Master Classical Philology (683)
Literature in Theory and Practice (18 ECTS)
- 090044 UE Römische Metrik
Greek Language and Literature (17 ECTS)
- 090043 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Prose)
- 090056 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Poetry)
- 090064 SE Griechisches Seminar
Latin Language and Literature (17 ECTS)
- 090058 VO Area of Roman Literature (Poetry)
- 090065 VO Area of Roman Literature (Prose)
- 090066 UE Latin Reading III - Res gestae Alexandri Macedonis
- 090068 SE SE Lateinisches Seminar [+Bachelorarbeit]
- 090070 SE SE Lateinisches Seminar [+Bachelorarbeit] - und seine Rezeption im 15. Jahrhundert
- 090075 VO Area of Latin Literature (Poetry) - in Spätantike und Mittelalter
- 090113 UE Latin Reading III
Specialisation (12 ECTS)
- 090043 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Prose)
- 090052 UE Lateinische Lektüre II (Spätlateinische Texte)
- 090056 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Poetry)
- 090058 VO Area of Roman Literature (Poetry)
- 090065 VO Area of Roman Literature (Prose)
- 090073 UE Master's Seminar
- 090075 VO Area of Latin Literature (Poetry) - in Spätantike und Mittelalter
Textual Transmission and Reception (16 ECTS)
Master-Module (9 ECTS)
- 090069 SE Master's Seminar
Last modified: Fr 26.06.2020 00:49