Universität Wien

Bachelor Teacher Training Programme: Czech (193 065, 198 431)

Allgemeines Curriculum für das Bachelorstudium zur Erlangung eines Lehramts im Bereich der Sekundarstufe (Allgemeinbildung) im Verbund Nord-Ost
Teilcurriculum für die Unterrichtsfächer Bosnisch-Kroatisch-Serbisch, Polnisch, Russisch, Slowakisch, Slowenisch und Tschechisch im Rahmen des Bachelorstudiums Lehramt im Verbund Nord-Ost
Weitere Informationen zum Bachelorstudium Lehramt

480080 UE Applied didactics - Theatre- and drama-based pedagogy in the classroom and online teaching
480103 UE Applied didactics - Sustainability: creation and use of teaching materials
480112 UE Applied didactics - Usefulness of digital aids in language acquisition / in language teaching put to the test
480103 UE Applied didactics - Sustainability: creation and use of teaching materials
480112 UE Applied didactics - Usefulness of digital aids in language acquisition / in language teaching put to the test
480070 SE BA Seminar on Linguistics - The History of Slavic Philology from Medieval Ages untill the Enlightenment
480072 SE (REMOTE) B.A. Seminar on Linguistics - The Slavic languages in the "long" 19th century
480092 SE (ON-SITE) BA Seminar on Literature: West Slavic - History and reception of the ’catholical Modernism’ in the European and central European literatures and cultures

Last modified: Fr 24.06.2022 00:56