Bachelor Musicology (636 [3] - Version 2016)
Introductory and Orientation Period (16 ECTS)
STEOP1 Compulsory module: Principles of Music (4 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE STEOP: Principles of Music
- 160001 VO ( MIXED STEOP ) Principles of Music
STEOP2 Compulsory module: Overview of Musicology (12 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE STEOP: Survey in Musicology
- 160002 VO ( REMOTE STEOP ) Survey in Historical Musicology
- 160003 VO ( REMOTE OV STEOP ) Survey in Ethnomusicology
- 160004 VO ( REMOTE STEOP ) Survey in Systematic Musicology
Group of compulsory modules: Academic Writing and Research Methods (37 ECTS)
ARB Compulsory module: Academic Working Methods (5 ECTS)
- 160040 UE ( ON-SITE ) Academic Working Methods in Musicology
PRO Compulsory module: Introductory Seminars (12 ECTS)
- 160017 PS ( ON-SITE ) From Praia to Rio: Popular Music from Lusophone Countries
- 160019 PS ( ON-SITE ) Italian Opera in European Context: George Frideric Handel
- 160021 PS ( ON-SITE ) Synthesizers, Sound FX and Samplers - Their History and Functionality
- 160030 PS ( ON-SITE ) Musical Souces of the 15th and 16th Century - Production Processes, Organisation of Repertoire, Usage
- 160060 PS ( MIXED ) From Realism to Fantasy: 19th-Century Russian Operas
BAC Compulsory module: Bachelor’s Seminars (20 ECTS)
- 160005 SE ( ON-SITE ) Berlin in the 1920s: Music, Theatre, Media
- 160007 SE ( ON-SITE ) LIVE and Open-air. Festivalization, Representation and Politics at Music and Dance Festivals
- 160013 SE ( ON-SITE ) Paragon of Virtue, Faith and Beauty: Mary in the Music of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries
- 160016 SE ( ON-SITE ) His Master’s Voice: Vocality and Voice Studies in Ethnomusicology
- 160020 SE ( ON-SITE ) Auditory Scene Analysis and Acoustical Illusions
- 160028 SE ( ON-SITE ) Physics and Perception of Timbre - Theories and Recent Developments
- 160050 SE ( MIXED ) Nuns - Trobairitz - Nobles. Women in Medieval and Renaissance Music
- 160066 SE ( ON-SITE ) Music at Sankt Stephan
- 160070 SE ( ON-SITE ) No is a Power, Anytime, Anyplace: Punk and Post-punk Since 1980
- 160075 SE ( ON-SITE ) Melodic and Rhythmic Structures of Turkish Music
- 160077 SE ( ON-SITE ) Mechanisms and Protagonists in the Opera Industry: Singers and Impresarios around 1900
Compulsory Modules (61 ECTS)
TON: Harmony, Counterpoint and Analysis (15 ECTS)
- 160041 UE ( ON-SITE ) Harmony 1
- 160042 UE ( ON-SITE ) Harmony 2
- 160043 UE ( ON-SITE ) Forms of Atonal Music. Possibilities and Methods of Their Analysis
HIS: Principles of Historical Musicology (13 ECTS)
- 160012 VO ( MIXED ) Foundations of Music since 1600 - Methods and Question of Historical Musicology
- 160045 UE ( ON-SITE ) Introduction to Musical Palaeography
MUG: Music History (8 ECTS)
- 160010 VO ( REMOTE ) Music History III
ETH: Ethnomusicology (10 ECTS)
- 160015 VO ( MIXED ) Introduction to Ethnomusicology
- 160026 UE ( ON-SITE ) Ethnomusicological Fieldwork Methods
SYS: Systematic Musicology (10 ECTS)
- 160029 UE ( ON-SITE ) Introduction to the Physiology of Hearing and Psychoacoustics
- 160074 UE ( ON-SITE ) Digitisation, Analysis and Visualisation of Audio Data
POP: Popular music (5 ECTS)
- 160031 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction to Popular Music
Group of Elective Modules (36 ECTS)
HIS-V1 Elective module: Advanced Historical Musicology - Music until 1600 (12 ECTS)
- 160030 PS ( ON-SITE ) Musical Souces of the 15th and 16th Century - Production Processes, Organisation of Repertoire, Usage
- 160062 VO ( REMOTE ) Between Humanism, Court, and Republic: "Opera" - from its Origins in the 16th Century until its Further Venetian Development in the Early Decades of the 17th Century
- 160064 UE ( ON-SITE ) "Cantiones vulgo mutetas" - Musical Culture of the 16th Century in the Mirror of the Motet
- 160069 PR ( ON-SITE ) Exploring Medieval Plainchant Manuscripts of the Austrian National Library
HIS-V2: Advanced Historical Musicology - Music since 1600 (12 ECTS)
