Universität Wien

2.4. Studienzweig Ökologie

300471 SE SE to all project courses of Institute of Botany - Seminar to all project courses of Institute of Botany
300015 UE Project Practicel course on ethnobotanical phytochemistry in Thailand - Project Practicel course on ethnobotanical phytochemistry in Thailand
300019 VO+SE Concepts in Ecology - Concepts in Ecology
300029 UE Chemische Übungen II für Biologen - Chemische Übungen II für Biologen
300031 UE Chemische Übungen III für Biologen - Chemische Übungen III für Biologen (ergänzende Übungen zu 801482 und 801483)
300034 VU Comparative Anatomy of Animals for Ecologists - Comparative Anatomy of Animals for Ecologists
300047 VO Ecology of the ecozones of the world - Ecology of the ecozones of the world (part Grabherr 2h = Terrestial ecozones of the World for students of Botany)
300111 VO Computer applications for biologists - Computer applications for biologists
300112 UE Computer applications for biologists - Computer applications for biologists
300115 VO Soil science for Ecologists - Soil science for Ecologists
300116 VO Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Spatial Analysis in Bio-Sciences
300117 UE Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Spatial Analysis in Bio-Sciences
300128 VO Introduction to Foto - Film - Video - Introduction to Foto - Film - Video: Scientific Documentation in Biology
300172 UE Foto - Film - Video - Foto - Film - Video: Scientific Documentation in Biology
300173 UE+EX Ecology of urban settlements - Ecology of urban settlements
300193 UE IT for Biologists - Independent Use and Maintenance of personal Computers and software for Biologists
300205 VO+UE Chemistry of natural waters - Introduction to the chemistry of natural waters (lecture and lab course)
300211 SE+UE Submicroscopical anatomy&practical electron Micr. - Submicroscopical anatomy and practical electron Microscopy
300219 SE Multivariate statistics in aquatic ecology - Multivariate statistics in aquatic ecology
300259 VO+UE Selected GIS-problems and solutions for biologists - Selected GIS-problems and solutions for biologists
300277 SE+UE Functional Cytology and Anatomy of Plants - Functional Cytology and Anatomy of Plants: Structure and function of glands of carnivorous plants
300278 SE Seminar: Urban Ecology - Seminar: Urban Ecology
300279 SE Scientific Film in Biology - Scientific Film in Biology
300316 SE+UE Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) - Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
300317 VO Microbial Ecology - Microbial Ecology (Molecular methods)
300363 VO Plant Anatomy - Plant Anatomy
300364 UE Lecture in Plant Anatomy - Lecture in Plant Anatomy
300365 VO Plant Anatomy - Plant Anatomy
300366 UE Pflanzenanatomie Übungen - Pflanzenanatomie Übungen
300367 VO Plant anatomy - Plant anatomy
300368 UE Lecture in plant anatomy - Lecture in plant anatomy
300388 SE The variety of our fauna - The variety of our fauna: identification and ecology (Biology focus for the Basic Identification Course)
300415 VO heavy metals, trace elements, Significance - Eco-physiological significance of heavy metals and trace elements (in cooperation with Dr. Markus Puschenreiter)
300430 UE Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Spatial Analysis in Bio-Sciences
300446 UE Laboratory Course for Analysis of Ecological Data - Laboratory Course for Analysis of Ecological Data
300450 UE Bird communities of urban and forest habitats - Bird communities of urban and forest habitats
300452 SE Seminar: Project course bird communities - Seminar: Project course bird communities
300634 SE+UE Project practical course chemical ecology - Project practical course chemical ecology (plant-plant, plant-microbe, and plant-herbivore-interactions)
300382 VO+UE Statistische Meth. i. d. Ökologie - Statistische Methoden in der Ökologie
300445 VO Analysis of ecological data - Analysis of ecological data
300028 VO Humanökologie und Soziale Ökologie - Humanökologie und Soziale Ökologie: Grundlagen für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung
300038 SE Limnological Seminar - Limnological Seminar
300039 SE Methods of Social Ecology - Methods of Social Ecology: Biophysical processes and Sustainable Development - concepts and indicators
300065 VO+SE Environmental Information Management - Environmental Information Management with Special Reference to the EU Enlargement Process in Eastern Europe
300067 VO Flora of Austria - Flora of Austria
300076 PR entomological laboratory - entomological and taxonomic studies on selected insects
300080 SE+UE Protection of sea turtles in Turkey II - Protection of sea turtles in Turkey II
