Second Stage of the Degree Programme
Teaching Methodology
- 126210 KU [ en ] ( PH-WIEN ) Practicum Coaching / Begleitende Lehrveranstaltung zum Schulpraktikum
- 126230 VK [ en ] MEd 01A/B: VK Specific Issues in Language Learning and Teaching / Specific Issues in EFL Teaching - Using Literature and Films in the EFL Classroom
- 126231 VK [ en ] MEd 01A/B: VK Specific Issues in Language Learning and Teaching / Specific Issues in EFL Teaching - Teaching English through a content and language integrated approach (CLIL)
- 126232 VK [ en ] MEd 01A/B: VK Specific Issues in Language Learning and Teaching / Specific Issues in EFL Teaching - Digital Education in the Literary Language Classroom
- 126233 VK [ en ] MEd 01A/B: VK Specific Issues in Language Learning and Teaching / Specific Issues in EFL Teaching - Technology enhanced language teaching
- 126240 FK [ en ] Assessment / EFL Testing and Assessment
- 126241 FK [ en ] Assessment / EFL Testing and Assessment
- 126242 FK [ en ] Assessment / EFL Testing and Assessment
- 126243 FK [ en ] Assessment / EFL Testing and Assessment
- 126245 FK [ en ] Assessment / EFL Testing and Assessment
- 126290 KO [ en ] Principles of English Language Teaching Methodology
Literary Studies
- 123210 VO [ en ] Literatures in English
- 123221 SE [ en ] Literary Seminar / BA Paper / MA British/Irish/New English - Shakespeare's War of the Roses
- 123223 SE [ en ] Literary Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA American/North American Lit./Studies - Human Enhancement and Artificial Intelligence in North American Fiction
- 123224 SE [ en ] Literary Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA American/North American Lit./Studies - Chromographies: Racial Fictions in Theory and Literature
- 123250 AR [ en ] Literature Course - Literature 1/2 (MA) American/North American & Cultural Studies - American Gay Plays, 1968 to the Present
- 123251 AR [ en ] Literature Course - Literature 1/2 (MA) British/Irish/New English & Cultural Studies - A bundle of laughs? Analysing humour
- 123252 AR [ en ] Literature Course - Literature 1/2 (MA) British/Irish/New English & Cultural Studies - The Unmarked Gender? Studying Masculinities
- 123423 SE [ en ] Literary & Cultural Studies Seminar / BA Paper / MA British/Irish/New English - 'Momoires': Remembering the Mother between Life-Writing and Fiction
- 123426 SE [ en ] Literary & Cultural Studies Seminar / BA Paper / MA British/Irish/New English - Plants in 19th-Century Short Fiction and Poetry
- 124220 SE [ en ] Cultural and Media Studies Seminar - Victorian Materialities
Language Competence
- 121140 UE [ en ] Language in Use 2
- 121210 UE [ en ] English in a Professional Context - World of Work I
- 121220 UE [ en ] English for Academic Purposes
- 121240 UE [ en ] Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills 2
- 120226 SE [ en ] MA Seminar - Focus: Functional and Cognitive Linguistics / Linguistics Seminar - English Idioms
- 120228 SE [ en ] MA Seminar - Focus: Historical / Linguistics Seminar - Diachronic Corpus Linguistics
- 122210 VO [ en ] Communication, Code and Culture
- 122220 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper
- 122221 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper - Reading and understanding spoken language
- 122222 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper - Subjectification
- 122250 AR [ en ] Advanced Course in Linguistics - Evolutionary Thinking in English Linguistics
- 122251 AR [ en ] Advanced Course in Linguistics - World Englishes
Elective Subject
- 124260 KO [ en ] Critical Media Analysis - Reclaiming the Frame: Introduction to Film Studies via Women’s Films
- 124261 KO [ en ] Critical Media Analysis - The Apocalyptic Imaginary: Fantasies of Extinction Across Media
- 124262 KO [ en ] Critical Media Analysis - Junk aesthetics and pillow talk - approaches to popular romance fiction
- 124263 KO [ en ] Critical Media Analysis - Filming Refugees - Gender, Mobility & Barbed Wire
- 124264 KO [ en ] Critical Media Analysis - Lights, Camera, Action! Critical Film Analysis and Alternative Media Production
- 124265 KO [ en ] Critical Media Analysis - Are superheroes democratizing masculinity practices? Superhero narratives and doing gender
- 124266 KO [ en ] Critical Media Analysis - Are superheroes democratizing masculinity practices? Superhero narratives and doing gender
Last modified: Fr 08.01.2021 00:46