Courses of the Center for Doctoral Studies
The Center for Doctoral Studies offers workshops for the acquisition and further development of transferable skills. The workshops are exclusively aimed at doctoral students of the University of Vienna. Participation in these workshops is voluntary and no ECTS credits are awarded. Doctoral students are advised to choose the workshops that will best support them in their dissertation project.Registration for the workshops is exclusively online via u:space ( Places will not be allocated on a 'first come, first served' basis, they will be determined by the amount of points set. Please note the registration and deregistration deadlines, which usually end 3 weeks before the start of the respective workshop. By registering, PhD students commit themselves to participate in the entire workshop.A regular deregistration is only possible online within the according deadlines. For organizational reasons, we cannot keep waiting lists; if you do not attend, your place will be lost for other interested students. Please note that repeated cancellations by e-mail after a place has been confirmed or a no-show at the workshop (2 times in a semester) will result in a block from the workshop offer for one semester.Further information about the offers of the PhD Center can be found at
- 980001 TS Info-Session: Doctoral Studies at the University of Vienna
- 980002 TS [ en ] Info-Session: Doctoral Studies at the University of Vienna
- 980003 TS Von der Fragestellung zur Literatur
- 980004 TS [ en ] Finding and accessing literature for your PhD project - Online Workshop
- 980005 TS Suchstrategien und Bibliotheksrecherche für DoktorandInnen der Geisteswissenschaften
- 980007 TS [ en ] Introduction to the multidisciplinary database Web of Science - Online Workshop
- 980014 TS [ en ] Copyright and Plagiarism
- 980016 TS [ en ] Good Scientific Practice - E-Learning
- 980017 TS [ en ] Getting Fit for Funding - How to write an effective proposal - Course A - Online Workshop
- 980018 TS [ en ] Getting Fit for Funding - How to write an effective proposal - Course B - Online Workshop
- 980019 TS Antragstellung für ein DOC Stipendium der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW)
- 980020 TS [ en ] National and International Funding Opportunities for Early Postdocs - Online Workshop
- 980021 TS Das Dissertationsprojekt erfolgreich vorstellen: Exposé und Präsentation
- 980022 TS Zwischen den Texten: Forschungsstand schreiben mit Plan und Strategie
- 980023 TS Schreibstrategien & Selbstmanagement für den Schreibprozess - Online Workshop
- 980025 TS [ en ] Publication Strategies in the Academic "Publish or Perish" Competition - Online Workshop
- 980027 TS [ en ] Academic Writing in English - Part 2 - Course A
- 980028 TS [ en ] Academic Writing in English - Part 2 - Course B - Online Workshop
- 980031 TS Überzeugend sprechen und souverän auftreten - Training für Stimme, Sprechen und persönliche Wirkung
- 980033 TS [ en ] Professional Presentation of Research Results - Course B
- 980034 TS [ en ] Conversation in English: Conference & Meeting Situations
- 980035 TS [ en ] Capturing the Essence: Presenting your Research in 3 Minutes
- 980036 TS [ en ] English Pronunciation
- 980037 TS [ en ] Typical Tense & Language Mistakes
- 980038 TS [ en ] Piquing non-academic employers’ interest: Communicating your uniqueness effectively
- 980039 TS [ en ] Time and Selfmanagement
- 980041 TS [ en ] Well-Being in Academia
- 980042 TS Forschungsdokumentation mit u:cris für Doktorand*innen - Online Workshop
- 980045 TS [ en ] Research Data Management for PhD Students: Introduction to Data Archiving, Publishing and Reuse - Online Workshop
- 980046 TS [ en ] Social Media & My Career - Online Workshop
- 980047 TS [ en ] Sustainable Development Goals
Last modified: Th 13.07.2023 10:32