- 160006 UE ( ON-SITE ) Opera on Screen
- 160010 VO ( REMOTE ) Music History III
- 160019 PS ( ON-SITE ) Italian Opera in European Context: George Frideric Handel
- 160051 VO ( REMOTE ) A. Vivaldi's "Quattro stagioni" as an Imitation of Nature
- 160060 PS ( MIXED ) From Realism to Fantasy: 19th-Century Russian Operas
- 160061 VO ( REMOTE ) A History of Popular Music in Film
- 160062 VO ( REMOTE ) Between Humanism, Court, and Republic: "Opera" - from its Origins in the 16th Century until its Further Venetian Development in the Early Decades of the 17th Century
- 160073 UE ( ON-SITE ) Shakespeare and European Opera
- 160076 UE ( ON-SITE ) Interpreting Beethoven in the 19th and 20th Centuries: History and (Hi)stories
ETH-V: Advanced Ethnomusicology (12 ECTS)
- 160008 UE ( ON-SITE ) Afterparty. Reflexivity, Methods and Analysis of an Ethnographic Research at Festivals in Vienna
- 160017 PS ( ON-SITE ) From Praia to Rio: Popular Music from Lusophone Countries
- 160025 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction to the Music of Oceania
- 160032 VO ( REMOTE ) Music of the World - Overview I
- 160078 UE ( MIXED ) Applied Ethnomusicology
SYS-V: Advanced Systematic Musicology (12 ECTS)
- 160021 PS ( ON-SITE ) Synthesizers, Sound FX and Samplers - Their History and Functionality
- 160023 VO ( REMOTE ) Music Psychology 2 - Processing, Perception, Performance & Pitch
- 160024 UE ( ON-SITE ) Virtuosity, Creativity, Improvisation: Empirical Challenges - - for Constructs, Methods and Digitisation
- 160072 PR ( ON-SITE ) Practical Introduction to the Application of Room Acoustic Measurement Techniques & Analysis Methods
POP-V: Advanced Popular Music (12 ECTS)
- 160025 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction to the Music of Oceania
- 160061 VO ( REMOTE ) A History of Popular Music in Film
- 160063 UE ( ON-SITE ) The Eurovision Song Contest as a Global Phenomenon - Methodically Updated Approaches
PRX: Practical Applications of Musicology (12 ECTS)
- 160067 PR ( ON-SITE ) Working with Music Sources (18th & 19th Century)
- 160068 PR ( ON-SITE ) Introduction to Digital Musicology
- 160069 PR ( ON-SITE ) Exploring Medieval Plainchant Manuscripts of the Austrian National Library
- 160072 PR ( ON-SITE ) Practical Introduction to the Application of Room Acoustic Measurement Techniques & Analysis Methods
- 160078 UE ( MIXED ) Applied Ethnomusicology
- 170721 UE ( ON-SITE ) Discussing musical theatre
FRE: Free Advanced Module: Topics in Musicology (12 ECTS)
- 160006 UE ( ON-SITE ) Opera on Screen
- 160008 UE ( ON-SITE ) Afterparty. Reflexivity, Methods and Analysis of an Ethnographic Research at Festivals in Vienna
- 160010 VO ( REMOTE ) Music History III
- 160017 PS ( ON-SITE ) From Praia to Rio: Popular Music from Lusophone Countries
- 160019 PS ( ON-SITE ) Italian Opera in European Context: George Frideric Handel
- 160021 PS ( ON-SITE ) Synthesizers, Sound FX and Samplers - Their History and Functionality
- 160023 VO ( REMOTE ) Music Psychology 2 - Processing, Perception, Performance & Pitch
- 160024 UE ( ON-SITE ) Virtuosity, Creativity, Improvisation: Empirical Challenges - - for Constructs, Methods and Digitisation
- 160025 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction to the Music of Oceania
- 160030 PS ( ON-SITE ) Musical Souces of the 15th and 16th Century - Production Processes, Organisation of Repertoire, Usage
- 160032 VO ( REMOTE ) Music of the World - Overview I
- 160051 VO ( REMOTE ) A. Vivaldi's "Quattro stagioni" as an Imitation of Nature
- 160060 PS ( MIXED ) From Realism to Fantasy: 19th-Century Russian Operas
- 160061 VO ( REMOTE ) A History of Popular Music in Film
- 160062 VO ( REMOTE ) Between Humanism, Court, and Republic: "Opera" - from its Origins in the 16th Century until its Further Venetian Development in the Early Decades of the 17th Century
- 160063 UE ( ON-SITE ) The Eurovision Song Contest as a Global Phenomenon - Methodically Updated Approaches
- 160064 UE ( ON-SITE ) "Cantiones vulgo mutetas" - Musical Culture of the 16th Century in the Mirror of the Motet