300083 VO Chemical Ecology - Introduction to Chemical Ecology
300088 SE Scientific Literature in Human Ecology - Scientific Literature in Human Ecology
300101 VO Aquatic microbial Ecology - Aquatic microbial Ecology
300102 VO Introduction to ecophysiology of animals - Introduction to ecophysiology of animals
300103 VO Introduction Hydrology and Running Water Ecology - Introduction to Hydrology and Running Water Ecology
300109 VO Biology of recent reefs - Biology of recent reefs
300113 VO Ecology of developing countries - Ecology of developing countries
300114 UE Lab Course in Cell Physiology - Lab Course in Cell Physiology
300116 VO Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Spatial Analysis in Bio-Sciences
300117 UE Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Spatial Analysis in Bio-Sciences
300120 VO Approaches for ecological research in organic farming - Approaches for ecological research in organic farming
300121 UE Meeresökologisches Spezialpraktikum - Interdisziplinäre meeresökologische Projektstudie (Meeresökologisches Spezialpraktikum) Teil 2
300125 SE+EX River impoundment - riverside forest - River impoundment - riverside forest
300126 VO Water Management in Austria - Water Management in Austria
300129 VO Radiation and life - Radiation and life
300130 SE Seminar in hydrobotany I - Seminar in hydrobotany I: New publications on aquatic macrophytes
300131 UE Laboratory of Plant Physiology for adv. students - Laboratory of Plant Physiology for advanced students
300132 VO Anatomie aquat. und terrestr. Pflanzen - Comparative anatomy of aquatic and terrestrial plants
300133 VO Introduction to the Lab Course in Cell Physiology - Introduction to the Lab Course in Cell Physiology
300134 VO Plant Physiology for advanced students - Plant Physiology for advanced students
300144 VO Tropische Ökosysteme - Tropische Ökosysteme
300148 VO Introduction to Desert Biology - Introduction to Desert biology: Life communities of subtropical and tropical deserts.
300151 EX Bodenbiologische Exkursionen - Pedologische und ökologische Charakterisierung wichtiger Bodentypen
300152 UE Bodenbiologische Übungen - Bodenbiologische Übungen: Der Boden als Lebensraum, Einführung in die Taxonomie und Ökologie ausgewählter Bodentiergruppen
300157 VO+SE Environment and health-aspects of human ecology - Environment and health-aspects of human ecology
300158 SE New concepts in light- and electron microscopy - New concepts in light- and electron microscopy
300160 VO Landscape Ecology - Introduction to Landscape Ecology - principles, methodes & case studies
300161 VO Nature conservation law & implem. in Austria - Nature conservation law and implementation in Austria and the EU Content
300162 UE Field course Hydrology and Running Water Ecology - Field course on Hydrology and Running Water Ecology
300174 VO Introduction into ecophysiology of algae - Introduction into ecophysiology of algae
300175 UE Laboratory course - ecophysiology of algae - Laboratory course - ecophysiology of algae
300176 VO Ecography of selected cultural landscapes - Ecography of selected cultural landscapes - structure, vegetation & land use
300182 VO Freshwater Ecosystems: Structure and Function - Freshwater Ecosystems: Structure and Function
300184 UE+EX Marine ecological field course - Marine ecological field course in Red Sea coral reefs
300187 VO Principles of Environmental Economics II - Principles of Environmental Economics II (Macroeconomics)
300188 VO Techn. and Economic Aspects of Environ. Protection - Technical and Economic Aspects of Environmental Protection
300189 SE Instructions for composing a Master or PhD-Thesis - Instructions for composing a Master or PhD-Thesis
300192 VO+UE+EX Field trips in ecology, floristics - Field trips in ecology, floristics
300202 VO Bioindicaton by Plants - Bioindicaton by Plants
300203 VO Research in National Parks - Research in National Parks
300205 VO+UE Chemistry of natural waters - Introduction to the chemistry of natural waters (lecture and lab course)
300219 SE Multivariate statistics in aquatic ecology - Multivariate statistics in aquatic ecology
300220 VO Fish ecology - Fish ecology
300229 SE Chemical Ecology - Chemical Ecology
300240 VO Basic entomology - Basic entomology
300241 VO Tropical ecosystems of South and Central America - Tropical ecosystems of South and Central America
300245 VO Microbiology for Fans and Amateurs - Microbiology for Fans and Amateurs
300246 SE+UE+EX Spezielle Meeresbiologie I - Spezielle Meeresbiologie I mit folgenden Fachgebieten: Benthische Ökologie, chemoautotrophe Symbiosen, Tiefseebiologie (v.a. für Dipl. und Diss.)
