Master Psychology (840 [2] - Version 2017)
A: Common Core (50 ECTS)
A1: Methods, Psychology of Individual Differences and Assessment (14 ECTS)
- 200017 VO Advanced Statistics
- 200018 VO Advanced Research Methods
- 200086 VO Psychology of Individual Differences and Psychological Assessment
A2: Internship (10 ECTS)
- 200087 PPR Internship
A3 Advanced Theoretical Principles (16 ECTS)
- 200061 VU Social Psychology
- 200085 VU Social Psychology
- 200088 VU Work and Organisational Psychology
- 200089 VU Work and Organisational Psychology
- 200091 VU [ de en ] Clinical Psychology in Childhood and Adolescence
- 200092 VU Developmental Psychology
- 200093 VU Developmental Psychology
- 200094 VU Educational Psychology
- 200095 VU [ de en ] Cognitive Psychology and Neurosciences
- 200097 VU [ de en ] Research Approaches in Cognitive Psychology and in Neurosciences
- 200098 VU [ de en ] Special Topics in Cognitive Psychology and in Neurosciences
- 200099 VU Health Psychology
- 200100 VU Health Psychology
- 200101 VU Health Psychology
- 200102 VU Clinical Psychology
- 200103 VU Clinical Psychology
- 200104 VU Clinical Psychology
- 200105 VU [ de en ] Clinical Psychology in Childhood and Adolescence
- 200106 VU [ de en ] Clinical Psychology in Childhood and Adolescence
- 200218 VU Transferforschung und Evaluation
A4 Free Electives (10 ECTS)
- 490400 VU PM1 Digital Transformations
- 290055 VO [ en ] Climate Change and Climate Crisis. Future perspectives and concepts.
- 020053 SE Seminar: Medicine and Nursing Ethics - Ethical Counseling in Healthcare Organizations
- 010021 VO Jews, Christians, Muslims (Special Pastoral Theologies) - Inter- and Transdisciplinary Perspectives on the interfaith dialogue between the Abrahamic Traditions
- 200089 VU Work and Organisational Psychology
- 200061 VU Social Psychology
- 200085 VU Social Psychology
- 200093 VU Developmental Psychology
- 200092 VU Developmental Psychology
- 200094 VU Educational Psychology
- 200095 VU [ de en ] Cognitive Psychology and Neurosciences
- 200097 VU [ de en ] Research Approaches in Cognitive Psychology and in Neurosciences
- 200098 VU [ de en ] Special Topics in Cognitive Psychology and in Neurosciences
- 200099 VU Health Psychology
- 200100 VU Health Psychology
- 200101 VU Health Psychology
- 200102 VU Clinical Psychology
- 200104 VU Clinical Psychology
- 200091 VU [ de en ] Clinical Psychology in Childhood and Adolescence
- 200106 VU [ de en ] Clinical Psychology in Childhood and Adolescence
- 200105 VU [ de en ] Clinical Psychology in Childhood and Adolescence
- 200103 VU Clinical Psychology
- 200213 SE Identity and Belonging - Psychoanalyse und Kritische Theorie: Perspektiven psychoanalytischer Ideologie- und Machtkritik
- 200216 PS Proseminar: Einstündiges Wahlfach - Anstrengungsvermeidung in Leistungssituationen: Schutz vor Überlastung oder behandlungsbedürftiges Problem
- 200217 PS Exclusive Tutorial - Anwendungsfehler in Statistik, Psychometrie und Diagnostik
- 240097 VO VM7 - One out of Five - Interdisciplinary lecture series focusing on Violence on Women and Children
- 200219 VO History of Psychology - From soul to mind to brain
- 200218 VU Transferforschung und Evaluation
- 200088 VU Work and Organisational Psychology
B1 Alternative group of compulsory modules: Work, Economy, and Society (36 ECTS)
B1.1 Advanced Seminars (12 ECTS)
- 200107 SE Advanced Seminar: Work, Economy, and Society - Arbeitswelt und Arbeitsleben im digitalen Wandel: Theorien und Trends in Wissenschaft und Praxis
- 200108 SE Advanced Seminar: Work, Economy, and Society - AO-Psychologie
- 200110 SE Advanced Seminar: Work, Economy, and Society
- 200111 SE Advanced Seminar: Work, Economy, and Society - Mitarbeiter*innenbefragungen
- 200112 SE Advanced Seminar: Work, Economy, and Society - Philosophie der Psychologie
- 200113 SE Advanced Seminar: Work, Economy, and Society - Wirtschaftspsychologie
- 200124 SE Advanced Seminar: Development and Education - Methoden der Evaluationsforschung
