Additional Scientific Qualifications for Biologists (30 ECTS)
- 301033 UE Scientific Communication in the Laboratory - "Hands on - Minds on"
- 301214 UE [ en ] Toolkit for in silico sequence analysis - forma UE IIIB
- 301272 VO+UE [ en ] Live imaging course - for diploma, PhD and advanced students
- 301632 UE [ de en ] Exercises for Foundations of Bioinformatics
- 301902 VO [ en ] Model systems and concepts in stem cell biology and regeneration
Courses of the Additional Scientific Qualifications for Biologists
- 233060 UE [ en de ] Science in Society Laboratories
- 300062 UE Computer-assisted presentation techniques
- 300064 EX Speleological excursions Caves of Austria and neighboring countries
- 300085 SE [ en ] Colloquium of Organismal Systems Biology
- 300149 SE+UE [ de en ] Light and video microscopy in theory and practice (parallel courses)
- 300218 UE [ de en ] Scanning electron microscopy - techniques and preparations for biologists
- 300438 SE [ de en ] Seminar in biometry - Basics of biometrical analysis
- 300517 SE+UE Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy
- 300530 UE [ en ] Imaging and visualization in developmental biology - Principles and applications, including 3 D Methods
- 300659 SE [ en ] Limnology Seminar - Current research and ecological concepts
Last modified: Th 07.12.2023 01:27