Bachelor Sociology (505 [2])
Informationen zum Aufnahmeverfahren, zur Studienzulassung und zum Studienbeginn finden Sie im Studierendenportal der Universität Wien. Die Aufnahmeverfahren werden nur einmal pro Jahr während der Sommermonate durchgeführt. Ein Studienbeginn per März ist nur dann möglich, wenn Sie das Aufnahmeverfahren im Sommer zuvor durchlaufen haben.Detailinformationen zum Studiengang finden Sie auf der Website der Studienprogrammleitung Soziologie: Lehrveranstaltungen des Bachelorstudiums wird es bei denjenigen teilnahmebeschränkten Lehrveranstaltungen, in denen nach der Hauptanmeldephase noch Restplätze vorhanden sind, eine kurze Nachmeldephase geben. Bei Lehrveranstaltungen, die nach der Hauptanmeldephase ausgebucht oder überbucht sind, entfällt diese Option!
Introductory Phase (15 ECTS)
StEOP Module - Introduction to Social Sciences: Sociology (9 ECTS)
- EXAM BA STEOP - Subject-Specific Introduction to Sociology
- 230002 KU ( OV STEOP ) Preparatory Course: STEOP Module Exam - Subject-Specific Introduction to Sociology - Vorlesung Fachspezifische Einführung Teil 1 und Kurs Propädeutikum
- 230004 VO ( STEOP ) Applied Sociology - an Overview - Steop Soziologie und Erweiterungscurriculum 234
StEOP Module - Basics of Methodology in Social Sciences (6 ECTS)
- 230001 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: VO Basics of Methodology in Social Sciences
StEOP Module - Methodology: Recommended Lectures of other Departments
Basics of Social Sciences - Sociology (15 ECTS)
Basics of Social Sciences - Sociology (15 ECTS)
- 230007 PS Proseminar - Introduction to Sociology
- 230008 PS Proseminar - Introduction to Sociology
BA SGS - Recommended Lectures of Other Departments
- 220074 VO INSOWI A: VO WITHEGI Theory and History of Science
- 220091 VO INSOWI A: VO SOFRA Current Social Issues and Sociological Aspects
Sociological Theory (25 ECTS)
BA T1 - Principles of Sociological Theory (10 ECTS)
- 230009 VO Introduction to Sociological Theory
- 230010 UE Theoretical Foundations ("Reading Classics of Sociology")
- 230011 UE [ en ] Theoretical Foundations ("Reading Classics of Sociology")
BA T2 - Specific Sociological Theories and Societal Diagnoses (15 ECTS)
- 230012 VO Diagnosis of Society
- 230058 SE Selected Paradigms: Society and Socialisation - A Sociological Point of View
- 230110 SE Selected Paradigms: Milestones of Sociology
- 230112 SE Selected Paradigms: Media within Communicative Constructivism
- 230113 SE Selected Paradigms: Pierre Bourdieu
- 230114 SE Selected Paradigms: Neo-marxist Theory of Society
- 230115 WS Diagnosis of Society: Sociology of Love
- 230116 WS [ en ] Diagnosis of Society: Urban Sociology
- 230117 WS Diagnosis of Society: Feminism’s Victory? - Gender between anti-feminist discourses and (hollow) promises
- 230118 WS Diagnosis of Society: Law, Rights and Society - What does it do with us and what do we do with it?
