Teacher Training Programme - Master Computer Science (196 053 [1], 199 514 [1])
Fachwissenschaft Informatik (12 ECTS)
UF MA INF 01 Wahlpflichtbereich Masterstudium UF Informatik (12 ECTS)
- 051020 VU Programming 2
- 051040 VU Software Engineering 1
- 051041 VU Human-Computer-Interaction
- 051140 VO Introduction to Mathematical Modelling
- 051141 UE Introduction to Mathematical Modelling
Subject didactics of computer science (10 ECTS)
UF MA INF 02 Special Topics in Didactics of Computer Science (6 ECTS)
UF MA INF 03 Research methods in the context of computer science education (4 ECTS)
Fachdidaktische Begleitung der Praxisphase (4 ECTS)
UF MA INF 04 Fachdidaktische Begleitung der Praxisphase (4 ECTS)
- 053931 SE ( PH-WIEN ) Practical Seminar
Abschlussphase (30 ECTS)
UF MA INF 05 Masterseminar im UF Informatik (2 ECTS)
- 053941 SE Master Seminar
Last modified: Fr 26.06.2020 00:49
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