- 200139 SE [ en ] Advanced Seminar: Mind and Brain - Fundamental Topics in Cognitive Science + Colloquium
- 200142 SE [ en ] Advanced Seminar: Mind and Brain - Mechanisms of exposure therapy as a dynamic feedback system
- 200143 SE Advanced Seminar: Mind and Brain - Theorien und Methoden der Kognitions- und Wahrnehmungspsychologie
B1.2 Application and Special Thematic Fields (8 ECTS)
- 200115 SE Anwendungsseminar: Arbeit, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft - Ins (ao-psychologische) TUN kommen!
- 200116 SE Anwendungsseminar: Arbeit, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft - PERMA-Lead, Positive Leadership und Coachingtechniken
- 200117 SE Anwendungsseminar: Arbeit, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft - Innovationen und Trends der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie
- 200118 SE Anwendungsseminar: Arbeit, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft - Arbeitspsychologie und ArbeitnehmerInnenschutz im Betrieb
- 200119 SE Anwendungsseminar: Arbeit, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft - Führung in Organisationen: Konzepte und Trends - Einblicke und Ausblicke
- 200147 SE Seminar in Applied Psychology: Mind and Brain - Data analyses for fMRI experiments
- 200148 SE Seminar in Applied Psychology: Mind and Brain - Meta-Analysen und systematische Reviews
B1.3 Theory and Empirical Research (16 ECTS)
- 200109 SE Theory and Empirical Research (Work, Economy, and Society) 1
- 200114 SE Theory and Empirical Research (Work, Economy, and Society) 2
- 200120 SE Theory and Empirical Research (Work, Economy, and Society) 1
- 200121 SE [ en ] Theory and Empirical Research (Work, Economy, and Society) 1
- 200122 SE Theory and Empirical Research (Work, Economy, and Society) 2 - Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie
- 200175 SE Theory and Empirical Research (Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology) 2 - Differentielle Psychologie
B2 Alternative group of compulsory modules: Development and Education (36 ECTS)
B2.1 Advanced Seminars (12 ECTS)
- 200111 SE Advanced Seminar: Work, Economy, and Society - Mitarbeiter*innenbefragungen
- 200124 SE Advanced Seminar: Development and Education - Methoden der Evaluationsforschung
- 200125 SE Advanced Seminar: Development and Education - Leerlauf im Kopf? Die Psychologie der Langeweile
- 200126 SE Advanced Seminar: Development and Education - Identitäts- und Autonomieentwicklung in der Jugend / Emerging Adulthood
- 200127 SE Advanced Seminar: Development and Education - Sozio-emotionale und sozio-kognitive Entwicklung im Säuglings- und Kleinkindalter
- 200128 SE Advanced Seminar: Development and Education - Schuleingangsdiagnostik
- 200129 SE Advanced Seminar: Development and Education - Schuleingangsdiagnostik
- 200139 SE [ en ] Advanced Seminar: Mind and Brain - Fundamental Topics in Cognitive Science + Colloquium
- 200142 SE [ en ] Advanced Seminar: Mind and Brain - Mechanisms of exposure therapy as a dynamic feedback system
- 200143 SE Advanced Seminar: Mind and Brain - Theorien und Methoden der Kognitions- und Wahrnehmungspsychologie
B2.2 Application and Special Thematic Fields (8 ECTS)
- 200130 SE Anwendungsseminar: Entwicklung und Bildung - Berufliches Lernen in pädagogischen Handlungsfeldern
- 200131 SE Anwendungsseminar: Entwicklung und Bildung - Entwicklungsdiagnostik
- 200132 SE [ de en ] Anwendungsseminar: Entwicklung und Bildung - Frühdiagnostik im Kleinkindalter
- 200133 SE Anwendungsseminar: Entwicklung und Bildung - Umgang mit positiven und negativen Emotionen im Lern- und Leistungskontext
- 200134 SE Anwendungsseminar: Entwicklung und Bildung - Entwicklungpsychologie aus der Pop Science Perspektive
- 200147 SE Seminar in Applied Psychology: Mind and Brain - Data analyses for fMRI experiments
- 200148 SE Seminar in Applied Psychology: Mind and Brain - Meta-Analysen und systematische Reviews
B2.3 Theory and Empirical Research (16 ECTS)
