Universität Wien

B1.1 Advanced Seminars (12 ECTS)

200108 SE Advanced Seminar: Work, Economy, and Society - Psychologische Perspektiven zu Veränderungen in der Arbeitswelt
200110 SE Advanced Seminar: Work, Economy, and Society - Motivation und Selbstregulation im Kontext von Expert Performance
200113 SE Advanced Seminar: Work, Economy, and Society - Nachhaltigkeit in Organisationen
200124 SE Advanced Seminar: Development and Education - Methoden der Evaluationsforschung
200125 SE [en] Advanced Seminar: Development and Education - Introduction to Latent Modelling with JASP
200139 SE [en] Advanced Seminar: Mind and Brain - Meta-psychology
200140 SE [en] Advanced Seminar: Mind and Brain - Introduction to Computational Social Sciences
200143 SE [en] Advanced Seminar: Mind and Brain - Bilingualism: Neural bases and Socio-cognitive aspects
200232 SE [en] Advanced Seminar: Mind and Brain - Emerging technologies in psychology

Last modified: Fr 13.01.2023 01:01