Universität Wien

Prehistory and Historical Archaeology - Egyptology - Jewish Studies

060003 SE (REMOTE) Between Home and Exile - Judaism in Light of ancient Texts from Judea, Egypt and Mesopotamia
060020 SE The Jewish Rediscovery of the Orient and the Jewish Orientalists - The Orient as a narrative of origin. European Summer-University in Hohenems, 11.06.-16.06.2023
060026 SE (REMOTE) The National Strategy against Antisemitism - Two Years of Combating Antisemitism in Austria
060088 SE [de en] Metal Ages in Southeastern Europe - Material Culture, Migrations and Narratives
060089 SE Biological and Social Gender - in Archaeological and Written Sources of the Middle Ages and Post-Medieval Times
060092 SE [de en] Thesis Seminar
060098 SE [de en] Thesis Seminar
060099 SE [de en] Thesis Seminar

Last modified: Fr 30.06.2023 00:53