Master Earth Sciences (815 [3] - Version 2020)
Compulsory Module Group (15 ECTS)
MA-ERD-1 Current Advances and Instrumental Analysis in Earth Sciences (9 ECTS)
- 280055 VO [ de en ] MA-ERD-1 Current Advances in Earth Sciences (NPI)
- 280056 VO MA-ERD-1 Instrumental Analysis in Earth Sciences (NPI)
MA-ERD-2 Masters Seminar (6 ECTS)
- 280058 SE MA-ERD-2 Masters Seminar 2 (PI)
Focus (35 ECTS)
Compulsory Modules with Focus on Geology
MA-ERD-G-1 Mathematical Methods in Earth Sciences (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-G-2 Termodynamics of Geomaterials (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-G-3 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-G-4 Lithospheric Dynamics (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-G-5 Geochronology (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-G-6 Quantitative Structural Geology und Tectonics (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-G-7 Advanced Geological Mapping (5 ECTS)
Compulsory Modules with Focus on Mineralogy and Geomaterials
MA-ERD-M-1 Mathematical Methods in Earth Sciences (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-M-2 Thermodynamics of Geomaterials (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-M-3 Crystallography (5 ECTS)
- 280068 VU MA-ERD-M-3 Crystallography (PI)
MA-ERD-M-4 Structural Chemistry and Real Structure of Geomaterials (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-M-5 Diffraction Methods (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-M-6 Mineral Spectroscopy - Electronic Spectroscopy (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-M-7 Mineral Spectroscopy - Vibration Spectroscopy (5 ECTS)
Compulsory Modules with Focus on Paleobiology and Geobiology
MA-ERD-P-1 Statistics in Earth Sciences (5 ECTS)
- 280073 VU [ en ] MA-ERD-P-1 Statistics in Earth Sciences (PI)
MA-ERD-P-2 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-P-3 Functional Morphology (5 ECTS)
- 280075 VU [ de en ] MA-ERD-P-3 Functional Morphology (PI)
MA-ERD-P-4 Actuopaleontology (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-P-5 Evolution and Diversity Research (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-P-6 Climate Change Through Time (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-P-7 Geobiology (5 ECTS)
- 280079 VU MA-ERD-P-7 Geobiology (PI)
Compulsory Modules with Focus on Applied Geosciences
MA-ERD-A-1 Mathematical Methods in Earth Sciences (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-A-2 Applied Tectonics and Structural Geology (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-A-3 Geotechnical and Applied Mineralogy (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-A-4 Groundwater Systems (10 ECTS)
MA-ERD-A-5 Biogeochemistry of Pollutants and Nutrients (10 ECTS)
Elective Modules (40 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-1.1 Individual Specialisation (10 ECTS)
- 233060 UE [ de en ] Science in Society Laboratories
- 260068 VO Lecture series: The societal responsibility of higher education institutions - perspectives for a future without war
- 280165 SE MA-ERD-W-1.1 Introduction to the collections of the geological archive (PI) - Geologische Forschungen und deren historische Quellen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
- 280166 VO+SE MA-ERD-W-1.1 Geology and Stratigraphy of Continental Basins (PI)
- 280167 VU [ de en ] MA-ERD-W-1.1 Biomineralisation und Sclerochronology (PI)
- 280168 VU [ en ] MA-ERD-W-1.1 Taphonomy of sediment cores (PI)
- 280169 VU MA-ERD-W-1.1 Stratigraphic Paleobiology in the Pliocene of Spain (PI)
- 280170 VU MA-ERD-W-1.1 Historical ecology of molluscan assemblages (PI)
- 290055 VO [ en ] Climate Change and Climate Crisis. Future perspectives and concepts.
