Master Gender Studies (808 [4] - Version 2020)
CM1 Central Topics and Issues (30 ECTS)
- 240071 UE Central Topics and Issues of the Gender Studies
- 240098 UE Guided Reading - Gewalt(losigkeit) und Selbstverteidigung bei Judith Butler und Elsa Dorlin
- 240115 SE Critical Scientific Practice
- 240134 SE Critical Scientific Practice - Gender Studies dekolonisieren
- 240136 UE Central Topics and Issues of the Gender Studies
- 240199 VO Central Topics and Issues of the Gender Studies
- 240236 VU ( MIXED ) Actual Debates and Interventions - Gewalt und Geschlechterverhältnisse - Nicht/Sichtbarkeiten, Ausgrenzungen, Interventionen
CM2 Theoretical Perspectives and Methodological Approaches (20 ECTS)
- 240114 SE SE/PR (research-) project development - (Non-)binarity in Binary Structures The Digital Communication of Identity and Diversity
- 240117 SE Research Seminar - Tensions, Conflicts, Contradictions
- 240209 VO Methodological Approaches
CM3 Individual Specialisation (35 ECTS)
- 010085 SE Deity and Gender
- 010128 SE Postcolonial theories of gender
- 020056 SE Seminar: Medicine and Nursing Ethics - Patient:innensicherheit und Empowerment
- 143264 VO [ en ] 21st Century African Women’s Writing and Feminism
- 190044 SE Exclusion, Diversity and Social Inequality - Geschlecht und Intersektionalität in Bildungsinstitutionen
- 230154 SE Group Dynamics - Systemic learning in training groups
- 240007 SE Seminar Individual Specialisation I - 'The days of the human may be numbered' - posthumanistische (Gender)theorien
- 240044 UE [ en ] Individual Focus Modul
- 240096 SE Seminar Individual Specialisation II - Queer (in) Form: Examining In_Visibility through Theory and Art production
- 240099 SE Guided Reading - PM3 - Wahllehrveranstaltung
- 240103 SE Elective Subjects in Master's Programme Gender Studies - Wahllehrveranstaltung
- 240104 PS Affect, Queer/Feminism, and Counterpublics in Southeast Europe
- 240108 AR [ en ] Individual Focus Modul - Verbal and Nonverbal Markers of Persuasion in American media dating culture
- 240118 SE [ en ] Seminar Individual Specialisation I - Reproductive Justice, Care, and Technologies
- 240119 SE Seminar Individual Specialisation II - Neuroqueer: Verflechtungen querer und neurodiverser Welten
CM4 Master's Module (10 ECTS)
- 240058 UE Proposal Workshop
- 240097 SE Masters's Seminar
- 240101 SE Masters's Seminar - Betreuungswerkstatt
- 240106 UE Proposal Workshop - Betreuungswerkstatt
Last modified: Fr 30.06.2023 00:53