300247 SE+UE+EX Special tasks in Vegetation Ecology - Special tasks in Vegetation Ecology and Conservation Biology
300248 SE+UE+EX Spezielle Hydrobotanik I - Special aspects in hydrobotany (for MSc and PhD candidates)
300253 VO Biology of Marine Plankton - Biology of Marine Plankton
300259 VO+UE Selected GIS-problems and solutions for biologists - Selected GIS-problems and solutions for biologists
300262 SE Sustainable Development in theory an research - Sustainable Development in theory an research
300264 VO Einführung in die Bodenbiologie. - Einführung in die Bodenbiologie. 1.) Bodenmikrobiologie 2.) Bodenzoologie. Vom Einzeller zum Regenwurm
300265 UE Musealtechnik II - Musealtechnik II - Einführung in die zoologische Präparation von Insekten
300266 SE+UE+EX Spezielle Ökologie terrestrischer Tiere I - Spezielle Ökologie terrestrischer Tiere I mit folgenden Fachgebieten: Biodiversität, Biologie, Systemökologie, ökophysiologische Parameter spezieller Tiergruppen (insbesondere für Diplomanden und Dissertanten). Unter Mitwirkung von Dr.P.Zolda
300268 SE Scientific guidance: Human Ecology - Scientific guidance: Human Ecology
300269 SE Methods in bryology - Methods in bioindication and bryology
300270 VO+SE+EX Das Aquarium-Modell eines Ökosystems? - Das Aquarium-Modell eines Ökosystems? (für Biologen und Lehramtskandidaten)
300273 SE+UE+EX Selected topics of horticultural plant physiology - Selected topics of horticultural plant physiology and plant production
300274 SE Instructions for composing a Master or PhD-Thesis - Instructions for composing a Master or PhD-Thesis
300275 SE+UE+EX Specific Ecology of Plants I - Specific Ecology of Plants: stress physiology, photo biology, anatomy, urban ecology, ecophysiology laboratory and field analysis, structural analysis, energy and material flow balances in cultural landscapes and urban habitats
300276 SE Spezielle chemische Physiologie der Pflanzen I - Spezielle chemische Physiologie der Pflanzen I: Schwerpunkte: Stressphysiologie, Baumphysiologie, Kohlenhydratstoffwechsel (v. a. für Diplomanden und Dissertanten).Unter Mitwirkung von Dr.G.Bachmann und Dr.W.Wanek
300278 SE Seminar: Urban Ecology - Seminar: Urban Ecology
300280 SE literature in marine biology and ecology - Pertinent literature in marine biology and ecology
300281 SE+UE+EX Instr. f. composing a master- or PhD-thesis limn. - Instructions for composing a master- or PhD-thesis in limnology
300289 VO Theoretical computer applications in ecology - Theoretical computer applications in ecology and conservation biology
300290 UE+VO Veget.ökolog. UE: Dateninterpretation-u.Auswertung - Vegetationsökologische Übung 2: Dateninterpretation und Auswertung
300291 VO Ecology and management of meadows and pastures - Ecology and management of meadows and pastures
300294 SE+EX Instructions for composing a master- or PhD-thesis - Instructions for composing a master- or PhD-thesis
300296 VO wetland ecology - wetland ecology
300297 SE Wiss.Arbeiten - Instructions for Thesis students in agro-ecology
300298 UE Practical computer applications in ecology - Practical computer applications in ecology and conservation biology
300305 VO Elementary hydrobotany - Elementary hydrobotany
