Universität Wien

Master Global History and Global Studies (805 [2] - Version 2008)

Gilt auch für das Magisterstudium Globalgeschichte.

Required Modules Orientation Period (20 ECTS)

Advanced Module Historical Thinking and Working (10 ECTS)

Foreign Languages in Historical Science (10 ECTS)

Alternative Required Modules (10 ECTS)

Basics of Global History (10 ECTS)

070340 KU [ en ] Free and Unfree Labour

Basics in another Subject Area of Global Studies (10 ECTS)

030524 SE [ en ] Colonial International Law - For diploma and doctoral students
240068 KU [ de en ] GM3 - Development Theories and Paradigms from a Transdisciplinary Perspective - Questioning global knowledge(s) and ‘World Society’

Required Modules (40 ECTS)

Theories, Sources and Methods of Global History and Global Studies (10 ECTS)

Specialisation 1: Issues of Global History: World Regions from the Perspective of Global History (10 ECTS)

140147 VO Research on India and the reception of Indian culture in Austria - selected personalities from the 18th century until today
140255 KU [ de en ] 20th-Century Perspectives on Town Planning and Infrastructure in Africa - within the Colonial/Metropolitan Divide
140385 VO Spheres of Politics and Everyday Experience in Southern Africa: - Moving across the 19th and 20th Centuries
240126 SE ( NR ) VM1 / VM6 - Global social inequality in context of climate change - and urban sustanability policies

Specialisation 2: Issues of Global History: Themes of Global History (10 ECTS)

070305 VO [ de en ] Lecture - The Holocaust in the USSR - Sources, Historiography and Culture of Remembrance
070319 SE Seminar - "Civilization": Concepts and Debates - Enlightenment - Imperialism - Spengler - Present Time
150224 VO [ en ] Intercultural Negotiation Patterns - (SoSe)
240047 VO EC - TEFA Transdisziplinary Development Research - Problemformulierung, Problembearbeitung, Umsetzung
240057 VO ( NR ) Commodities and Development: Current Issues and Historical Context - International Division of Labour and unequal Development
240080 SE [ en ] ( SGU ) VM1 / VM2 - International Environment and Economic Development - Globalization and its implications, financial crises, trade liberalization, migration, foreign aid
240088 SE ( SGU ) VM5 / VM7 - Dubious entanglements and libratory strategies - women’s movements and global inequality
240089 VO+UE ( SGU ) VM5 / VM6 - A New Scramble? - World War Two in global historical perspective
240090 SE [ en ] ( SGU ) VM5 / VM2 - 'Eating People is Wrong' - On the Nature and Causes of Famines in the 19th and 20th Centuries.
240125 VO ( SGU ) VM3 /VM7 - Gender (as) Governace and Structure - of New Economy directed Global Social Stratification

Excursion and Global Studies (10 ECTS)

030524 SE [ en ] Colonial International Law - For diploma and doctoral students
070258 EX ( PH-NÖ ) Field Trip - Berlin
070282 EX ( PH-NÖ ) Field Trip - Theresienstadt - Krakau - Auschwitz/Birkenau
070322 EX ( PH-WIEN ) Field Trip - Jewish Vienna - Vom Mittelalter bis ins 21. Jahrhundert

Alternative Required Modules (20 ECTS)

Research Module Global History (10 ECTS)

Research Module Global Studies (10 ECTS)

Applied Global History (10 ECTS)

Applied Global Studies (10 ECTS)

Master-Module (5 ECTS)

070279 SE Master Seminar - East European History

Last modified: Fr 28.06.2019 00:32