Universität Wien

M4 International Politics and Development (22 ECTS)

Die M4-Vorlesung wird nur im Wintersemester gehalten.

210105 VO (MIXED) M4: SpezialVO International Politics and Development - Introduction to social science research in Latin America
210106 SE [en] (MIXED) M4: International Politics and Development - State sponsored militias in the Middle East
210107 SE (MIXED) M4: International Politics and Development - Social Movements in Latin America
210108 SE (REMOTE) M4: International Politics and Development - World Order(s), cultural practice and intersectional critique of power
210153 SE [en] (MIXED) M4: International Politics and Development - International Disaster Politics in the Context of Climate Change
210167 SE [en] (REMOTE) M4: International Politics and Development - Talking back. Critical Geopolitics from a Global South perspective

Last modified: Fr 14.01.2022 01:03