- 490400 VU PM1 Digital Transformations
MA-ERD-W-1.2 Indiv. Research Project Mineralogy, Geomaterials and Applied Earth Sciences (5 ECTS)
- 280094 PR MA-ERD-W-1.2 Indiv. Research Project Mineralogy, Geomaterials and Applied Earth Sciences (PI)
MA-ERD-W-1.3 Individual Research Project Geology, Paleobiology and Geobiology (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-1.4 Earth Science Excursions I (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-1.5 Earth Science Excursions II (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-2.1 Mathematical Methods in Earth Sciences (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-2.2 Statistics in Earth Sciences (5 ECTS)
- 280073 VU [ en ] MA-ERD-P-1 Statistics in Earth Sciences (PI)
MA-ERD-W-2.3 Thermodynamics of Geomaterials (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-2.4 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-2.5 Lithospheric Dynamics (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-2.6 Geochronology (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-2.7 Quantitative Structural Geology and Tectonics (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-2.8 Advanced Geological Mapping (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-2.9 Crystallography (5 ECTS)
- 280068 VU MA-ERD-M-3 Crystallography (PI)
MA-ERD-W-2.10 Structural Chemistry and Real Structure of Geomaterials (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-2.11 Diffraction Methods (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-2.12 Mineral Spectroscopy - Electronic Spectroscopy (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-2.13 Mineral Spectroscopy - Vibration Spectroscopy (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-2.14 Functional Morphology (5 ECTS)
- 280075 VU [ de en ] MA-ERD-P-3 Functional Morphology (PI)
MA-ERD-W-2.15 Actuopalaeontology (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-2.16 Evolution and Diversity Research (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-2.17 Climate Change Through Time (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-2.18 Geobiology (5 ECTS)
- 280079 VU MA-ERD-P-7 Geobiology (PI)
MA-ERD-W-2.19 Applied Tectonics and Structural Geology (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-2.20 Geotechnical and Applied mineralogy (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-2.21 Groundwater Systems (10 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-2.22 Biogeochemistry of Pollutants and Nutrients (10 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.1 Elemental Analysis with the Electron Probe Microanalyser (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.2 Scanning Electron Microscopy (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.3 Field emission scanning electron microscopy and ion beam applications (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.4 Phase Analysis with Powder Diffractometry (4 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.5 Experimental Mineralogy and Petrology (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.6 Kinetics of Geological Materials (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.7 Magmatic Processes and Crust Formation (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.8 Mineral Deposits and Economic Geology (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.9 Reflected Light Microscopy of Ore Deposits (3 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.10 Planetary Geology (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.11 Regional Geology (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.12 Digital Field Methods (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.13 Glacial Sedimentology and Quaternary Geology (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.14 Advanced Stratigraphy and Carbonate Sedimentology (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.15 Applied Petroleum Geology and Seismic Interpretation (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.16 Karst Hydrology, Karst Morphology and Water Extraction (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.17 Active Tectonics (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.18 Microstructures in Geomaterials (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.19 Mineral Physics and Transformations (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.20 Applied Crystal Structure Determination (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.21 Gemstones as Geomaterials (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.22 Nuclear Waste Repository and Radiation Damage (3 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.23 Vertebrate Evolution (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.24 Microorganisms and their Applications (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.25 Paleobotany (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-3.26 Palaebiological Environmental Protection and Historical Ecology (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-4.1 Field and Laboratory Course Geochemistry of Bio-Mineral Interactions (10 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-4.2 Inorganic and Organic Pollutants in the Environment (10 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-4.3 Soil and Groundwater Remediation (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-4.4 Field and Laboratory Course Groundwater and Pollutants (10 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-4.5 Fate of Emerging Organic Pollutants (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-4.6 Environmental Interface Chemistry (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-4.7 Methods in Environmental Chemistry and Biogeochemistry (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-4.8 Nanoparticles in the Environment (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-4.9 Geomorphology, Natural Hazards and Risk Research (7 ECTS)
- 290212 VU [ en ] Scientific Progress in Natural Hazards and Disaster Management
MA-ERD-W-4.10 Geoecology and Quaternary Research (6 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-4.11 Applied Geophysics (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-W-4.12 Introduction to Environmental Chemistry (15 ECTS)
- 280162 VU [ en ] MA-ERD-W-4.12 Introduction to Environmental Chemistry (PI)
MA-ERD-W-4.13 Individual Research Project Environmental Sciences (10 ECTS)
Last modified: Fr 08.01.2021 00:46