Master History (803 [3] - Version 2019)
PM1 Introduction to Topics, Eras and Regions (25 ECTS)
- 070004 LK Reading Course: Contemporary History - Media History of the 20th and 21th Century - Contemporary History in a Media Perspective
- 070010 VO Introduction to Contemporary History
- 070033 UE KU Methodenkurs - Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in history
- 070115 UE Methodological course - Social Groups, Networks, and Forms of Belonging in Medieval Towns. Methodological Approaches
- 070118 UE Methodological course - Digital Annotation in the context of historical studies - Methods, Techniques, Standards, and Tools
- 070135 VO Preparation for the focus on East European History
- 070138 LK Reading Course - Introduction to East European History
- 070199 LK Reading course History of science - Energieregime und politische Phantasie
- 070220 LK Reading Course: Contemporary History - Von Sarajevo nach Versailles: Der Erste Weltkrieg und seine Folgen in europäischer Perspektive
- 070222 VO Focus area history of science - Temporal Orders in Historiography and Geosciences
- 070227 VO [ en ] Introduction to Digital Humanities
- 070231 LK Reading course Modern Times/Austrian History - Constitutional and Administrative History of the Habsburg Monarchy in the Early Modern Period
- 070243 LK Reading Course Medieval History
- 070245 VO Focus Introduction: Women's and Gender History
- 070249 LK Reading course Women's and Gender History
- 070263 LK [ en ] Reading course - Theory and Concepts in the Digital Humanities
- 070272 VO Introduction to historical and cultural European Studies
- 070274 UE Reading Course
- 070298 LK Reading Course Global History
- 070312 VO Modern Austrian Constitutional History and History of Administration
- 070318 VO Introduction to In-Depth Studies - Economic and Social History
- 070319 LK Reading Course - Economical and social history
- 070327 VO Medieval Austrian Constitutional History and History of Administration
- 070340 LK Lektürekurs - Neuzeit
- 070344 VO [ en ] Introduction to the Medieval field in the MA - Lecture on themes of research
- 070349 VO Introduction to In-Depth Studies - Modern Times
- 070351 VO [ en ] Introduction to Global History
- 070366 UE [ en ] Reading Course Global History
- 070371 UE Course in Methodology
- 090083 UE Lecture Course to Themes and Methods in Ancient History
- 090084 VO Themes and Methods in Ancient History
PM2 Design and Implementation of Independent Research Projects (15 ECTS)
- 070006 SE Research Seminar - Last Wills - multi-perspective Approaches
- 070034 UE AR Workshop - Historical Anthropology and Material Culture Studies
- 070046 UE Methodological workshop - Methods and Approaches in Contemporary Women's and Gender History
- 070058 SE SE Seminar (PM 3)
- 070112 UE [ en ] Course in Methodology - Tools and Techniques for Digital Humanities
- 070116 UE [ en ] Methodological Workshop - DH Methods: Advanced Historical Mapping and Spatial Analysis
- 070125 UE Workshop on Methods
- 070131 SE [ de en ] Research Seminar - Strukturen des (früh-)neuzeitlichen Gesundheitswesens in den Habsburgischen Ländern
- 070134 SE Research Seminar - The Price of Bread and the Reward of Labour (15th - 18th Centuries) - Prices and wages as central data for the analysis of economic processes and the standard of the living
- 070147 SE [ en ] Reseach Seminar Global History - Insular Studies
- 070158 SE Forschungsseminar - Habsburg Diplomacy in the Early Modern Period - Analyzing and Editing Archival Sources
- 070223 SE Research seminar - Nature and Urbanisation in the Media
- 070234 UE Methodological Workshop - Sexual Violence in the First World War: Military Court Material and Ego Documents as Sources
- 070238 SE Research Seminar - Medieval exegesis and political thought
- 070242 SE Reserach seminar - Ehe Macht Geschlecht. Ehe als transdisziplinäres Forschungsfeld
- 070257 SE Reseach Seminar - Sexual Violence in the First World War - Military Court Material and Ego Documents as Sources
- 070376 UE Methodological Workshop - Das öffentliche Bild der Kaiserinnen in der Frühneuzeitlichen Bildpublizistik
PM3 Realisation of an Independent Research Project (20 ECTS)
- 070006 SE Research Seminar - Last Wills - multi-perspective Approaches
- 070034 UE AR Workshop - Historical Anthropology and Material Culture Studies
- 070046 UE Methodological workshop - Methods and Approaches in Contemporary Women's and Gender History
- 070058 SE SE Seminar (PM 3)
- 070112 UE [ en ] Course in Methodology - Tools and Techniques for Digital Humanities
- 070116 UE [ en ] Methodological Workshop - DH Methods: Advanced Historical Mapping and Spatial Analysis
- 070123 UE AR Proposalworkshop (PM 3)
- 070125 UE Workshop on Methods
- 070129 UE Proposal-Workshop
- 070131 SE [ de en ] Research Seminar - Strukturen des (früh-)neuzeitlichen Gesundheitswesens in den Habsburgischen Ländern
- 070134 SE Research Seminar - The Price of Bread and the Reward of Labour (15th - 18th Centuries) - Prices and wages as central data for the analysis of economic processes and the standard of the living
- 070147 SE [ en ] Reseach Seminar Global History - Insular Studies
- 070158 SE Forschungsseminar - Habsburg Diplomacy in the Early Modern Period - Analyzing and Editing Archival Sources
- 070186 UE Proposalworkshop
- 070200 UE Proposalworkshop - Sexual Violence in the First World War: Military Court Material of the k. u. k. Army and Ego Documents as Sources
- 070223 SE Research seminar - Nature and Urbanisation in the Media
- 070234 UE Methodological Workshop - Sexual Violence in the First World War: Military Court Material and Ego Documents as Sources
- 070238 SE Research Seminar - Medieval exegesis and political thought
- 070242 SE Reserach seminar - Ehe Macht Geschlecht. Ehe als transdisziplinäres Forschungsfeld
- 070257 SE Reseach Seminar - Sexual Violence in the First World War - Military Court Material and Ego Documents as Sources
- 070376 UE Methodological Workshop - Das öffentliche Bild der Kaiserinnen in der Frühneuzeitlichen Bildpublizistik
PM4 Individual Specialisation (30 ECTS)
- 010007 VO Advanced Course Church History II - Die Geschichte des Papsttums
- 010013 SE [ en ] The Relationship between Church and State from Antiquity to the Modern Period
- 010022 VO Church History - Orthodox Church
- 010044 SE Basics and methods for Church History - an Introduction
- 010050 VO [ en ] Religions of Greek and Roman Antiquity
- 010115 VU The Theosophical Society
- 030316 VO Jews und Jewries in Austria. A Legal History.
