Universität Wien

A.1. Erster Studienabschnitt

320001 VO General and Inorganic-Pharmaceutical Chemistry - General and Inorganic-Pharmaceutical Chemistry
320002 VO Introduction to pharmaceutical analysis - Introduction to pharmaceutical analysis
320005 VO Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Technology - Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Technology
320009 VO Physics for Pharmacy students - Physics for Pharmacy students
320010 VO Comprehensive lecture series in pharmacy - Comprehensive lecture series in pharmacy
320011 UE Qualitative pharmazeutische Analytik (6 Kurse) - Qualitative pharmazeutische Analytik Übungen (6Kurse)
320012 UE Courses in quantitative chemical analytics - Courses in quantitative chemical analytics
320016 VO Biology for Pharmacists - Biology for Pharmacists
320051 UE First Aid - First Aid
320067 VO History of Pharmacy - History of Pharmacy
320131 UE Grundpraktikum aus pharmazeutischer Technologie - Grundpraktikum aus pharmazeutischer Technologie

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34