Extension Curriculum Law in a Historical, Social and Philosophical Context (036)
Im Erweiterungscurriculum ist entweder das Alternative Pflichtmodul A (APM A / 15 ECTS) oder das Alternative Pflichtmodul B (APM B / 15 ECTS) zu wählen.
APM A Course Legal Philosophy and Ethics (4 ECTS)
APM A/B Conversatorium Legal Philosophy and Ethics (1 ECTS)
APM A/B Specialisation and Supplement (6/10 ECTS)
- 030009 KU Ombud for Equal Treatment & Equal Treatment Commission in theory and practice
- 030027 KU [ fr ] The Relationship Between the State and Religions - Degrees of Separation in Europe
- 030045 KU World Heritage, Sustainable! - The Legal Instruments
- 030056 SE [ de en ] Seminar: Law and Morality - also for diploma and doctoral students
- 030072 KU [ en ] Law Crossing Borders
- 030076 SE From serfdom to slavery - Liberty and Non-Liberty in a global perspective
- 030118 KU Investigative journalism - Die zwiespältige Rolle der Medien in Strafverfahren
- 030130 KU From poor relief to social welfare
- 030141 KU History of international law
- 030194 KU ( REMOTE ) Islam in Europe - (Issues from) Legal history and contemporory legal developments
- 030205 VO ( REMOTE ) Justice
- 030240 KU Protection against discrimination - implementation, awareness and arguments
- 030263 KU [ en ] History, theory and practice of humanitarian intervention - From the protection of persecuted co-religionists to the protection of universal human rights
- 030274 SE [ de en ] On the Legal History of Europe’s oldest continuously existing Muslim Community: The Lipka Tatars - For diploma and doctoral students
- 030311 VO Women in Law (Part B): Women in Legal Professions - Legal History
- 030332 SE [ en ] European Union Legal Theory
- 030370 KU [ it ] Roman Public Law in Imperial times
- 030378 KU Justice and Rule of Law - Fundamental questions of the legal system by current problems
- 030441 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Rethinking modern international law
- 030502 KU [ en ] Law and Liberalism II: Neutrality, Neoliberalism, Anti-Liberalism
- 030559 KU Globalisation and Legal Pluralism - Migration und human trafficking
- 030566 MC [ en ] Ius Commune Moot Court - Imperial Aulic Council
- 030567 MC [ en ] Historical Jewish Law Moot Court - The Rabbinic Tribunal of Prague
- 030595 KU [ en ] The Jews in Modern Times. A Legal History
- 030674 KU Libraries, Museums, Archives - Legal Perspectives on Traditional Repositories of Knowledge
- 030719 KU The Legal Protection of Cultural Objects - National, European and International Perspectives
- 030742 KU Legal Ethics in Biomedicine
- 030750 SE Roman Law at the times of Emperor Nero - auch für Diplomand*innen und Dissertant*innen
- 030808 KU ( REMOTE ) Human Rights, Democracy and Peacekeeping
- 030823 KU [ en ] Language Beyond Law - The Vehicle Talking Center Stage: On Laying down, Understanding, Conveying the Law
- 030853 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Global Middle East: The Legacy of WWI Treaties
Last modified: Fr 24.06.2022 00:56