Universität Wien

Introductory Stage (Module 1-3)

030133 VO (REMOTEOVSTEOP) Introduction to law and its methods
030765 PF (REMOTESTEOP) StEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise - Sachenrecht
030331 KU (REMOTE) Digest Exegesis
030392 KU (REMOTE) Roman Society - Law of Persons / Family
030656 KU (REMOTE) Digest Exegesis
030664 KU (REMOTE) Digest Exegesis
030183 UE (REMOTE) Exercise on Civilian Foundations - September 2021 Block
030549 SE (REMOTE) Furtum. Case Studies on the Delict of Theft in Roman Law - for diploma and doctoral students
030745 SE (REMOTE) ABGB, Roman Law, and Comparative Law - also for diploma and doctoral students
030750 SE (REMOTE) "Progress in Private Law": Seminal Roman Legat Texts - auch für Diplomand*innen und Dissertant*innen
030120 VO (REMOTE) Lecture in legal and constitutional history of modern times - History of private law
030376 VO (REMOTE) Lecture on legal and constitutional history - Constitutional history
030175 UE (REMOTE) Practical exercise on history of private law - Block im Mai und Juni
030293 UE (REMOTE) Practical exercise on legal constitutional history - ausgewählte Schwerpunkte aus dem gesamten Fach
030078 SE (REMOTE) Seminar: History of Marriage Law - for diploma and doctoral students
030256 SE (REMOTE) Seminar european and comparative history of law - for diploma and doctoral students
030393 SE (REMOTE) SE Constitutional History - for diploma and doctoral students
030418 SE (REMOTE) Seminar: Famous Trials II - for diploma students
030560 SE (REMOTE) Methods of Comparative Law - From the origin of comparative law to post-modern criticism (seminar for diploma and doctoral students)
030566 MC [en] (REMOTE) Ius Commune Moot Court - Imperial Aulic Council
030684 SE (REMOTE) Seminar on legal and constitutional history - for diploma and doctoral students
030727 SE (REMOTE) Seminar: Legal history & legal gender studies: "Womens's work on the test bench" - Historical developments and current challenges from gender pay gap to pandemic (for diploma and doctoral students)
030141 KU (REMOTE) History of international law
030498 KU (REMOTE) History of Constitutional and Administrative Justice - Verfassungs- und Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit
030559 KU (REMOTE) Globalisation and Legal Pluralism - Focus Area: Human Rigths
030833 KU (REMOTE) Introduction tinto Legal Writing - including an introduction into the Austrian Land Register and Commercial Register and othner juristic databases
030853 KU [en] (REMOTE) Law Crossing Borders - Practices
030612 VO (REMOTE) Introduction to EU Law - European Constitutional Law - Grundlagen des Europarechts - Europäisches Verfassungsrecht: Grundlagen und Institutionen
030508 UE (REMOTE) Preparation for FÜM I - European Law - Block LV zur Vorbereitung auf den Prüfungstermin April 2021
030477 VO (REMOTE) Introduction into International Law - Introduction into International Basics of Law
030532 UE (REMOTE) Preparatory Course for the exam "FÜM I"- Introduction to International Law - Special preparation for the written exam "FÜM I" with a focus on case discussions
030040 KU (REMOTE) Legal Research
030367 KU (REMOTE) Legal research in the cross-border context - Fiinding sources of law with special consideration to public international, EU law and selected foreign legal orders
030833 KU (REMOTE) Introduction tinto Legal Writing - including an introduction into the Austrian Land Register and Commercial Register and othner juristic databases

Last modified: Fr 25.06.2021 02:04