FTH 26 Theological Extension Course III (15 ECTS)
Es sind drei Seminare aus verschiedenen Fachbereichen der Katholischen Theologie, davon eines aus dem Fach der Diplomarbeit, zu absolvieren.
a) Christian Philosophy
- 010107 SE ( REMOTE ) The Discourse on Modernity in Latin American Philosophy
b) Social Ethics
- 010099 FS ( REMOTE ) Research Seminar
- 010119 SE ( REMOTE ) Ethics as the focus of the Christian-Islamic dialogue
c) Religious Studies
d) Old Testament
e) New Testament
- 010038 SE ( REMOTE ) The Historical Jesus - the Christ of Our Faith? - A Discussion between New Testament Exegesis and Catholic Dogmatics
f) Theology and History of the Christian East
- 010053 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Introduction to Eastern Orthodox canon Law
- 010057 SE ( REMOTE ) Orthodox Liturgy and Iconography - a byzantine symbiosis and its actual relevance - Eastern Orthodox Liturgics
- 010089 SE ( REMOTE ) Icons: Basics, Approaches, Practice
- 010115 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) The Mother of God in the Patristic and Byzantine Tradition - Theology and Spirituality of the Eastern Church Fathers
g) Church History
- 010013 SE ( REMOTE ) The History of Priestly Celibacy
- 010041 FS ( REMOTE ) The Church. Forms and patterns of ecclesiology in medieval theology
h) Theology of Spirituality
i) Fundamental Theology
- 010029 FS ( REMOTE ) Hegel's Science of Logic. The Idea of the Good
- 010030 FS ( REMOTE ) Schelling´s System of Transcendental Idealism and Further Writings
- 010051 FS ( REMOTE ) Research Seminar for Graduands - Diplomand*innen-, Dissertant*innen- und Habilitand*innenseminar
- 010078 SE ( REMOTE ) Spiritual abuse and Gender - Gender-related Reflections on Religious Seduction, Violence and Prevention
- 010106 SE ( REMOTE ) Contexts of Sacral Music II. The many voices of Babel
j) Liturgical Studies
- 010020 SE ( REMOTE ) Liturgy and Covid-19. Challenges, Measures and Chances
- 010074 FS [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Current Research Questions in Liturgical Studies and Sacramental Theology
k) Dogmatics
- 010026 SE ( REMOTE ) Concepts of Systematic Theology
- 010118 SE ( REMOTE ) The priestly office in crisis? Theological considerations
l) Theological Ethics
- 010032 SE ( REMOTE ) Clinical Rounds
- 010101 FS ( REMOTE ) Embodied Ethics. On the Significance of Bodies in Theological-Ethical Reflection
- 010102 FS [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Aquinas´s Treatise on Human Acts (ST I-II, qq. 1-21)
- 010103 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) New Technologies, Transhumanism and Theological Ethics
- 010109 SE ( REMOTE ) Catholic moral theology from the perspective of its critics
- 360009 FS ( REMOTE ) Issues and Topics of Current Theological Research
m) Canon Law
- 010086 FS ( REMOTE ) Church and Money. The Law on the Temporal Goods of the Church
- 010097 SE ( REMOTE ) Did Christianity shape law in Europe? - A Walk through the History and Sources of Canon law
n) Pastoral Theology
- 010016 SE ( REMOTE ) Seminar in Preaching
- 010017 SE ( REMOTE ) The current pastoral challenges in the countries of Southern Europe
- 010098 SE ( REMOTE ) Formation of values - opportunity and challenge for society and church
o) Religious Pedagogics
- 010112 SE ( REMOTE ) Dialogical-confessional Religious Education
Last modified: Fr 25.06.2021 02:04