Universität Wien

WMN1 Elective Subjects: Individual Specialisation: Molecular Nutrition (compulsory module) (15 ECTS)

330014 VO Theories of Health Education and Health Promotion - for Master Study Programme Nutritional Sciences
330017 SE [en] International Nutrition Policy - Theory and Implementation
330022 VO History of nutrition - History of nutrition
330025 UE Sensory Evaluation of Foods (practice) - für Masterstudierende
330065 VO+SE Aspects of foods with relevance for immunology and technology - Probiotika und Nutrigenomics
330069 SE Instruction to scientific work - für Masterstudierende der Ernährungswissenschaften
330099 VO Food Additives - für Ernährungswissenschaften
330102 SE+UE Nutrition and Epigenetics, Methods and Epidemiologie - Molecular Epidemiology and Epigenetics

Last modified: Tu 26.01.2021 07:56