FRE: Free Advanced Module: Topics in Musicology (12 ECTS)
In diesem Modul können alle Lehrveranstaltungen, die prinzipiell für den BA Musikwissenschaft anrechenbar sind, absoviert werden.
- 160005 PS What's Popular? Exploring Music Theatre (18th-20th Century)
- 160006 UE Current Musicology
- 160007 UE Ethnographic Methods in Music and Dance Research
- 160008 EX Ethnographic Methods in Music and Dance Research: Excursion to a Music Festival
- 160011 PS Music and Dance as Modalities of Cultural and Embodied Remembering
- 160012 VO From Postserialism to Flower Power: Music in the 1960s
- 160015 PS ( MIXED ) "O Schmerz!" Passion Settings From the 16th Century to the Present Time
- 160017 VO The Singing World: Indigenous Music Traditions from South America
- 160020 UE "... mit vortrefflicher Stimme, vom Kaiser berufen": Topics and Methods of Research on Singers - by the Example of The Viennese Court Chapel (ca. 1700-1750)
- 160021 PS Strings, Reeds and Membranes - Fundamentals of the Acoustics of Music Instruments
- 160024 VO Psychology of Music 1: Media and Myths with Might and Methods
- 160026 VO Music of the World - Overview II
- 160029 UE Quantitative and Empirical Methods in Music Psychology II: Execution
- 160052 VO African Music I
- 160062 UE [ en ] Music in the Early Colonial World
- 160063 UE Music in the Age of #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter - Contemporary Approaches to Ethnicity, Gender, and Sexuality in Opera
- 160064 UE Use of Music in Every-Day Life
- 160066 VO Introduction to Music Traditions of the Mediterranean Island of Crete
- 160069 VO Viennese Music History (From the Beginning of the Early Modern Period to the Beginning of Modernity)
- 160072 VO The Sound of Nature: A Balancing Act Between Theory and Practice - Why We Can Hear Bells and Surf Waves
- 160073 UE Cultural Transfer in 17th- and 18th-Century German Opera
- 160074 UE Books - Chant - Liturgy. Introduction to the Sources of Medieval Liturgical Monody
- 160077 PS Benny Goodman and 1930s/40s Music Culture of the United States
- 160078 VO Music History II
- 160079 UE "The Time of My Life": Experiencing Time in Medieval and Renaissance Music
Last modified: Fr 25.06.2021 02:04