Bachelor Psychology (640 [3] - Version 2022)
Group of Compulsory Modules A - Introductory and Orientation Period (16 ECTS)
A1 Scientific Concepts, Methods and History of Psychology and Psychotherapy (8 ECTS)
A2 Introduction to Developmental and Social Psychology (8 ECTS)
Group of Compulsory Modules B - Basic Modules I (24 ECTS)
B1 General Psychology (8 ECTS)
- 200002 VO General Psychology II
B2 Biological Psychology and Cognitive-Affective Neurosciences (8 ECTS)
- 200003 VO Biological Psychology
B3 Alternative Compulsory Modules (6 ECTS)
B3a Advanced Module in General Psychology (6 ECTS)
- 200004 PS Proseminar General Psychology - Ausgewählte Themen aus der Kognitionspsychologie und den Neurowissenschaften
- 200009 PS Proseminar General Psychology - Ausgewählte Themen der Kognitions- und Neuropsychologie
- 200013 PS [ en ] Proseminar General Psychology - Aesthetics, Emotions, and the Brain
B3b Advanced Module in Biological Psychology and Cognitive-Affective Neurosciences (6 ECTS)
- 200005 PS [ en ] Proseminar Biological Psychology und Cognitive-Affective Neurosciences - Social Neuroscience of Morality and Politics
- 200006 PS [ en ] Proseminar Biological Psychology und Cognitive-Affective Neurosciences - Intro to Behavioral and Neuroeconomics
- 200007 PS [ en ] Proseminar Biological Psychology und Cognitive-Affective Neurosciences - Intro to Cognitive Behavioral Environmental Psych
B3c Research-Oriented Internship (6 ECTS)
- 200166 PR [ en ] Research-Oriented Internship
- 200179 PR [ en ] Research-Oriented Internship
- 200202 PR Research-Oriented Internship
- 200203 PR Research-Oriented Internship
B4 Experiencing and Reflecting on Psychological Research (2 ECTS)
- 200159 VU [ en ] Experiencing and Reflecting on Psychological Research
- 200160 VU [ en ] Experiencing and Reflecting on Psychological Research
Group of Compulsory Modules C - Basic Modules II (22 ECTS)
C1 Social Psychology II (4 ECTS)
- 200010 VO Social Psychology II
C2 Developmental Psychology II (4 ECTS)
- 200011 VO Developmental Psychology II
C3 Differential Psychology and Personality Psychology (4 ECTS)
C4 Alternative Compulsory Modules (6 ECTS)
C4a Advanced Module in Social Psychology (6 ETCS)
- 200067 PS Proseminar Social Psychology
- 200075 PS Proseminar Social Psychology
- 200152 PS Introductory Seminar Social Psychology
C4b Advanced Module in Developmental Psychology (6 ETCS)
- 200017 PS Proseminar Developmental Psychology - Entwicklung im Familienkontext
- 200070 PS Proseminar Developmental Psychology - Entwicklung im Erwachsenenalter
- 200145 PS Proseminar Developmental Psychology - Jugend und Emerging Adulthood
C4c Advanced Module in Differential Psychology and Personality Psychology (6 ETCS)
- 200008 PS Proseminar Differential Psychology and Personality Psychology - Ausgewählte Aspekte der Persönlichkeitsforschung unter spezieller Berücksichtigung des Gesundheitsverhaltens
- 200018 PS Proseminar Differential Psychology and Personality Psychology - Persönlichkeitspsychologie: Theorie, Methodik, Anwendung
- 200069 PS Proseminar Differential Psychology and Personality Psychology - Kernthemen der Intelligenzforschung
C4d Research-Oriented Internship (6 ECTS)
- 200166 PR [ en ] Research-Oriented Internship
- 200179 PR [ en ] Research-Oriented Internship
- 200202 PR Research-Oriented Internship
- 200203 PR Research-Oriented Internship
C5 Diversity and Gender Research in Psychology (4 ECTS)
Group of Compulsory Modules D - Methodological Foundations (23 ECTS)
D1 Methods in Psychology (13 ECTS)
- 200020 VO Statistics I
- 200022 VU Qualitative Methods
- 200023 VU Qualitative Methods
- 200024 VU Qualitative Methods
- 200026 UE Statistics Excercises I
- 200027 UE Statistics Excercises I
- 200029 UE Statistics Excercises I
- 200030 UE Statistics Excercises I
- 200031 UE Statistics Excercises I
- 200032 UE Statistics Excercises I
- 200033 UE Statistics Excercises I
