M-14 Human and Nature (13 ECTS)
- 180082 KU Animal cognition and minimal cognition - Thought, Language, and Social Cognition
- 180083 SE Beeing - Developing - Thinking - Philosophical Anthropology, Dialectic and Ontology
- 180084 SE Helmuth Plessner
- 180093 KU Philosophy of human rights
- 180098 SE Power and Subject in Foucault
- 180099 SE Think experience - Einübungen in die phänomenologische Forschung
- 180100 KU Levinas and Jullien
- 180137 SE [ en ] Quantum Ontology
- 180138 SE [ en ] Introduction to Quantum Foundations
- 180167 VO-L Philosophy of Immunology
- 180186 VO Introduction in Helmuth Plessner's Philosophical Anthropology
- 180187 SE Platon: Sophist
- 180199 VO Introduction into Animal Ethics
- 180210 KU [ en ] Cognitive Science Peer Teaching Course
- 180218 VO Introduction to psychoanalytic perspective on cultural & social phenomena - Depth psychology I
Last modified: Sa 24.08.2024 01:18