- 200135 SE Theory and Empirical Research (Development and Education) 1
- 200136 SE Theory and Empirical Research (Development and Education) 1
- 200137 SE Theory and Empirical Research (Development and Education) 2
- 200138 SE Theory and Empirical Research (Development and Education) 2
- 200175 SE Theory and Empirical Research (Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology) 2 - Differentielle Psychologie
B3 Alternative group of compulsory modules: Mind and Brain (36 ECTS)
B3.1 Advanced Seminars (12 ECTS)
- 200124 SE Advanced Seminar: Development and Education - Methoden der Evaluationsforschung
- 200139 SE [ en ] Advanced Seminar: Mind and Brain - Fundamental Topics in Cognitive Science + Colloquium
- 200140 SE [ en ] Advanced Seminar: Mind and Brain - Cognitive Modeling in Python
- 200141 SE [ en ] Advanced Seminar: Mind and Brain - Auditory Cognition
- 200142 SE [ en ] Advanced Seminar: Mind and Brain - Mechanisms of exposure therapy as a dynamic feedback system
- 200143 SE Advanced Seminar: Mind and Brain - Theorien und Methoden der Kognitions- und Wahrnehmungspsychologie
B3.2 Application and Special Thematic Fields (8 ECTS)
- 200144 SE [ en ] Anwendungsseminar: Geist und Gehirn - Matlab & Psychtoolbox for behavioural/EEG experiments
- 200145 SE [ en ] Anwendungsseminar: Geist und Gehirn - Programming psychological experiments in Python
- 200146 SE Anwendungsseminar: Geist und Gehirn - Experimentalpsychologische Daten analysieren mit R
- 200147 SE Seminar in Applied Psychology: Mind and Brain - Data analyses for fMRI experiments
- 200148 SE Seminar in Applied Psychology: Mind and Brain - Meta-Analysen und systematische Reviews
B3.3 Theory and Empirical Research (16 ECTS)
- 200149 SE [ en ] Theory and Empirical Research (Mind and Brain) 1 - Advanced Data Analysis
- 200150 SE Theory and Empirical Research (Mind and Brain) 2 - Neuroimaging
- 200175 SE Theory and Empirical Research (Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology) 2 - Differentielle Psychologie
B4 Alternative group of compulsory modules: Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology (36 ECTS)
B4.1 Advanced Seminars (12 ECTS)
- 200124 SE Advanced Seminar: Development and Education - Methoden der Evaluationsforschung
- 200139 SE [ en ] Advanced Seminar: Mind and Brain - Fundamental Topics in Cognitive Science + Colloquium
- 200142 SE [ en ] Advanced Seminar: Mind and Brain - Mechanisms of exposure therapy as a dynamic feedback system
- 200143 SE Advanced Seminar: Mind and Brain - Theorien und Methoden der Kognitions- und Wahrnehmungspsychologie
- 200151 SE [ en ] Advanced Seminar: Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology - Theory and practice in clinical and social neuroscience
- 200152 SE [ en ] Advanced Seminar: Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology - Music-based interventions
- 200153 SE Advanced Seminar: Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology - Traumafolgestörungen
- 200154 SE Advanced Seminar: Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology - Die Bedeutung der Bindung für die psychische Entwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen
- 200155 SE Advanced Seminar: Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology - Notfallpsychologie und psychopathologische Befundung
- 200156 SE Advanced Seminar: Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology - Kultur und Klinische Psychologie von der Individualität über die Diversität zur Universalität? Eine Entdeckungsreise
- 200157 SE Advanced Seminar: Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology - Ethnische Diskriminierung und interkulturelle Gesundheit
- 200158 SE Advanced Seminar: Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology - Achtsamkeitsforschung
- 200159 SE Advanced Seminar: Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology - Psychosomatik
- 200160 SE Advanced Seminar: Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology - Klinisch-psychologische Behandlung
