2.6.2. Weitere Lehrveranstaltungen
- 260023 VO Physics of the Earth - Physics of the Earth
- 260043 VO Basic Elasticity, Viscoelasticity and Plasticity - Basic Elasticity, Viscoelasticity and Plasticity
- 260065 VO Computational Quantummechanics - Computational Quantummechanics
- 260078 VO Introd. Solid State Phys.(electronic prop.) - Introduction to Solid State Physics (Electronic Properties)
- 260086 VO Introduction into Electron Microscopy II - Introduction into Electron Microscopy II
- 260143 VO Theoretische Festkörperphysik II - Theoretische Festkörperphysik II
- 260212 VO Neutron and solid state physics - Neutron and solid state physics
- 260279 VO Phase transitions in solids: Statistical Models - Phase transitions in solids: Statistical Models
- 260033 SE Recent Topics of Materials Physics - Recent Topics of Materials Physics (Electron Microscopical Studies)
- 260226 SE Seminar of the Institute of Materials Physics - Seminar of the Institute of Materials Physics
- 260107 SE Ausgewählte Kapitel der Festkörperspektroskopie - Ausgewählte Kapitel der Festkörperspektroskopie
- 260187 SE Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State Physics - Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State Physics
- 260053 SE Recent Results in Solid State Spectroscopy - Recent Results in Solid State Spectroscopy
- 260039 SE Defekte, Kinetik aktueller Legierungssysteme - Defekte, Kinetik und elektronische Struktur aktueller Legierungssysteme
- 260066 SE Seminar Anwendungen von Hochtemperatursupraleitern - Seminar über Anwendungen von Hochtemperatursupraleitern
- 260105 SE Electron Microscopical Methods (TEM) - Electron Microscopical Methods (TEM)
- 260229 SE Seminar: Theorie der Kondens. Materie - Seminar: Theorie der Kondens. Materie
- 260147 SE Ordnung in Legierungen - Ordnung in Legierungen
- 260100 VO Modelling of crystal behaviour and textures - Modelling of crystal behaviour and textures under plastic deformation
- 260109 SE Texture development in Severe Plastic Deformation - Texture development in Severe Plastic Deformation (i.e. Equal Channel Angular Extrusion); experiments and modelling
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34