS)
MA UF GW 05 Master Thesis Support (2 ECTS)
- 290081 SE Colloquium in Subject-specific Didactics Geography and Economics - und Humangeographie (gilt als Privatissimum zur Diplomarbeit sowie als Seminar zur Masterarbeit aus Fachdidaktik und Humangeographie)
- 290107 SE Colloqium for Geoecology - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Masterarbeit aus Physischer Geographie)
- 290158 SE Colloquium in Social and Economic Geography - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Master- und Diplomarbeit aus Humangeographie, Raumforschung und Raumordnung)
- 290159 SE Colloquium in Human Geography / Regional Geography - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Master- und Diplomarbeit aus Humangeographie / Regionalgeographie)
- 290354 SE Colloquium in Cartography and Geoinformation
- 290364 SE Colloquium for Geomorphology - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Masterarbeit sowie Dissertation aus Physischer Geographie)
- 290450 SE Colloquium in Regional Research and Regional Planning - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Master- und Diplomarbeit aus Angewandter Geographie, Raumforschung und Raumordnung)
Last modified: Fr 28.06.2019 00:32