- 160073 UE ( ON-SITE ) Shakespeare and European Opera
- 160076 UE ( ON-SITE ) Interpreting Beethoven in the 19th and 20th Centuries: History and (Hi)stories
- 160078 UE ( MIXED ) Applied Ethnomusicology
INT: Interdisciplinary Musicology (12 ECTS)
- 160006 UE ( ON-SITE ) Opera on Screen
- 160023 VO ( REMOTE ) Music Psychology 2 - Processing, Perception, Performance & Pitch
- 160024 UE ( ON-SITE ) Virtuosity, Creativity, Improvisation: Empirical Challenges - - for Constructs, Methods and Digitisation
- 160061 VO ( REMOTE ) A History of Popular Music in Film
- 160063 UE ( ON-SITE ) The Eurovision Song Contest as a Global Phenomenon - Methodically Updated Approaches
- 160073 UE ( ON-SITE ) Shakespeare and European Opera
Master Musicology (836)
Alternative Compulsory Modules (30 ECTS)
M01 Alternative Compulsory Module 1 (30 ECTS)
- 160005 SE ( ON-SITE ) Berlin in the 1920s: Music, Theatre, Media
- 160006 UE ( ON-SITE ) Opera on Screen
- 160013 SE ( ON-SITE ) Paragon of Virtue, Faith and Beauty: Mary in the Music of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries
- 160016 SE ( ON-SITE ) His Master’s Voice: Vocality and Voice Studies in Ethnomusicology
- 160050 SE ( MIXED ) Nuns - Trobairitz - Nobles. Women in Medieval and Renaissance Music
- 160051 VO ( REMOTE ) A. Vivaldi's "Quattro stagioni" as an Imitation of Nature
- 160053 SE ( ON-SITE ) Musical Instruments - Systematic, Constructional and Musical Aspects
- 160061 VO ( REMOTE ) A History of Popular Music in Film
- 160062 VO ( REMOTE ) Between Humanism, Court, and Republic: "Opera" - from its Origins in the 16th Century until its Further Venetian Development in the Early Decades of the 17th Century
- 160063 UE ( ON-SITE ) The Eurovision Song Contest as a Global Phenomenon - Methodically Updated Approaches
- 160064 UE ( ON-SITE ) "Cantiones vulgo mutetas" - Musical Culture of the 16th Century in the Mirror of the Motet
- 160066 SE ( ON-SITE ) Music at Sankt Stephan
- 160069 PR ( ON-SITE ) Exploring Medieval Plainchant Manuscripts of the Austrian National Library
- 160070 SE ( ON-SITE ) No is a Power, Anytime, Anyplace: Punk and Post-punk Since 1980
- 160071 PR ( ON-SITE ) A Collection's Collections: Collections at the Department of Music of the Austrian National Library
- 160073 UE ( ON-SITE ) Shakespeare and European Opera
- 160075 SE ( ON-SITE ) Melodic and Rhythmic Structures of Turkish Music
- 160076 UE ( ON-SITE ) Interpreting Beethoven in the 19th and 20th Centuries: History and (Hi)stories
- 160077 SE ( ON-SITE ) Mechanisms and Protagonists in the Opera Industry: Singers and Impresarios around 1900
M02 Alternative Compulsory Module 2 (30 ECTS)
- 160005 SE ( ON-SITE ) Berlin in the 1920s: Music, Theatre, Media
- 160007 SE ( ON-SITE ) LIVE and Open-air. Festivalization, Representation and Politics at Music and Dance Festivals
- 160008 UE ( ON-SITE ) Afterparty. Reflexivity, Methods and Analysis of an Ethnographic Research at Festivals in Vienna
- 160013 SE ( ON-SITE ) Paragon of Virtue, Faith and Beauty: Mary in the Music of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries
- 160016 SE ( ON-SITE ) His Master’s Voice: Vocality and Voice Studies in Ethnomusicology
- 160020 SE ( ON-SITE ) Auditory Scene Analysis and Acoustical Illusions
- 160023 VO ( REMOTE ) Music Psychology 2 - Processing, Perception, Performance & Pitch
- 160024 UE ( ON-SITE ) Virtuosity, Creativity, Improvisation: Empirical Challenges - - for Constructs, Methods and Digitisation
- 160025 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction to the Music of Oceania
- 160028 SE ( ON-SITE ) Physics and Perception of Timbre - Theories and Recent Developments
- 160050 SE ( MIXED ) Nuns - Trobairitz - Nobles. Women in Medieval and Renaissance Music
- 160051 VO ( REMOTE ) A. Vivaldi's "Quattro stagioni" as an Imitation of Nature
- 160053 SE ( ON-SITE ) Musical Instruments - Systematic, Constructional and Musical Aspects
- 160061 VO ( REMOTE ) A History of Popular Music in Film