300306 VO Tallandschaften und Vegetation - Entwicklung und Vegetation von Tallandschaften Mitteleuropas
300308 VO Biology and quant. ecology of aquatic insects - Biology and quantitative ecology of aquatic insects
300310 SE Seminar in Plant Chorology and Vegetation Science - Seminar in Plant Chorology and Vegetation Science
300313 VO Microbial communities of selected ecosystems - Structure and function of microbial communities of selected ecosystems
300314 SE [en] Microbial Communities and Interactions - Microbial Communities and Interactions
300315 SE [en] Selected chapters of microbial ecology - Selected chapters of microbial ecology
300322 SE+UE Specific microbial ecology I - Specific microbial ecology I: Bacterial endosymbionts of amoebae, structure and function of nitrifying bacteria, evolutionary history and detection of sulfate-reducing bacteria, DNA microarray techniques, genomics and transcriptomics of parachlamydiae. For diploma and Ph. D. students.
300341 VO Conservation Biology and Landscape Conservation - Conservation Biology and Landscape Conservation
300359 VO+SE+UE Modern Techniques in Ecology: - Modern Techniques in Ecology : Stable Isotope Tracing (together with ERASMUS guest professor Dr.H.Santruckova)
300360 VO Global Change and fitness of Plants - Global Change a challenge to plant fitness
300361 UE Marine biology laboratory work - Marine biology laboratory work
300362 SE+UE Großpraktikum Mikrobielle Ökologie - Großpraktikum Mikrobielle Ökologie
300369 VO Proteomics: Theory & applications in microb. ecol. - Proteomics: Theory and applications in microbial ecology
300390 SE Methods in photobiology - Methods in photobiology
300392 UE Scientific practice - Scientific practice
300393 SE+UE Instructions for composing a Master or PhD-Thesis - Instructions for composing a Master or PhD - Thesis
300395 SE Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten - Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten in Limnologie
300407 SE Instructions for composing a Master- or PhD-Thesis - Instructions for composing a Master- or PhD-Thesis: Aquatic microbial Ecology
300414 SE Phytochemical seminar: Ecological Biochemistry - Discussion of recent publications in the field of Ecological Biochemistry
300416 EX Hydrobotanical excursions - Hydrobotanical Excursions "Characteristic riverine valleys in eastern Austria"
300419 VO+SE Introductory Marine Biology - Introductory Marine Biology
300430 UE Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Spatial Analysis in Bio-Sciences
300434 SE Seminar Fischökologie - Dicussion and presentations of new literature within the area fish ecology. Especially for master and PhD doctoral and postgraduate students
300442 VO Functional Stream Ecology - Functional Stream Ecology: From Molecules to Networks
300446 UE Laboratory Course for Analysis of Ecological Data - Laboratory Course for Analysis of Ecological Data
300447 UE Computer-aided phylogeny inference - Computer-aided reconstructions of phylogenetic trees and networks
300451 VO Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants - Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants; physiological and ecological Aspects.
