Universität Wien

Block of Elective Modules Fields of Research and Practice (40 ECTS)

170700 VO Genesis of digital operative space - Media theoretical approaches
170701 VO Genesis of digital operative space - Media theoretical approaches - Lecture with interactive elements
170710 UE Forms of narration. - Focusing on contemporary musical theatre
170712 UE Screenwriting Research - Theory, History and Practice
170721 UE Essay-workshop
170722 UE Catching Fire, Burning Bright. - Queer Cinema Austria
170501 UE Doing Things With Theory - das Erforschen der hybriden Formen
170732 UE Media of History - Dialectical images and artistic research
170733 UE (REMOTE) "It's a Family Affair"
170741 UE Performing Human Rights - Performative Formats on Rights and Justice

Last modified: Fr 24.06.2022 00:56