- 160062 VO ( REMOTE ) Between Humanism, Court, and Republic: "Opera" - from its Origins in the 16th Century until its Further Venetian Development in the Early Decades of the 17th Century
- 160063 UE ( ON-SITE ) The Eurovision Song Contest as a Global Phenomenon - Methodically Updated Approaches
- 160064 UE ( ON-SITE ) "Cantiones vulgo mutetas" - Musical Culture of the 16th Century in the Mirror of the Motet
- 160070 SE ( ON-SITE ) No is a Power, Anytime, Anyplace: Punk and Post-punk Since 1980
- 160072 PR ( ON-SITE ) Practical Introduction to the Application of Room Acoustic Measurement Techniques & Analysis Methods
- 160073 UE ( ON-SITE ) Shakespeare and European Opera
- 160075 SE ( ON-SITE ) Melodic and Rhythmic Structures of Turkish Music
- 160076 UE ( ON-SITE ) Interpreting Beethoven in the 19th and 20th Centuries: History and (Hi)stories
- 160077 SE ( ON-SITE ) Mechanisms and Protagonists in the Opera Industry: Singers and Impresarios around 1900
- 160078 UE ( MIXED ) Applied Ethnomusicology
M03 Alternative Compulsory Module 3 (30 ECTS)
- 160005 SE ( ON-SITE ) Berlin in the 1920s: Music, Theatre, Media
- 160006 UE ( ON-SITE ) Opera on Screen
- 160007 SE ( ON-SITE ) LIVE and Open-air. Festivalization, Representation and Politics at Music and Dance Festivals
- 160008 UE ( ON-SITE ) Afterparty. Reflexivity, Methods and Analysis of an Ethnographic Research at Festivals in Vienna
- 160016 SE ( ON-SITE ) His Master’s Voice: Vocality and Voice Studies in Ethnomusicology
- 160020 SE ( ON-SITE ) Auditory Scene Analysis and Acoustical Illusions
- 160023 VO ( REMOTE ) Music Psychology 2 - Processing, Perception, Performance & Pitch
- 160024 UE ( ON-SITE ) Virtuosity, Creativity, Improvisation: Empirical Challenges - - for Constructs, Methods and Digitisation
- 160025 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction to the Music of Oceania
- 160028 SE ( ON-SITE ) Physics and Perception of Timbre - Theories and Recent Developments
- 160051 VO ( REMOTE ) A. Vivaldi's "Quattro stagioni" as an Imitation of Nature
- 160053 SE ( ON-SITE ) Musical Instruments - Systematic, Constructional and Musical Aspects
- 160061 VO ( REMOTE ) A History of Popular Music in Film
- 160062 VO ( REMOTE ) Between Humanism, Court, and Republic: "Opera" - from its Origins in the 16th Century until its Further Venetian Development in the Early Decades of the 17th Century
- 160063 UE ( ON-SITE ) The Eurovision Song Contest as a Global Phenomenon - Methodically Updated Approaches
- 160064 UE ( ON-SITE ) "Cantiones vulgo mutetas" - Musical Culture of the 16th Century in the Mirror of the Motet
- 160066 SE ( ON-SITE ) Music at Sankt Stephan
- 160067 PR ( ON-SITE ) Working with Music Sources (18th & 19th Century)
- 160068 PR ( ON-SITE ) Introduction to Digital Musicology
- 160069 PR ( ON-SITE ) Exploring Medieval Plainchant Manuscripts of the Austrian National Library
- 160070 SE ( ON-SITE ) No is a Power, Anytime, Anyplace: Punk and Post-punk Since 1980
- 160071 PR ( ON-SITE ) A Collection's Collections: Collections at the Department of Music of the Austrian National Library
- 160072 PR ( ON-SITE ) Practical Introduction to the Application of Room Acoustic Measurement Techniques & Analysis Methods
- 160073 UE ( ON-SITE ) Shakespeare and European Opera
- 160075 SE ( ON-SITE ) Melodic and Rhythmic Structures of Turkish Music
- 160076 UE ( ON-SITE ) Interpreting Beethoven in the 19th and 20th Centuries: History and (Hi)stories
- 160077 SE ( ON-SITE ) Mechanisms and Protagonists in the Opera Industry: Singers and Impresarios around 1900
- 160078 UE ( MIXED ) Applied Ethnomusicology
M04 Alternative Compulsory Module 4 (30 ECTS)
- 160005 SE ( ON-SITE ) Berlin in the 1920s: Music, Theatre, Media
- 160006 UE ( ON-SITE ) Opera on Screen
- 160007 SE ( ON-SITE ) LIVE and Open-air. Festivalization, Representation and Politics at Music and Dance Festivals
- 160008 UE ( ON-SITE ) Afterparty. Reflexivity, Methods and Analysis of an Ethnographic Research at Festivals in Vienna