300461 VO Biology and ecology of European amphibians - Biology and ecology of European amphibians
300463 VO Angewandte Limnologie - Einführung in die angewandte Limnologie: Eutrophierung, Versauerung; Verunreinigung
300630 VO Free radicals in plants - Free radicals in plants
300657 UE Identification course for aquatic invertebrates - Identification course for Austrian aquatic invertebrates
300666 VO+SE Human Societies and the Environment - Human Societies and the Environment
300668 VO Mountain ecology - Mountain ecology
300669 VO Management of endangered species - Management of endangered species: practical species protection in marine and terrestrial ecosystems
300670 VO NATURA 20000 - NATURA 20000 - nature conservation in the European Union
300679 VO+UE Models of species dynamics - Models and indices for the analysis of species dynamics and community patterns in aquatic systems
310048 VO Bacterial Systematics, Taxonomy, Mol. Diagnostics - Bacterial Systematics, Taxonomy and Molecular Diagnostics
300637 SE Seminar for nature conservation - Seminar for nature conservation
300641 PR Soil zoological and ecological laboratory - Soil zoological and ecological laboratory for beginners
300016 SE Literature seminar: Current issues in biogeography - Literature seminar: Current issues in biogeography
300025 EX Vertebrate ecological special excursions - Vertebrate ecological special excursions
300045 SE Verhaltensökologie - Seminar zur Verhaltensökologie (Voraussetzung: Einführung in die Verhaltensbiologie)
300084 VO Ecological Biochemistry - Ecological Biochemistry (Ecological Interactions of Secondary Metabolite Diversity)
300153 SE Seminar to "Ecology of developing countries" - Seminar to "Ecology of developing countries"
300155 SE Reproduction ecology (tropical plants) - Reproduction ecology and life strategies of tropical plants (preparation for tropical excursions and special practica studies)
300156 VO+SE Biology and Ecology of alpine animals - Biology and Ecology of alpine animals
300179 VO Introduction into the fauna - Introduction into the fauna and ecology of the Amazon basin
300215 VO Ultrastructures - Ultrastructures - the basis for new insight into Biology
300251 VO+SE Zur Ökophysiologie visueller Systeme - Zur Ökophysiologie visueller Systeme
300332 VO Human Behavioral Ecology - Human Behavioral Ecology
300379 VO Population Ecology - Population Ecology
300380 VO Biology and Ecology of the Lepidoptera - Biology and Ecology of the Lepidoptera
300410 VO Flora and vegetation of the Paleotropics - Flora and vegetation of the Paleotropics: focus on Africa and Madagascar
300418 VO+SE Biology of fishes - Biology of fishes
300426 VO Introduction into Human Ecology - Introduction into Human Ecology
300448 SE Seminar for : Field course in tropical ecology - Seminar for : Field course in tropical ecology
300449 UE+EX Field Course : Tropical ecology in Costa Rica - Field Course : Tropical ecology in Costa Rica
300619 UE Methods of mycological and ecological research - Methods of mycological and ecological research
300621 VO Distrib. patterns in the flora of Middle Europe - Distribution patterns in the flora of Middle Europe
300622 VO Biology of parasitic flowering plants - Biology of parasitic flowering plants
300623 VO Ecology and Biogeography of the Alpine flora - Ecology and Biogeography of the Alpine flora
300639 VO Human Ecology - Human Ecology
300640 EX Ethnobotanic-phytochemical excursion: - Ethnobotanic-phytochemical excursion: Diversity and practicel importance of bioactive plant products in the palaeotropics
300644 SE+EX Ökologische Exkursion in andine Lebensräume - Ökologische Exkursion in andine Lebensräume und an die Forschungsstation San Francesco im ecuadoranischen Tiefland; mit Vorbereitungsseminar
300445 VO Analysis of ecological data - Analysis of ecological data
300415 VO heavy metals, trace elements, Significance - Eco-physiological significance of heavy metals and trace elements (in cooperation with Dr. Markus Puschenreiter)
300356 VO+SE Biological Invasions - Biological Invasions: "Neobiota" and their relevance
300465 VO Environm. politics and practice - Environm. politics and practice
300625 VO Landscape history - Landscape history
300115 VO Soil science for Ecologists - Soil science for Ecologists
300249 VO Fauna Australiens - Fauna Australiens: ausgewählte Beispiele zur Evolution, Ökologie und Tiergeographie
300671 VO The birds of Austria - The birds of Austria - an ecological overview

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34