UF MA PP 02B Focus Practical Philosophy - Alternative Mandatory Module (8 ECTS)
UF MA PP 02B - Lecture Course in Theoretical Philosophy (VO)
- 010117 VO ( REMOTE ) Hermeneutics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Science
- 180023 VO-L ( REMOTE ) Modern First Philosophy 17.-21. century
- 180034 VO-L ( REMOTE ) Innovation, cognition and knowledge generation (summer course) - (Sommerkurs)
- 180045 VO ( REMOTE ) Bolzano's metaphysics
- 180046 VO [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Current Developments in Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Sciene
- 180059 VO-L ( REMOTE ) Modern philosophy
- 180127 VO ( REMOTE KPH Krems ) Speaking and understanding
- 180128 VO [ en ] Philosophy of Mind
- 180155 VO-L ( REMOTE ) metaethics
- 180157 VO-L ( REMOTE ) Transcendental Logic
- 180160 VO ( REMOTE ) VO-L Introduction to Analytical Metaphysics
UF MA PP 02B - Seminar in Practical Philosophy (SE)
- 180070 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Habits
- 180074 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) H.L.A. Hart, The Concept of Law (1961, Third edition 2012) - A seminar on a classical work of legal philosophy with reference to current debates about legal positivism versus natural law
- 180075 SE ( REMOTE ) Theories of Assembly
- 180077 SE ( REMOTE ) Orientation
Last modified: Fr 25.06.2021 02:04