Universität Wien

C.1.1. African language, history and cutlure (18 ECTS)

143012 KU (ON-SITE) Zulu: Grammar 3
143013 KU [en] (ON-SITE) Zulu: Texts 1
143014 KU [en] (ON-SITE) Zulu: Conversation 1
143016 VO (ON-SITE) African Studies Research on Language, Culture and Society - an den Schnittstellen von Sprache, Kultur und Gesellschaft
143119 VO (ON-SITE) The Empire of the Black Pharaohs - Deities and Temples of the Meroites
143135 VO (ON-SITE) Geschichte Westafrikas 1 - Peopling and Settlement, Social Interactions, and Developments
143146 KU (ON-SITE) Hausa: Texts 1
143177 KU [en] (ON-SITE) Hausa: Conversation 1
143206 KU (ON-SITE) Swahili: Texts 1
143208 KU (ON-SITE) Hausa: Grammar 3
143210 VO (ON-SITE) The Ego, the Self and Notions of Personhood - Constructions of "Life" and "Living" in Auto/Biographical Accounts from African Studies Perspectives

Last modified: Fr 13.01.2023 01:01