Bachelor Pharmacy (305)
(GZ.52.355/11-VII/D/2/2002, ab WS 02/03)
B0 Supplementary Exam Latin
- EXAM REMOTE Latin for Pharmacists I
- EXAM REMOTE Latin for Pharmacists II
- 320055 VO Latin for Pharmacists II
B1 StEOP - Introduction to Pharmacy (4 ECTS)
- EXAM COMM ON-SITE Steop Introduction to Pharmaceutical Sciences - BA1 - B1
- 321000 VO ( OV ) Orientation - Pharmacy
B2 StEOP - Biological and Chemical Principles of Pharmacy (12 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE Steop Biology for Pharmacy Students- BA2 - B2
- 321003 VU ( STEOP ) Steop General Chemistry for Pharmacy Students - B2
B3 Introduction to Physics and Physical Chemistry (6 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE Statistics for Pharmacy Students - BA7 - B3
B4 Principles of Pharmacopoeial Analysis (8 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE Principles of Pharmacopoeial Analysis - BA6 - B4
- EXAM ON-SITE Principles of Chemical Calculations - B4
B5 Chemical Pharmacopoeial Analysis (4 ECTS)
- 321009 PR Chemical Pharmacopoeial Analysis - B5 - (5 Kurse)
- 321109 PR ( ON-SITE ) Chemical Pharmacopoeial Analysis - B5 - (5 Kurse)
B6 Principles of Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1 (11 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE Bioorganic Chemistry - B6
- 321010 VO Principles of Drug Synthesis - B6
- 321011 VO Bioorganic Chemistry - B6
B7 Principles of Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2 (10 ECTS)
- 321012 VU Nomenclature of Drugs - B7
- 321013 PR ( ON-SITE ) Drug Synthesis - Laboratory Course - B7 - (5 Kurse)
B8 Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology (15 ECTS)
- 321014 VO Anatomy and Physiology - B8
- 321015 VO Pathophysiology - B8
B9 Instrumental Pharmaceutical Analytics (4 ECTS)
B10 Molekulare Biologie und Biotechnologie (14 ECTS)
B11 Principles of Pharmacology, Toxicology, Pharmakokinetics and Dietetics (9 ECTS)
- 321019 VU General Toxicology - B11
- 321020 VO Introduction to General Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics - B11
- 321021 VU ( ON-SITE ) General Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics - Laboratory Course - B11 - (7 Kurse)
- 321022 VO Dietetics - B11
- 321121 VU ( ON-SITE ) General Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics - Laboratory Course - B11 - (3 Kurse)
B12 Drug Analysis (13 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE Methods of Separation and Analysis of Organic Drugs including Bioanalytical Methods - BA23 - BA12
- 321023 VO Methods of Separation and Analysis of Org. Drugs incl. Bioanalytical Methods - BA12
- 321024 PR ( ON-SITE ) Drug Analysis - B12 - (5 Kurse)
B13 Pharmaceutical Imaging (6 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE Introduction to Pharmaceutical Imaging - BA25 - B13
- 321025 VO Introduction to Pharmaceutical Imaging - B13
- 321026 VU ( ON-SITE ) Pharmaceutical Imaging - B13 - (5 Kurse)
- 321126 VU ( ON-SITE ) Pharmaceutical Imaging - B13 - (2 Kurse)
B14 Hygienics, Microbiology and Infectiology (4 ECTS)
B15 Pharmaceutical Chemistry (16 ECTS)
- EXAM REMOTE MIXED Pharmaceutical Chemistry - BA28/ BA29 - B15
- 321029 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2 - B15
B16 Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics (10 ECTS)
B17 Biochemical, Microbiological and Advanced Pharmaceutical-Chemical Techniques (8 ECTS)
- 321031 PR ( ON-SITE ) Biochemical Methods and Advanced Pharmaceutial - Chemical Techniques - B17 - (6 Kurse)
- 321032 PR ( ON-SITE ) Laboratory Course in Microbiology - B17 - (5 Kurse)
- 321131 PR ( ON-SITE ) Biochemical Methods and Advanced Pharmaceutial - Chemical Techniques - B17 - (6 Kurse)
B18 Prodcution and Quality Control in Pharmaceutical Technology (10 ECTS)
- 321033 VO Introduction to Production and Quality Control in Pharmaceutical Technology - B18
- 321034 PR ( ON-SITE ) Production and Quality Control in Pharmaceutical Technology - B18 - (6 Kurse)
- 321134 PR ( ON-SITE ) Production and Quality Control in Pharmaceutical Technology - BA34 - B18 - (3 Kurse)
B19 Pharmaceutical Quality of Drugs from Biological Sources (10 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE Pharmaceutical Quality of Drugs from Biological Sources - BA35 - B19
- 321035 VO Pharmaceutical Quality of Drugs from Biological Sources - B19
- 321036 PR ( ON-SITE ) Analysis of Herbal Drugs - B19 - (5 Kurse)
- 321136 PR ( ON-SITE ) Analysis of Herbal Drugs - B19 - (1 Kurs)
B20 Pharmaceutical Sciences (Bachelor Module) (6 ECTS)
- 321037 VU Pharmaceutical Sciences - B20
Last modified: Th 01.07.2021 16:15