- 060044 KU Sources of Ancient Numismatics and Monetary History
- 060048 VO Introduction to archaeological prospection methods
- 060101 KU Introduction into Islamic Numismatics
- 070042 VO Theory meets Practice - Interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung über die Relevanz der Teildisziplinen des MA Zeitgeschichte und Medien in der Medienpraxis
- 070052 VO VO Women's and Gender History of National Socialism - Research Questions and New Research
- 070057 SE Seminar - Women's and Gender History of National Socialism - Research Questions
- 070060 VO Lecture - Division of Work and Gender Hierarchy - From the Early Modern Period to the 21st Century
- 070078 UE Peer Mentoring
- 070102 VO Lecture course - Medieval Identities
- 070132 SE Seminar - The Paris Peace Conference 1919-1920 in the European Historiography (East and West)
- 070137 VO Lecture - Eastern Europe and the Americas during the 18th century: A comparaitve approach - Vergleichende Längsschnitte
- 070139 EX Excursion - Exkursion gemeinsam mit der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Venedig, Venice International University
- 070148 EX Field trip - "Jewish Places" in Vienna and Lower Austria
- 070149 SE Seminar - Global Migrations
- 070170 VO [ en ] Theories and Methods of Global History - The Nicaraguan Revolution (1979). Interdisciplinary Approaches to a Global History Topic
- 070175 SE Seminar - Public History in Vienna
- 070194 SE Seminar -The Nun's and monk's world
- 070221 SE Seminar - Habsburg Foreign Policy and Diplomacy (1519-1806)
- 070224 EX Excursion - Berlin in the Cold War
- 070230 VO Lecture course - Austria - the First Republik from 1918 to 1938
- 070258 EX ( PH-NÖ ) Field Trip - Auf den Spuren des Holocaust: Theresienstadt, Prag, Krakau, Auschwitz
- 070265 VO Lecture - Contemporary History and Media
- 070284 VO Lecture - European History from 1789 to 1989: Integration and Desintegration
- 070292 VO Lecture
- 070310 EX Field Trip - The Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia - Excursion to Bratislava
- 070323 SE Seminar
- 070325 VO Lecture course - Geschichtsschreibung der Schwellenzeit - Thomas Ebendorfers Blick auf die Vergangenheit und das Zeitgeschehen
- 070329 UE Auxiliary Sciences: Heraldry, Sigillography and Genealogy
- 070342 VO VO Political Corruption and the Media in Austria (1919-2019)
- 070369 SE [ de en ] Seminar
- 070371 UE Course in Methodology
- 070374 SE Kunst und Kitsch: Eine (un)zeitgemäße Fragestellung
- 090042 VO Roman History 2
- 090049 VO [ en ] Middle and Late Byzantine History
- 090052 SE Seminar in Ancient History
- 090060 SE Seminar in Ancient History
- 090065 VO Modern Greek History II: 1830-1923
- 090066 VO Political, economic and military aspects of the Greek Revolution (1821-1829)
- 090070 VO Politics, Theology, and Philosophy in Byzantium: Photius's works
- 090072 UE Krumbacher
- 090074 PS The Era of Justinian I.
- 090077 SE Memory and Archive - Wie entstehen Sammlungen nach Zwangsmigrationen und wie beeinflussen sie das kollektive Gedächtnis?
- 140098 VO African Perspectives on Colonialism: Africa in Colonial Times
- 140359 SE Voices of colonial discourse in libraries. - A critical reflection of Africa representations in scientific collections
PM5 Master's Module (5 ECTS)
- 070012 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070015 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070044 SE Master Seminar/M.A. Seminar/Ph.D. Seminar
- 070094 SE Master Seminar/M.A. Seminar/Ph.D. Seminar
- 070126 SE Master Seminar/M.A. Seminar/Ph.D. Seminar
- 070168 SE [ en ] Master's Thesis Seminar - Graduate College 1 (Global History and Global Studies)
- 070181 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070279 SE Master Seminar
- 070303 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070326 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070334 SE Master's Thesis Seminar - Mittelalter, Historisch-kulturwiss. Europaforschung
- 070339 SE Master Seminar/M.A. Seminar/Ph.D. Seminar - Schwerpunkt Fachdidaktik Geschichte, Sozialkunde und Politische Bildung
- 070370 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 180178 SE Master College
Last modified: Tu 11.02.2020 10:03