Subject-Specific In-Depth Studies (22 ECTS)
UF MA PHYS 01a Subject specific Science (16 ECTS)
- EXAM M-CORE 8 Written Module Exam Atmospheric Aerosol Physics
- 260001 SE [ en ] Seminar on atomic and subatomic physics
- 260002 LP Lab-Course: Theoretical Physics
- 260006 VO [ en ] Practical optics for physicists - Practical design of laboratory setups - lenses, instruments and detectors
- 260009 SE Physics and chemistry of clouds
- 260012 LP Laboratory Solid State Physics: Advanced Materials
- 260013 LP [ de en ] Lab-Course: Aerosolphysik
- 260021 SE Seminar on advanced materials
- 260036 LP [ en ] Lab-Course: Classical and Quantum Optics
- 260037 PUE [ en ] Quantum Information
- 260045 LP Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics - Isotope detection and application
- 260054 SE [ de en ] Seminar - low dimensional solids - synthesis, characterization and device applications
- 260056 VO [ en ] Advanced Materials
- 260057 PUE [ en ] Advanced Materials
- 260058 LP Lab-Course: Nanotechnology: Concepts, Methods, Materials
- 260060 LP [ de en ] Laboratory course on materials physics
- 260074 LP Lab-Course: Nuclear Physics
- 260079 LP [ de en ] Laboratory course - low dimensional solids - synthesis, characterization and device applications
- 260083 SE [ de en ] Current topics in aerosol dynamics and optics
- 260085 VO [ en ] Quantum Information
- 260100 VO [ en ] Classical and Quantum Optics
- 260102 PUE [ en ] Classical and Quantum Optics
- 260107 LP Lab-Course: Advanced Materials
- 260111 VO WPF 9 Aerosol Physics
- 260113 LP Lab-Course: Electronic Data Acquisition and Automation in Laboratories
- 260114 SE [ de en ] Seminar Applied isotope physics
- 260121 PUE WPF 9 Aerosol Physics - Exercises
- 260123 VO Introduction to Particle Physics
- 260124 PUE Introduction to Particle Physics
- 260132 VU [ en ] Qubits, Spins and Quantum Sensors
- 260135 SE [ en ] Seminar on experimental particle physics II
- 260169 VO [ en ] Complex Systems II - Applications
- 260170 UE [ en ] Exercises to Complex Systems II - Applications
- 260211 LP [ en ] Laboratory Quantum Optics
- 260229 LP [ de en ] Environmental Physics, Project oriented laboratory experiments
- 260358 SE [ en ] Quantum Optomechanics
- 442650 SE [ en ] Modern topics in quantum information - (Journal Club)
UF MA PHYS 02a Subject Didactics (6 ECTS)
- 260120 SE Modern physics in school
- 267036 SE [ en ] What are Open Source Tutorials and when are they useful?
Last modified: Fr 26.06.2020 00:49