Guided Readings
BEI DER ANMELDUNG ZU DEN GUIDED READINGS ZU BEACHTEN:Die Anmeldung zu den Guided Readings ist in 5 Gruppen zu je 8 Lehrveranstaltungen aufgeteilt. Erstellen Sie in einer Gruppe unter den 8 auszuwählenden Lehrveranstaltungen Ihre Präferenzen. Pro vorgemerkter Gruppe wird max. 1 Lehrveranstaltung zugeteilt. Je mehr Präferenzen Sie innerhalb einer Gruppe anbieten (je flexibler Sie sind), umso eher besteht die Chance auf eine erfolgreiche Zuteilung.
- 070005 GR Guided Reading - Masculinities in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period
- 070009 GR Guided Reading - Russian Colonial Cities
- 070013 GR Guided Reading - Film in Austria. A History of Cinema and Television - (from the fall of the Habsburg monarchy to the present)
- 070016 GR Guided Reading - History from below? - Supplications and petitions as historical sources
- 070018 GR Guided Reading - Nationalities rights and minority protection in Central and Eastern Europe
- 070031 GR [ en ] Guided Reading - Globalization in Early Modern Asia
- 070035 GR [ en ] Guided Reading -The history, the historians and the human rights
- 070037 GR Guided Reading - Women's and Gender History Austria
- 070038 GR Guided Reading - Insights into women's lives based on source texts from the 6th to the 14th century
- 070041 GR [ en ] Guided Reading - Medieval European History - Sources ca. 200 - ca. 1500
- 070044 GR Guided Reading - Intersections and controversies - Exploring Religion and Politics in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
- 070045 GR Guided Reading - Aspects of Manoralism in Medieval Austria
- 070048 GR Guided Reading - Borders and frontiers in Asia. Regions and conflicts (17th to 21st centuries)
- 070049 GR Guided Reading - History of international relations (18.-20. century)
- 070050 GR Guided Reading - Cultural history in Global perspectives
- 070059 GR Guided Reading
- 070066 GR Guided Reading - Religion and Gender in 19. and 20. century
- 070070 GR Guided Reading - The cult of saints and community - the afterlife of saints in the Middle Ages
- 070083 GR Guided Reading - Dalmatia, Venice and the Adriatic in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period
- 070085 GR Guided Reading - Alexander von Humboldt - Views from the perspectives of global, political and science studies
- 070090 GR Guided Reading - History of Consumption in Europe in the Early Modern Period
- 070113 GR Guided Reading - Anti-semitism or anti-semitisms? - Anti-judaic discourses through the centuries
- 070145 GR Guided Reading - Politics, Spaces & Stages - Public Celebrations in Austria in a European Perspective (ca. 800 ca. 1800)
- 070155 GR [ en ] Guided Reading - Energy in History and Social Ecology
- 070167 GR Guided Reading - Introduction to Women´s and Gender History
- 070178 GR Guided Reading
- 070183 GR Guided Reading - The Thirty Years War in Self Testimonies - War and Violence from the Perspective of Contemporary Witnesses
- 070185 GR [ en ] Guided Reading - Medieval European History
- 070190 GR Guided Reading - History of Everyday Life/History from Below: Russia and the Soviet Union
- 070192 GR Guided Reading - Cultures of internal security in the 20th century. A transatlantic résumé - Ein transatlantisches Resümee
- 070199 GR Guided Reading - History of Science
- 070205 GR Guided Reading
- 070220 GR Guided Reading - Der Umbruch von 1989 und die Geschichte der Transformation
- 070242 GR Guided Reading - The Cossacks and the Russian Empire - Von der Entstehung bis zum Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts
- 070260 GR [ en ] Guided Reading - Geographical Knowledge and Imagination in Medieval Eurasia
- 070265 GR Guided Reading - The Crown - Vom Kopfschmuck zur Stellvertreterin der Herrschaft
- 070270 GR Guided Reading - Urban development in the 19th and 20th centuries
- 070316 GR [ en ] Guided Reading - Economic History of the Middle Ages
- 070331 GR Guided Reading - Cultural History of Muscovy in the Early Modern Period
- 070333 GR Guided Reading - Us and Them: Communities and their Outsiders in the Middle Ages - Gemeinschaftsvorstellungen und Fremddarstellungen im Mittelalter
- 070359 GR Guided Reading - Communism and Communism Remembrance in Eastern Europe
- 070373 GR Guided Reading - Austrian History (c. 1500-1815)
Last modified: Fr 28.06.2019 00:32