- 200036 UE Statistics Excercises I
- 200038 UE Statistics Excercises I
- 200039 UE Statistics Excercises I
- 200068 UE Statistics Excercises I
- 200146 VU Qualitative Methods
- 200153 VU Qualitative Methods
- 200195 UE Statistics Excercises I
D2 Theory and Methods of Psychological Measurement and Observation (10 ECTS)
- 200014 VO Foundations of Psychological Test Theory
- 200034 VO Statistics II
- 200156 UE Statistics Excercises II
Group of Compulsory Modules E - Psychological Assessment (13 ECTS)
E1 Theories and Techniques of Psychological Assessment (7 ECTS)
- 200035 VO ( REMOTE ) Psychological Assessment
- 200040 VU Methods of Psychological Assessment
- 200041 VU Methods of Psychological Assessment
- 200042 VU Methods of Psychological Assessment
- 200043 VU Methods of Psychological Assessment
- 200044 VU Methods of Psychological Assessment
E2 Practice of Psychological Assessment (6 ECTS)
- 200181 UE Practice in Psychological Assessment
- 200182 UE Practice in Psychological Assessment
- 200183 UE Practice in Psychological Assessment
- 200184 UE Practice in Psychological Assessment
- 200232 UE Practice in Psychological Assessment
- 200235 UE Practice in Psychological Assessment
- 200236 UE Practice in Psychological Assessment
- 200237 UE Practice in Psychological Assessment
Group of Compulsory Modules F - Fields of Application (24 ECTS)
F1 Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology (12 ECTS)
- 200037 VO ( REMOTE ) Health Psychology
- 200045 VO Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
F2 Educational Psychology (6 ECTS)
F3 Work, Organisational and Economic Psychology (6 ECTS)
Group of Compulsory Modules G - Practical Vocational Preparation (12 ECTS)
G1 Psychological Conversation Techniques (6 ECTS)
- 200015 UE Psychological Counselling
- 200161 UE Psychological Counselling
- 200163 UE Psychological Counselling
- 200164 UE Psychological Counselling
- 200165 UE Psychological Counselling
- 200167 UE Psychological Counselling
- 200168 UE Psychological Counselling
- 200238 UE Psychological Counselling
G2 Alternative Compulsory Modules (6 ECTS)
G2a Science Mediation and Communication (6 ECTS)
- 200019 UE Scientific Transfer and Communication in Psychology
- 200021 UE Scientific Transfer and Communication in Psychology
- 200028 UE Scientific Transfer and Communication in Psychology
- 200118 UE Scientific Transfer and Communication in Psychology
- 200147 UE Scientific Transfer and Communication in Psychology
- 200174 UE Scientific Transfer and Communication in Psychology
- 200175 UE Scientific Transfer and Communication in Psychology
G2b Orientation Internship (6 ECTS)
- 200180 PR Work placement
- 200208 PR Work placement
G2c Seminar Internship in Psychology (6 ECTS)
Group of Compulsory Modules H - Bachelor’s Thesis - Preparation and Completion (16 ECTS)
H1 Seminar: Scientific Reading (6 ECTS)
- 200012 SE Scientific Reading
- 200016 SE Scientific Reading
- 200025 SE [ en ] Scientific Reading
- 200154 SE Scientific Reading
- 200186 SE [ en ] Scientific Reading
- 200187 SE [ en ] Scientific Reading
- 200190 SE Scientific Reading
- 200191 SE [ en ] Scientific Reading
- 200192 SE Scientific Reading
H2 Bachelor’s Thesis (10 ECTS)
- 200046 SE Bachelor’s Thesis
- 200047 SE [ en ] Bachelor’s Thesis
- 200061 SE Bachelor’s Thesis
- 200196 SE Bachelor’s Thesis
- 200197 SE Bachelor’s Thesis
- 200198 SE Bachelor’s Thesis
- 200199 SE Bachelor’s Thesis
- 200200 SE Bachelor’s Thesis
- 200201 SE Bachelor’s Thesis
Additional Lectures
- 010011 SE Clinical Rounds
- 010109 SE Suicide and Prevention: Perspectives from Ethics and Psychotherapy
- 020056 SE Seminar: Medicine and Nursing Ethics - Patient:innensicherheit und Empowerment
- 180181 KU Innovation Lab: from idea to prototype - (summer course)
- 200239 VU Relation Analysis - Propositional, statistical and causal Analysis of Data
Last modified: Fr 30.06.2023 00:53