Master Classical Philology (683)
Greek Language and Literature (17 ECTS)
- 090032 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Poetry) - Griechische Lyrik
- 090049 SE Griechisches Seminar (mit Bachelorarbeit) - Schönheit und Symmetrie
- 090062 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Prose) - Schönheit und Symmetrie
- 090069 UE Greek Readings
Latin Language and Literature (17 ECTS)
- 090037 SE SE Lateinisches Seminar [+Bachelorarbeit] - Avianus und die antike Fabel
- 090048 UE Latin Reading III - Thebais
- 090055 SE SE Lateinisches Seminar [+Bachelorarbeit]
- 090060 VO Area of Roman Literature (Poetry) - Begegnungen mit der Bibel
- 090067 VO Area of Roman Literature (Prose)
- 090122 UE Latin Reading III - Thebais (Gruppe B)
Literature in Theorie and Practice (18 ECTS)
- 090041 VO Survey of Medieval Latin Literature
- 090047 UE Griechische Metrik
- 090051 UE Römische Metrik
- 090119 VO+UE Survey of Roman Literature 2
Master-Module (9 ECTS)
Specialisation (12 ECTS)
- 090032 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Poetry) - Griechische Lyrik
- 090042 UE VO aus dem Bereich Mittel- oder Neulatein
- 090059 UE LV Bereich Neulatein
- 090062 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Prose) - Schönheit und Symmetrie
- 090115 SE Editing Greek texts: history, methods, practice
- 090118 UE Exercise Course Medieval and New Latin
- 090119 VO+UE Survey of Roman Literature 2
Textual Transmission and Reception (16 ECTS)
- 090094 UE Paleographic Exercises
- 090108 UE Greek Prose of the 20th century/ Reading Modern Greek Texts - Reading and Translation
- 090117 UE Ancient Literature in Byzantium/ Reading Byzantine Texts - Between reception and innovation
- 090118 UE Exercise Course Medieval and New Latin
Last modified: Fr 28.06.2019 00:32