2.4. Umweltorientierte und Interdisziplinäre Physik
2.4.1. Schwerpunkt: Umweltorientierte Physik
- 260045 PR Lab for Isotope Detection and Application - Lab for Isotope Detection and Application
- 260070 SE Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics - Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics
- 260083 SE Current topics in aerosol dynamics and optics - Current topics in aerosol dynamics and optics
- 260103 SE Physics and chemistry of clouds - Physics and chemistry of clouds
- 280410 SE Methoden und Konzepte der Risikoforschung I - Methoden und Konzepte der Risikoforschung I
2.4.2. Atmosphäre, Klima, Aerosole
- 260199 VO Aerosol Physics I - Aerosol Physics I
- 260070 SE Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics - Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics
- 260142 SE Aerosoloptics - Aerosoloptics
- 260045 PR Lab for Isotope Detection and Application - Lab for Isotope Detection and Application
2.4.3. Isotope in Umwelt und Technik (inklusive Risken)
- 260154 VO Dosimetry and Radiation Protection - Dosimetry and Radiation Protection
- 260118 VO Ion Beam Analysis of Materials I - Ion Beam Analysis of Materials I
- 260086 VO Nuclear Safety and Material Related Problems I - Nuclear Safety and Material Related Problems I
- 260062 VO Trace Isotopes in Environment and Technology I - Trace Isotopes in Environment and Technology I
- 260045 PR Lab for Isotope Detection and Application - Lab for Isotope Detection and Application
- 260070 SE Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics - Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics
- 280411 SE [ en ] Ionising Radiation and Society Risks - Basics of Nuclear Technology (Grundlagen der Nukleartechnologie)
2.4.4. Ressourcen (Energie, Materialien)
- 260045 PR Lab for Isotope Detection and Application - Lab for Isotope Detection and Application
- 260070 SE Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics - Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics
- 260109 VO Reactor Physics I - Reactor Physics I
2.4.5. Umweltmesstechnik und Datenauswertung
- 260218 VO Lasers - Atom Physics - Optics - Applications - Lasers - Atom Physics - Optics - Applications
- 260045 PR Lab for Isotope Detection and Application - Lab for Isotope Detection and Application
- 260070 SE Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics - Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics
2.4.6. Weitere Lehrveranstaltungen aus Umweltorientierter und Interdisziplinärer Physik
- 260115 VO+UE Brain-Modelling I - Brain-Modelling I
- 260116 VO Biophysics I - Biophysics I
- 260154 VO Dosimetry and Radiation Protection - Dosimetry and Radiation Protection
- 260203 VO Introduction into Electron Microscopy I - Introduction into Electron Microscopy I
- 260161 VO Introduction to Environmental Science - introduction to Environmental Science
- 260045 PR Lab for Isotope Detection and Application - Lab for Isotope Detection and Application
- 260004 SE Complementary medicine - Complementary medicine: Scientific, psychological and ethnological approach
- 260070 SE Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics - Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics
- 280030 PV Privatissimum für Diplomanden und Dissertanten - Privatissimum für Diplomanden und Dissertanten
- 280405 VO [ en ] Selected Aspects of Nuclear Safety I - Selected Aspects of Nuclear Safety - Management of Nuclear Catastrophies I (Ausgewählte Aspekte der nuklearen Sicherheit - Management nuklearer Katastrophen I)
- 280406 VO Radioactive Waste Management I - Radioactive Waste Management - Its Perception and Acceptance I (Nuklearabfallmanagement - Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz I)
- 280409 VO Energiebereitstellung und Risiko I - Energiebereitstellung und Risiko - Kosten und Umwelt I
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34