- 160013 SE ( ON-SITE ) Paragon of Virtue, Faith and Beauty: Mary in the Music of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries
- 160016 SE ( ON-SITE ) His Master’s Voice: Vocality and Voice Studies in Ethnomusicology
- 160025 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction to the Music of Oceania
- 160050 SE ( MIXED ) Nuns - Trobairitz - Nobles. Women in Medieval and Renaissance Music
- 160051 VO ( REMOTE ) A. Vivaldi's "Quattro stagioni" as an Imitation of Nature
- 160053 SE ( ON-SITE ) Musical Instruments - Systematic, Constructional and Musical Aspects
- 160061 VO ( REMOTE ) A History of Popular Music in Film
- 160062 VO ( REMOTE ) Between Humanism, Court, and Republic: "Opera" - from its Origins in the 16th Century until its Further Venetian Development in the Early Decades of the 17th Century
- 160063 UE ( ON-SITE ) The Eurovision Song Contest as a Global Phenomenon - Methodically Updated Approaches
- 160064 UE ( ON-SITE ) "Cantiones vulgo mutetas" - Musical Culture of the 16th Century in the Mirror of the Motet
- 160066 SE ( ON-SITE ) Music at Sankt Stephan
- 160069 PR ( ON-SITE ) Exploring Medieval Plainchant Manuscripts of the Austrian National Library
- 160070 SE ( ON-SITE ) No is a Power, Anytime, Anyplace: Punk and Post-punk Since 1980
- 160073 UE ( ON-SITE ) Shakespeare and European Opera
- 160075 SE ( ON-SITE ) Melodic and Rhythmic Structures of Turkish Music
- 160076 UE ( ON-SITE ) Interpreting Beethoven in the 19th and 20th Centuries: History and (Hi)stories
- 160077 SE ( ON-SITE ) Mechanisms and Protagonists in the Opera Industry: Singers and Impresarios around 1900
- 160078 UE ( MIXED ) Applied Ethnomusicology
M05 Alternative Compulsory Module 5 (30 ECTS)
- 160005 SE ( ON-SITE ) Berlin in the 1920s: Music, Theatre, Media
- 160006 UE ( ON-SITE ) Opera on Screen
- 160007 SE ( ON-SITE ) LIVE and Open-air. Festivalization, Representation and Politics at Music and Dance Festivals
- 160008 UE ( ON-SITE ) Afterparty. Reflexivity, Methods and Analysis of an Ethnographic Research at Festivals in Vienna
- 160013 SE ( ON-SITE ) Paragon of Virtue, Faith and Beauty: Mary in the Music of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries
- 160016 SE ( ON-SITE ) His Master’s Voice: Vocality and Voice Studies in Ethnomusicology
- 160020 SE ( ON-SITE ) Auditory Scene Analysis and Acoustical Illusions
- 160023 VO ( REMOTE ) Music Psychology 2 - Processing, Perception, Performance & Pitch
- 160024 UE ( ON-SITE ) Virtuosity, Creativity, Improvisation: Empirical Challenges - - for Constructs, Methods and Digitisation
- 160025 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction to the Music of Oceania
- 160028 SE ( ON-SITE ) Physics and Perception of Timbre - Theories and Recent Developments
- 160050 SE ( MIXED ) Nuns - Trobairitz - Nobles. Women in Medieval and Renaissance Music
- 160051 VO ( REMOTE ) A. Vivaldi's "Quattro stagioni" as an Imitation of Nature
- 160053 SE ( ON-SITE ) Musical Instruments - Systematic, Constructional and Musical Aspects
- 160061 VO ( REMOTE ) A History of Popular Music in Film
- 160062 VO ( REMOTE ) Between Humanism, Court, and Republic: "Opera" - from its Origins in the 16th Century until its Further Venetian Development in the Early Decades of the 17th Century
- 160063 UE ( ON-SITE ) The Eurovision Song Contest as a Global Phenomenon - Methodically Updated Approaches
- 160064 UE ( ON-SITE ) "Cantiones vulgo mutetas" - Musical Culture of the 16th Century in the Mirror of the Motet
- 160066 SE ( ON-SITE ) Music at Sankt Stephan
- 160067 PR ( ON-SITE ) Working with Music Sources (18th & 19th Century)
- 160068 PR ( ON-SITE ) Introduction to Digital Musicology
- 160069 PR ( ON-SITE ) Exploring Medieval Plainchant Manuscripts of the Austrian National Library
- 160070 SE ( ON-SITE ) No is a Power, Anytime, Anyplace: Punk and Post-punk Since 1980
- 160071 PR ( ON-SITE ) A Collection's Collections: Collections at the Department of Music of the Austrian National Library
- 160072 PR ( ON-SITE ) Practical Introduction to the Application of Room Acoustic Measurement Techniques & Analysis Methods
