Universität Wien

M1 Introduction to Focuses: Media Theories and History of the Media (20 ECTS)

170310 VO (REMOTE) Lecture: The History of Film - Vampires! From Nosferatu to Netflix.
170320 VO (REMOTE) Lecture: The History of Media - Genesis of digital operative space - Media theoretical approaches
210053 VO (MIXED) BAK9: SpezialVO Political Theories and Research on Theories - TERRORISM and other forms of political violence
210070 VO (REMOTE) BAK13: SpezialVO State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses - Theories of party competition
210101 VO (REMOTE) M3: SpezialVO Political Theories and Research on Theory - Democratic principles: freedom, equality, solidarity, popular sovereignty
210105 VO (MIXED) M4: SpezialVO International Politics and Development - Introduction to social science research in Latin America
210112 VO (REMOTE) M6: SpezialVO Austrian Politics - Shoah. The Political Process of the Extermination of jews
230130 VO (REMOTE) Sociological methodology and methods - Basics, critique, and new developments in empirical research

Last modified: We 30.06.2021 10:58