Second Stage of the Degree Programme
Seminars (and Conversatoriums) for Diploma Candidates
Subject Didactics
Old German Literature
- 100073 SE Masterarbeit Ältere Deutsche Literatur
New German Literature
- 100053 SE Masterarbeit Neuere Deutsche Literatur
- 100130 SE Masterarbeit Neuere Deutsche Literatur
- 100132 SE Masterarbeit Neuere Deutsche Literatur
German Language
- 100137 SE Masterarbeit Sprachwissenschaft
German as a Foreign/Second Language
- 100226 SE Masterarbeit
- 100252 SE Masterarbeit
Old German Literature
- 100124 SE Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100129 SE Medieval and Early German Literature
New German Literature
- 100128 SE Modern German Literature
- 100158 SE Modern German Literature - Geschichte und Identität in der habsburgischen Literatur, 1740 - 1848
- 100159 SE Modern German Literature
- 100160 SE Modern German Literature
- 100161 SE Modern German Literature
- 100167 SE Masterseminar NdL: Katastrophen in der Literatur
- 100172 SE Modern German Literature
- 100192 SE Masterseminar Neuere deutsche Literatur
- 100231 SE Modern German Literature: - Die Merowinger, journalistische Arbeiten
- 100232 SE Modern German Literature: - Kolloquium Neue Poesie: Christian Steinbacher
- 100235 SE Masterseminar Neuere deutsche Literatur
- 100240 SE Proseminar: Modern German Literature:
German Language
- 100168 SE Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Linguistics
- 100169 SE Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Linguistics
- 100201 SE Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Linguistics
- 100249 SE Masterseminar Sprachwissenschaft
German as a Foreign /Second Language
- 100205 SE DaF/Z: - In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Abendgymnasium Wien
- 100211 SE DaF/Z:
- 100214 SE Masterseminar: DaZ:
Last modified: Th 02.07.2020 09:32