- 160073 UE ( ON-SITE ) Shakespeare and European Opera
- 160075 SE ( ON-SITE ) Melodic and Rhythmic Structures of Turkish Music
- 160076 UE ( ON-SITE ) Interpreting Beethoven in the 19th and 20th Centuries: History and (Hi)stories
- 160077 SE ( ON-SITE ) Mechanisms and Protagonists in the Opera Industry: Singers and Impresarios around 1900
- 160078 UE ( MIXED ) Applied Ethnomusicology
Elective Modules (60 ECTS)
M06 History of European Music before 1600 (10 ECTS)
- 160013 SE ( ON-SITE ) Paragon of Virtue, Faith and Beauty: Mary in the Music of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries
- 160050 SE ( MIXED ) Nuns - Trobairitz - Nobles. Women in Medieval and Renaissance Music
- 160062 VO ( REMOTE ) Between Humanism, Court, and Republic: "Opera" - from its Origins in the 16th Century until its Further Venetian Development in the Early Decades of the 17th Century
- 160064 UE ( ON-SITE ) "Cantiones vulgo mutetas" - Musical Culture of the 16th Century in the Mirror of the Motet
- 160069 PR ( ON-SITE ) Exploring Medieval Plainchant Manuscripts of the Austrian National Library
M07 History of European Music after 1600 (10 ECTS)
- 160005 SE ( ON-SITE ) Berlin in the 1920s: Music, Theatre, Media
- 160006 UE ( ON-SITE ) Opera on Screen
- 160051 VO ( REMOTE ) A. Vivaldi's "Quattro stagioni" as an Imitation of Nature
- 160053 SE ( ON-SITE ) Musical Instruments - Systematic, Constructional and Musical Aspects
- 160062 VO ( REMOTE ) Between Humanism, Court, and Republic: "Opera" - from its Origins in the 16th Century until its Further Venetian Development in the Early Decades of the 17th Century
- 160066 SE ( ON-SITE ) Music at Sankt Stephan
- 160073 UE ( ON-SITE ) Shakespeare and European Opera
- 160076 UE ( ON-SITE ) Interpreting Beethoven in the 19th and 20th Centuries: History and (Hi)stories
- 160077 SE ( ON-SITE ) Mechanisms and Protagonists in the Opera Industry: Singers and Impresarios around 1900
M08 Ethnomusicology (10 ECTS)
- 160007 SE ( ON-SITE ) LIVE and Open-air. Festivalization, Representation and Politics at Music and Dance Festivals
- 160008 UE ( ON-SITE ) Afterparty. Reflexivity, Methods and Analysis of an Ethnographic Research at Festivals in Vienna
- 160016 SE ( ON-SITE ) His Master’s Voice: Vocality and Voice Studies in Ethnomusicology
- 160025 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction to the Music of Oceania
- 160075 SE ( ON-SITE ) Melodic and Rhythmic Structures of Turkish Music
- 160078 UE ( MIXED ) Applied Ethnomusicology
M09 Systematic Musicology (10 ECTS)
- 160020 SE ( ON-SITE ) Auditory Scene Analysis and Acoustical Illusions
- 160023 VO ( REMOTE ) Music Psychology 2 - Processing, Perception, Performance & Pitch
- 160024 UE ( ON-SITE ) Virtuosity, Creativity, Improvisation: Empirical Challenges - - for Constructs, Methods and Digitisation
- 160028 SE ( ON-SITE ) Physics and Perception of Timbre - Theories and Recent Developments
- 160053 SE ( ON-SITE ) Musical Instruments - Systematic, Constructional and Musical Aspects
- 160072 PR ( ON-SITE ) Practical Introduction to the Application of Room Acoustic Measurement Techniques & Analysis Methods
M10 Contemporary Music (10 ECTS)
- 160061 VO ( REMOTE ) A History of Popular Music in Film
- 160063 UE ( ON-SITE ) The Eurovision Song Contest as a Global Phenomenon - Methodically Updated Approaches
- 160070 SE ( ON-SITE ) No is a Power, Anytime, Anyplace: Punk and Post-punk Since 1980
M11 Popular Music (10 ECTS)
- 160005 SE ( ON-SITE ) Berlin in the 1920s: Music, Theatre, Media
- 160007 SE ( ON-SITE ) LIVE and Open-air. Festivalization, Representation and Politics at Music and Dance Festivals
- 160008 UE ( ON-SITE ) Afterparty. Reflexivity, Methods and Analysis of an Ethnographic Research at Festivals in Vienna
- 160025 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction to the Music of Oceania
- 160061 VO ( REMOTE ) A History of Popular Music in Film
- 160063 UE ( ON-SITE ) The Eurovision Song Contest as a Global Phenomenon - Methodically Updated Approaches
