M2 Practice - Society - Culture
- 020024 SE Philosophy - Die Religionsphilosophie P. Tillichs
- 142158 VO From the Origin and the Global of Zen Buddhism - The Example of Dogens "shobo genzo"
- 180002 SE ( REMOTE ) Schiller - Über die ästhetische Erziehung des Menschen in einer Reihe von Briefen
- 180003 SE ( REMOTE ) Developing all human potential - The concept of >Bildung< in classical German Philosophy
- 180038 VO ( REMOTE ) Contemporary Problems of Indian Philosophies - Postcolonial Theories, Hindutva, Philosophy of the Spirit
- 180039 VO ( REMOTE ) Image philosophy and image politics in an intercultural and global perspective
- 180050 SE ( REMOTE ) Wittgenstein and Literature
- 180053 VO ( REMOTE ) Simone de Beauvoir and Jean Améry on age(ing)
- 180054 VO ( REMOTE ) Political ethics
- 180057 SE ( REMOTE ) Philosophy, art, holocaust
- 180058 VO-L ( REMOTE ) Introduction to Trans- and Posthumanism
- 180074 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) H.L.A. Hart, The Concept of Law (1961, Third edition 2012) - A seminar on a classical work of legal philosophy with reference to current debates about legal positivism versus natural law
- 180075 SE ( REMOTE ) Theories of Assembly
- 180077 SE ( REMOTE ) Orientation
- 180117 SE ( REMOTE ) Technology as a cultural form
- 180121 VO ( REMOTE ) The criticism of the critics
- 180129 VO ( REMOTE ) Ringvorlesung Responsibility/ies and Agency - Gendered Challenges
- 180130 VO-L ( REMOTE ) Applied Phenomenology
- 180136 VO [ en ] The Story of Economic Ideas: Economic Theories and Methodological Positions - Part II, 20th Century
- 180141 SE [ en ] Game theory as a philosopical tool
- 180143 SE ( REMOTE ) Body: Machines - Evolution and Technology
- 180155 VO-L ( REMOTE ) metaethics
- 180156 VO ( REMOTE ) Science and democracy
- 180162 SE ( REMOTE ) Sexuation - Psychoanalytic Perspectives
- 180163 VO ( REMOTE ) VO-L Socialism intercultural
- 180164 SE ( REMOTE ) Critical Theory and Chinese Philosophy in Conversation
Last modified: Th 17.03.2022 07:16