Universität Wien

Bachelor Geography (655 [3] - Version 2016)

Die Lehrveranstaltungen sind nach der Abfolge der Module geordnet, die in dem für das Bachelorstudium Geographie ab 1. Oktober 2016 gültigen Curriculum aufscheint. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier: https://ssc-geo-astronomie.univie.ac.at/studium/bachelor/geographie/

290012 PS (MIXED) Economic Geography
290083 UE (MIXED) Introduction to Cartography
290004 VU (MIXED) Thematic Mapping
290355 VO (MIXED) Spatial Reference Systems
290081 VO (MIXED) Doing Research in Geography
290091 VU (MIXED) Introduction to Statistics
290006 VU (ON-SITE) Empirical Social Research
290018 SE (MIXED) Bachelorseminar in Physical Geography: Selected Topics in Climatology and Hydrology - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Masterstudium)
290051 LP (ON-SITE) Geoecological Lab Course
290015 PR (ON-SITE) Practical Course in Human Geography: District Development in Vienna - Participation, Design and Governance
290159 SE (ON-SITE) Bachelorseminar Human Geography - The Mythotype of Historic City Centers
290016 SE [en] (MIXED) Bachelorseminar Human Geography - Habitability. Linking Population Distribution and Environmental Change
290379 SE (ON-SITE) Bachelorseminar in Human Geography - Regional Innovation, Transformation and Resilience
290015 PR (ON-SITE) Practical Course in Human Geography: District Development in Vienna - Participation, Design and Governance
290058 VU (MIXED) Urban and Regional Analysis
290085 SE (MIXED) Bachelorseminar Spatial Research and Spatial Planning - the Spatiality of Services of General Interest
290236 PS (MIXED) Databases
290271 SE (MIXED) Bachelorseminar Cartography and Geoinformation: Geo-Multimedia - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Masterstudium)

Last modified: Fr 14.01.2022 01:03