European History and Law
- 040194 UE Current jurisdiction of the CJEU (MA)
- 040237 VO European Company Law (MA) - (MA)
- 040241 UK International Private- and European Law (MA)
- 070001 VO Further Approaches - Financial History
- 070283 VO History of Science - Wissenschaften, Kolonialismus und die Vermessung der Körper
- 070288 VO Framing the Middle Ages. Approaches to a constructed period.
- 240043 VO EZ1 - Development Policies and Development Co-operation: Lecture Class
- 240045 VO KG1 - International Development in Historical Context
- 240049 VO GM4 - Theories of Science and Critique of Scientific Practices
- 240057 VO Commodities and Development: Current Issues and Historical Context - Globale Warenketten und ungleiche Entwicklung
- 240077 VO GM1 - Principles of Development Research
- 240123 SE VM2 / VM6 - Uneven socio-spatial development in the EU - Integration and desintegration from the perspective of development studies
- 240125 VO [ en ] VM3 / VM6 - Borders and development: concepts, practices, struggles
Last modified: Fr 30.06.2023 00:53