FRE: Free Advanced Module: Topics in Musicology (12 ECTS)
In diesem Modul können alle Lehrveranstaltungen, die prinzipiell für den BA Musikwissenschaft anrechenbar sind, absoviert werden.
- 160005 VO Music History III
- 160008 VO Music in Rome during the early 20th century
- 160013 UE Music at the Court of Emperor Maximilian I. - Eine Bilanz zum 500. Todestag
- 160014 UE "Tailor-made"? Beethoven’s piano compositions and their dedications
- 160018 PS The Order of Things: On Classification of Musical Instruments
- 160021 PS "What a Feeling" - Music and Emotions
- 160025 PS Performance, obligation and prestige of musicians at the Viennese Imperial Court (17801830)
- 160027 EX Acholi Music and Dance: Excursion to Uganda
- 160029 PS Oragnum and Diaphonia: Polyphony in theoretical and practical sources from 850 to 1200
- 160031 VO Music of the World - Overview I
- 160034 PS Introduction to the ethnomusicology gender research
- 160052 VO On the music of historical musical automata; selected examples
- 160053 VO African Music II
- 160060 PS The Unbearable Lightness of Operetta: a Genre between Paris and Vienna
- 160064 VO Gagaku: Music for traditional Japanese Court and religious rituals
- 160073 UE Reading and understanding musical-liturgical sources - In the footsteps of medieval liturgical chant
- 160074 VO Deutscher Schlager. History and development of german pop songs from the late 19th century till 1945
- 160075 PS Popular Music in Austria
Last modified: Fr 10.01.2020 00:35