- 230119 WS Diagnosis of Society: Labour Market and Household Decisions
Sociological Methods (45 ECTS)
BA M1 - Introduction to Empirical Social Research (10 ECTS)
- 230013 VO Empirical Research Methods - Introduction
- 230014 UE Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 230015 UE [ en ] Methods of Empirical Social Research
BA M2 - Statistical Methods and Mathematics for Sociologists (15 ECTS)
- 230090 VO Statistics 1 - Vorlesung mit begleitendem Tutorium
- 230091 XV Tutorial for VO 230020 Statistics 1 (Marcus Hudec)
- 230092 UE Statistics 1 - Übung
- 230093 UE Statistics 1 - Übung
- 230094 UE Statistics 1 - Übung
- 230095 UE Statistics 1 - Übung
- 230096 UE Statistics 1 - Übung
- 230097 UE Statistics 2 - Übung
- 230098 UE Statistics 2 - Übung
- 230099 UE Statistics 2 - Übung
- 230100 UE Table Analysis and SPSS
- 230101 UE KU Table Analysis and SPSS
- 230102 UE Table Analysis and SPSS
- 230103 UE Table Analysis and SPSS
BA M3 - Discussion and Guided Application of Qualitative Approaches, Methods and Procdures (10 ECTS)
- 230080 SE+UE Qualitative Methods: Participatory Research
- 230081 SE+UE Qualitative Methods: Grounded Theory
- 230082 SE+UE Qualitative Methods: Interpretative Social Research
- 230083 SE+UE Qualitative Methods: Ethnography
- 230084 SE+UE Qualitative Methods: Hermeneutic Interpretation of Texts
- 230134 SE+UE Qualitative Methods: Interpretative Social Research
BA M4 - Discussion and Guided Application of Quantitative Approaches, Methods and Procedures (10 ECTS)
- 230016 SE+UE Data Collection and Data Analysis / Data Evaluation
Applications (25 ECTS)
BA A1 - Areas of Sociological Research and Application (5 ECTS)
- 230020 VO Structure and Development of Mordern Societies - Social Change of the Austrian Society
- 230021 PR Workshop/Excursion: Job Orientation for Students
- 230022 PR Workshop/Excursion: Job Orientation for Students - Beispiele für Arbeitsfelder von SoziologInnen
- 230023 PR Workshop/Study Trips: Career Orientation - Socio-Scientific Research
- 230024 PR Workshop/Excursion: Jobioreintation - Youth work - Aktuelle Trends und Organisationsformen
- 230025 PR Workshop/Excursion: Volunteering Roles in Refugee Support - Ehrenamt oder politische Bewegung?
- 230026 PR Workshop/Excursion: Social sciences as an occupational field
BA A1 - Recommended Lectures of other Departments
BA A2 - Selected Specific Sociology (5 ECTS)
- 230060 VO+SE Family Sociology
- 230061 VO+SE Social Change - Perspectives, Diagnoses, Debates
- 230062 VO+SE Work, labour, labour market and employment
- 230063 VO+SE Sociology of Health and Illness
- 230064 VO+SE Sociology of Environment: Social Science Theories in Social Ecology
BA A2 - Recommended Lectures of other Departments
- 233001 UK Science, Publics, Democracy - Wissenschaft, Öffentlichkeit, Expertise & Demokratie. Von der Nachkriegsordnung zum post-faktischen Zeitalter?
- 233003 UK Science-Technology-Gender
- 233007 UK Knowledge and Science Cultures - Die Bedeutung von ‘Big Data’ für Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit
- 233008 UK Innovation, Politics, Society - "One small step for one man, a giant leap for mankind". Internationale Raumfahrt als Beispiel für die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Innovation, Politik & Gesellschaft
BA A3 - Project Design and Research Laboratory (15 ECTS)
- 230030 FPR FPR Research Practice 2: Debts and Debt Overload in society
- 230031 FPR Research Practice 2: Spatial mobility and traffic - Different contexts of mobility between sustainability, safety and technology
- 230032 FPR FPR Research Practice 2: Inclusive and exclusive solidarity - From universalism to welfare chauvinism and right-wing extremism
- 230033 FPR FPR Research Practice 2: Nature and Environment in Visuals
- 230035 FPR FPR Research Practice 1: Security and Trust
- 230036 FPR FPR Research Practice 1: Organisation - Group - Network - Applied Sociology of Organisations
- 230037 FPR FPR Research Practice 1: Professional Action, Competence, Digitalization
- 230038 KU Research Design - Bachelor thesis
- 230039 SE Writing the bachelor thesis succsesfully! - Seminar to support bachelor students in their qualitative empirical thesis (indepentant of the research topic)
BA A3 - Recommended Lectures of other Departments
- 220038 SE INSOWI B: SE FOPRA Research Practice
- 220041 SE INSOWI B: SE FOPRA Research Practice
Law and Economics (9 ECTS)
BA REWI - Law and Economics (9 ECTS)
- 230017 KU Public Law for Sociologists - Introduction to Constitutional-, Administrative- and European Law
- 230018 KU Business Administration - Business Aspects of Sociology
- 230019 KU Introduction to economics