- 160070 SE ( ON-SITE ) No is a Power, Anytime, Anyplace: Punk and Post-punk Since 1980
M12 Source Study, Source Work and Source Criticism (10 ECTS)
- 160013 SE ( ON-SITE ) Paragon of Virtue, Faith and Beauty: Mary in the Music of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries
- 160050 SE ( MIXED ) Nuns - Trobairitz - Nobles. Women in Medieval and Renaissance Music
- 160053 SE ( ON-SITE ) Musical Instruments - Systematic, Constructional and Musical Aspects
- 160062 VO ( REMOTE ) Between Humanism, Court, and Republic: "Opera" - from its Origins in the 16th Century until its Further Venetian Development in the Early Decades of the 17th Century
- 160064 UE ( ON-SITE ) "Cantiones vulgo mutetas" - Musical Culture of the 16th Century in the Mirror of the Motet
- 160066 SE ( ON-SITE ) Music at Sankt Stephan
- 160069 PR ( ON-SITE ) Exploring Medieval Plainchant Manuscripts of the Austrian National Library
- 160071 PR ( ON-SITE ) A Collection's Collections: Collections at the Department of Music of the Austrian National Library
- 160077 SE ( ON-SITE ) Mechanisms and Protagonists in the Opera Industry: Singers and Impresarios around 1900
M13 Music and Society (10 ECTS)
- 160005 SE ( ON-SITE ) Berlin in the 1920s: Music, Theatre, Media
- 160007 SE ( ON-SITE ) LIVE and Open-air. Festivalization, Representation and Politics at Music and Dance Festivals
- 160008 UE ( ON-SITE ) Afterparty. Reflexivity, Methods and Analysis of an Ethnographic Research at Festivals in Vienna
- 160025 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction to the Music of Oceania
- 160050 SE ( MIXED ) Nuns - Trobairitz - Nobles. Women in Medieval and Renaissance Music
- 160062 VO ( REMOTE ) Between Humanism, Court, and Republic: "Opera" - from its Origins in the 16th Century until its Further Venetian Development in the Early Decades of the 17th Century
- 160063 UE ( ON-SITE ) The Eurovision Song Contest as a Global Phenomenon - Methodically Updated Approaches
- 160070 SE ( ON-SITE ) No is a Power, Anytime, Anyplace: Punk and Post-punk Since 1980
- 160076 UE ( ON-SITE ) Interpreting Beethoven in the 19th and 20th Centuries: History and (Hi)stories
- 160077 SE ( ON-SITE ) Mechanisms and Protagonists in the Opera Industry: Singers and Impresarios around 1900
- 160078 UE ( MIXED ) Applied Ethnomusicology
M14 Analysis and Theoretical Interpretation of Music (10 ECTS)
- 160013 SE ( ON-SITE ) Paragon of Virtue, Faith and Beauty: Mary in the Music of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries
- 160016 SE ( ON-SITE ) His Master’s Voice: Vocality and Voice Studies in Ethnomusicology
- 160051 VO ( REMOTE ) A. Vivaldi's "Quattro stagioni" as an Imitation of Nature
- 160061 VO ( REMOTE ) A History of Popular Music in Film
- 160064 UE ( ON-SITE ) "Cantiones vulgo mutetas" - Musical Culture of the 16th Century in the Mirror of the Motet
- 160073 UE ( ON-SITE ) Shakespeare and European Opera
- 160075 SE ( ON-SITE ) Melodic and Rhythmic Structures of Turkish Music
M15 Music Philosophy, Music Aesthetics and Musical Hermeneutics (10 ECTS)
- 160013 SE ( ON-SITE ) Paragon of Virtue, Faith and Beauty: Mary in the Music of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries
- 160016 SE ( ON-SITE ) His Master’s Voice: Vocality and Voice Studies in Ethnomusicology
- 160020 SE ( ON-SITE ) Auditory Scene Analysis and Acoustical Illusions
- 160023 VO ( REMOTE ) Music Psychology 2 - Processing, Perception, Performance & Pitch
- 160028 SE ( ON-SITE ) Physics and Perception of Timbre - Theories and Recent Developments
- 160051 VO ( REMOTE ) A. Vivaldi's "Quattro stagioni" as an Imitation of Nature
- 160061 VO ( REMOTE ) A History of Popular Music in Film
- 160076 UE ( ON-SITE ) Interpreting Beethoven in the 19th and 20th Centuries: History and (Hi)stories
M16 Current Musicology (10 ECTS)
- 160006 UE ( ON-SITE ) Opera on Screen
- 160007 SE ( ON-SITE ) LIVE and Open-air. Festivalization, Representation and Politics at Music and Dance Festivals
