Universität Wien

APM-M7 Education, Counseling and Human Development (30 ECTS)

190078 SE [de en] Education, Biography and Age - How it works: Tracing the influence of a youth leadership program on the lives of disadvantaged urban youth.
190097 SE Education, Biography and Age - Professionalisierung - Macht - Biographie
190104 SE Education, Biography and Age - Biographie, Diktatur und Krieg
190021 SE Exclusion, Diversity and Social Inequality - Inklusion und Exklusion durch Digitalisierung in Bildungssystemen
190044 SE Exclusion, Diversity and Social Inequality - Geschlecht und Intersektionalität in Bildungsinstitutionen
190091 SE [de en] Exclusion, Diversity and Social Inequality - Learning to labor then and now: A contemporary examination of how working class kids get working class jobs.
190045 SE [en] Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy - The Monographic Group: Experiencing a Clinical Device for Analysing Practices in the field of Education and Training
190060 SE Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy - Psychoanalytisch-pädagogische Erziehungsberatung: Theoretische Grundlagen und Gestaltung von Beratungsprozessen
190121 SE (MIXED) Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy - Ansätze pädagogischer Beratung in der Migrationsgesellschaft

Last modified: Fr 30.06.2023 00:53