- 200161 SE Advanced Seminar: Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology - Diagnostik in der Klinischen Neuropsychologie, Schwerpunkt Alter(n)
B4.2 Application and Special Thematic Fields (8 ECTS)
- 200147 SE Seminar in Applied Psychology: Mind and Brain - Data analyses for fMRI experiments
- 200148 SE Seminar in Applied Psychology: Mind and Brain - Meta-Analysen und systematische Reviews
- 200162 SE Anwendungsseminar: Klinische Psychologie und Gesundheitspsychologie - Klinische Psychologie rund um Schwangerschaft, Geburt und frühe Elternschaft
- 200163 SE Anwendungsseminar: Klinische Psychologie und Gesundheitspsychologie - Behandlungsmöglichkeiten von Traumafolgestörungen
- 200164 SE Anwendungsseminar: Klinische Psychologie und Gesundheitspsychologie - Tod und Sterben - psychologische Aspekte der Trauer
- 200165 SE Anwendungsseminar: Klinische Psychologie und Gesundheitspsychologie - Diagnostik und Intervention bei Schulkindern und Jugendlichen
- 200166 SE Anwendungsseminar: Klinische Psychologie und Gesundheitspsychologie - Stressmanagementtraining
- 200167 SE Anwendungsseminar: Klinische Psychologie und Gesundheitspsychologie - Wege der Stabilisierung im psychiatrischen Kontext
- 200168 SE Anwendungsseminar: Klinische Psychologie und Gesundheitspsychologie - Partnerschaftsstörungen und kindliches Befinden
- 200212 SE Anwendungsseminar: Klinische Psychologie und Gesundheitspsychologie - Humor
B4.3 Theory and Empirical Research (16 ECTS)
- 200169 SE Theory and Empirical Research (Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology) 1
- 200170 SE Theory and Empirical Research (Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology) 1
- 200171 SE [ en ] Theory and Empirical Research (Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology) 1
- 200172 SE Theory and Empirical Research (Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology) 2
- 200173 SE Theory and Empirical Research (Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology) 2
- 200174 SE [ en ] Theory and Empirical Research (Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology) 2
- 200175 SE Theory and Empirical Research (Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology) 2 - Differentielle Psychologie
- 200176 SE Theory and Empirical Research (Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology) 1
Master’s Thesis Seminars (4 ECTS)
Master’s Thesis Seminars (4 ECTS)
- 200177 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 200178 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 200179 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 200180 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 200181 SE [ en ] Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 200182 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 200183 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 200184 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 200185 SE [ en ] Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 200186 SE [ en ] Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 200187 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 200188 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 200189 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 200190 SE [ en ] Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 200191 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 200192 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 200193 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 200194 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 200195 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 200196 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 200197 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 200198 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 200211 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 200214 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
Last modified: Fr 08.01.2021 00:46