- 160023 VO ( REMOTE ) Music Psychology 2 - Processing, Perception, Performance & Pitch
- 160024 UE ( ON-SITE ) Virtuosity, Creativity, Improvisation: Empirical Challenges - - for Constructs, Methods and Digitisation
- 160028 SE ( ON-SITE ) Physics and Perception of Timbre - Theories and Recent Developments
- 160076 UE ( ON-SITE ) Interpreting Beethoven in the 19th and 20th Centuries: History and (Hi)stories
M17 Applied Musicology (10 ECTS)
- 160024 UE ( ON-SITE ) Virtuosity, Creativity, Improvisation: Empirical Challenges - - for Constructs, Methods and Digitisation
- 160067 PR ( ON-SITE ) Working with Music Sources (18th & 19th Century)
- 160068 PR ( ON-SITE ) Introduction to Digital Musicology
- 160069 PR ( ON-SITE ) Exploring Medieval Plainchant Manuscripts of the Austrian National Library
- 160071 PR ( ON-SITE ) A Collection's Collections: Collections at the Department of Music of the Austrian National Library
- 160072 PR ( ON-SITE ) Practical Introduction to the Application of Room Acoustic Measurement Techniques & Analysis Methods
- 160078 UE ( MIXED ) Applied Ethnomusicology
- 170721 UE ( ON-SITE ) Discussing musical theatre
Master Seminar Module (3 ECTS)
M18 Master Seminar Module (3 ECTS)
- 160014 MA ( ON-SITE ) Research Seminar for Master Candidates
- 160018 MA ( ON-SITE ) Research Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 160022 MA ( ON-SITE ) Research Seminar for Master Candidates
- 160033 MA ( ON-SITE ) Research Seminar for Master Candidates
Recommended Lectures offered at other Universities
MUK Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien
Extension Curriculum Popular Music (660 [2] - Version 2016)
POM1 Popular Music - Introduction (5 ECTS)
- 160031 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction to Popular Music
POM2 Popular Music - Selected Examples (10 ECTS)
- 160025 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction to the Music of Oceania
- 160032 VO ( REMOTE ) Music of the World - Overview I
- 160061 VO ( REMOTE ) A History of Popular Music in Film
Extension Curriculum World Music (161 [2] - Version 2016)
MDW1 Overview of Ethnomusicology (4 ECTS)
- 160003 VO ( REMOTE OV STEOP ) Survey in Ethnomusicology
MDW2 Overview of the Musics of the World (12 ECTS)
- 160015 VO ( MIXED ) Introduction to Ethnomusicology
- 160025 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction to the Music of Oceania
- 160032 VO ( REMOTE ) Music of the World - Overview I
Extension Curriculum European History of Music (162 [2] - Version 2016)
EMG1 Overview of Historical Musicology (4 ECTS)
- 160002 VO ( REMOTE STEOP ) Survey in Historical Musicology
EMG2 European History of Music (12 ECTS)
VO zur Musik vor 1600
- 160062 VO ( REMOTE ) Between Humanism, Court, and Republic: "Opera" - from its Origins in the 16th Century until its Further Venetian Development in the Early Decades of the 17th Century
VO Musikgeschichte
- 160010 VO ( REMOTE ) Music History III
- 160012 VO ( MIXED ) Foundations of Music since 1600 - Methods and Question of Historical Musicology
- 160051 VO ( REMOTE ) A. Vivaldi's "Quattro stagioni" as an Imitation of Nature
- 160061 VO ( REMOTE ) A History of Popular Music in Film
- 160062 VO ( REMOTE ) Between Humanism, Court, and Republic: "Opera" - from its Origins in the 16th Century until its Further Venetian Development in the Early Decades of the 17th Century
Extension Curriculum Musical Acoustics and Auditory Perception (169 [2] - Version 2016)
MAK1 Overview of Systematic Musicology (4 ECTS)
- 160004 VO ( REMOTE STEOP ) Survey in Systematic Musicology
MAK2 Principles of Musical Acoustics and Phenomena of Auditory Perception (11 ECTS)
- 160023 VO ( REMOTE ) Music Psychology 2 - Processing, Perception, Performance & Pitch
- 160029 UE ( ON-SITE ) Introduction to the Physiology of Hearing and Psychoacoustics
- 160074 UE ( ON-SITE ) Digitisation, Analysis and Visualisation of Audio Data
Additional Courses
- 160011 UE ( ON-SITE ) Mentoring
- 160052 MA ( ON-SITE ) Research Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
Last modified: Fr 14.01.2022 01:03