Alternative group of compulsory modules "Compensation: History and Social Sciences" (20 ECTS)
PM2.1b History (10 ECTS)
- 070014 UE Guided Reading Further Approaches - (European) Dynasties (1400-2000)
- 070021 UE Guided Reading - Russia and the Black Sea
- 070023 UE Guided Reading - Russia and the Habsburg Monarchy 1848-1918
- 070043 VO Eastern European History
- 070045 UE [ en ] Guided Reading - Eastern European History - Women´s and Gender History of East Europe
- 070048 UE Guided Reading - A Global History of Communism
- 070143 UE Guided Reading - War and Peace
- 070287 UE Guided Reading - Häresie und Orthodoxie in der westlichen Kirche (2.-16. Jahrhundert)
PM2.2b Social Sciences (10 ECTS)
- 210006 VO BAK2.3: Historical basis for politics
- 210007 VO BAK2.4: Politics and Economy
- 210008 VO BAK2.5: Politics and Law
- 230004 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction (Part 2): VO Applied Sociology - an Overview
- 230006 VO Sociological methodology and methods - Basics, critique, and new developments in empirical research
- 230040 VO Sociological Theories: Overview and current Developments
- 240001 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Basics of Methodology in Social Sciences
Last modified: Fr 28.06.2019 00:33