BA REWI- Recommended Lectures of other Departments
- EXAM Exam Principles of Economics
- 040078 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Principles of Economics
- 040373 VO Introduction to Private and Business Law
- 040686 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to Business Administration
- 240046 VO [ en ] KW1 - Introductory Lecture: Development Economics
Communicative and Interpersonal Skills (5 ECTS)
BA KSK - Communicative and Interpersonal Skills (5 ECTS)
- 230051 TR Communicative and Social Competences - Overview
- 230052 TR Understanding and practicing new stress coping strategies as a resource
- 230053 TR Teambuilding
- 230054 TR Conflict Management in teams
- 230055 TR Information Literacy and Writing for Academic Purpose
- 230056 TR [ en ] English in academia - Training
- 230057 TR Getting to the point - Writing good (term)papers with joy, structure and conception - Mit Freude, Struktur und Konzept gute wissenschaftliche Arbeiten schreiben
BA KSK - Recommended Lectures of other Departments
Bachelor Thesis (6 ECTS)
- 220038 SE INSOWI B: SE FOPRA Research Practice
- 230030 FPR FPR Research Practice 2: Debts and Debt Overload in society
- 230031 FPR Research Practice 2: Spatial mobility and traffic - Different contexts of mobility between sustainability, safety and technology
- 230032 FPR FPR Research Practice 2: Inclusive and exclusive solidarity - From universalism to welfare chauvinism and right-wing extremism
- 230033 FPR FPR Research Practice 2: Nature and Environment in Visuals
- 230035 FPR FPR Research Practice 1: Security and Trust
- 230036 FPR FPR Research Practice 1: Organisation - Group - Network - Applied Sociology of Organisations
- 230037 FPR FPR Research Practice 1: Professional Action, Competence, Digitalization
- 230039 SE Writing the bachelor thesis succsesfully! - Seminar to support bachelor students in their qualitative empirical thesis (indepentant of the research topic)
- 230058 SE Selected Paradigms: Society and Socialisation - A Sociological Point of View
- 230060 VO+SE Family Sociology
- 230061 VO+SE Social Change - Perspectives, Diagnoses, Debates
- 230062 VO+SE Work, labour, labour market and employment
- 230063 VO+SE Sociology of Health and Illness
- 230064 VO+SE Sociology of Environment: Social Science Theories in Social Ecology
- 230110 SE Selected Paradigms: Milestones of Sociology
- 230112 SE Selected Paradigms: Media within Communicative Constructivism
- 230113 SE Selected Paradigms: Pierre Bourdieu
- 230114 SE Selected Paradigms: Neo-marxist Theory of Society
Elective Social Science Module (5 ECTS)
Elective Social Science Module (5 ECTS)
- 230050 KU Population Sociology
- 230127 UE [ en ] Selected Paradigms:
Recommended Lectures of other Departments (5 ECTS)
- 233001 UK Science, Publics, Democracy - Wissenschaft, Öffentlichkeit, Expertise & Demokratie. Von der Nachkriegsordnung zum post-faktischen Zeitalter?
- 233003 UK Science-Technology-Gender
- 233007 UK Knowledge and Science Cultures - Die Bedeutung von ‘Big Data’ für Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit
- 233008 UK Innovation, Politics, Society - "One small step for one man, a giant leap for mankind". Internationale Raumfahrt als Beispiel für die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Innovation, Politik & Gesellschaft
- 010020 SE Clinical Rounds: Bioethical challenges at the beginning of Human Life
- 040231 UK SOLV - Alternative Economic Theories - Heterodox Economy
- 040641 VO Sociology for Students of Economics and Business Administration
- 070019 VO Women's and Gender History
- 070025 VO Contemporary History
- 070071 VO [ en ] Digital Humanities
- 070107 VO Global History
- 070118 VO Contemporary History
- 070236 VO Economic and Social History - Economy and Society in Europe, 1000-2000
- 120011 VO [ en ] Approaching Cultural Studies
- 124070 VO [ en ] Culture, Society and the Media - The British Empire
- 180031 VO Roboethics
- 180131 VO Market, Labor, Production - Gender Perspectives on Basic Economic Terms and Concepts
- 180133 VO Ethics of Vulnerability
- 180139 VO Philosophy of Laughter - From Ancient Greek Philosophy to the Present
- 210156 UE Subject area Making and implementing policy - Technologies in health and medicine
- 210154 VO [ en ] Mixed Methods: Alternating subjects
- 240045 VO KG1 - International Development in Historical Context
- 240057 VO ( NR ) Commodities and Development: Current Issues and Historical Context - Rohstoffe und Entwicklung: Aktuelle Auseinandersetzungen im historischen Kontext
- 290104 VO Introductory course: Basics in Economics
Last modified: Fr 26.06.2020 00:49