M-11 Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Culture, Aesthetics (10 ECTS)
- 010085 VO Basic Course Philosophical Theology
- 010088 VO Advanced Course Philosophical Theology
- 010098 SE Jürgen Habermas: Faith and Knowledge - on the genealogy of postmetaphysical thinking
- 020026 SE Philosophical Seminar - Die Religionsphilosophie Rudolf Ottos
- 090036 VO Byzantine Studies (VO) - Geistesleben in Byzanz nach den arabischen Eroberungen (7. bis 8. Jahrhundert)
- 180032 SE Media Workshop: "Heimat"
- 180034 VO-L Philosophies of the Heart - an Intercultural Perspective
- 180037 SE Cultural Difference and Racism
- 180041 SE Fundamental Questions of Existential Analysis - Selbstsein und Mitsein-Phänomenologie von Beziehungen und psychotherapeutische Praxis
- 180045 VO Questions of Aesthetics - What is Art?
- 180103 SE Work of Art as Challenge - Heidegger, Benjamin and Intercultural Perspectives
- 180104 SE Nietzsche, Foucault and the Question of History
- 180137 VO-L Dogen - Interdisciplinary Reflected
- 180143 SE 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra' as Basis for Nietzsche’s Ethics
- 180144 KU Philosophie und Design
- 180160 KU Self and not self - West-östliche Perspektiven
Last modified: Th 02.07.2020 16:32