Universität Wien

PM6 Historical Studies (10 ECTS)

070031 PS BA-Proseminar - Economic and Social History - Quantitative Economic History
070032 PS BA-Proseminar - Economic and Social History - Introduction to Microeconomics for Historians
070062 PS BA-Proseminar - Economic and Social History - Environmental and Agricultural History
070228 PS BA-Proseminar - Fascination and Bogeyman - Discourses and Stereotypes about the Orient in Central European Travel Literature in the Long 19th Century
070291 PS Proseminar - Discourses and Stereotypes about the Orient in Central European Travel Literature in the Long 19th Century
133342 PS Proseminar: Heterotopias, In-Between Spaces, Places of Longing - Island (Hi)Stories and Identities in the Baltic Sea Region

Last modified: Mo 28.08.2023 13:31