1. Computer-Oriented Teaching in Natural and Life Sciences
- 260169 UE Exer. to funct. and symb. programming using Math. - Practical exercises to functional and symbolic programming using Mathematica
- 260170 VO Funct. and symb. programming using Mathematica - Functional and symbolic programming using Mathematica
- 280012 UE Exercises to Access - Exercises to Access
- 280013 VO Windows: Access - Windows: Access
- 280016 UE HTML, Java- and VB-Script - HTML, Java- and VB-Script
- 280045 VO FORTRAN Programming - FORTRAN Programming
- 280109 UE C++ and JAVA - C++ and JAVA
- 300668 UE HTML - Programmieren für das Internet - HTML - Programmieren für das Internet
Introductory and General Courses
- 260262 VO Theory of complex interconnected systems II - Theory of complex interconnected systems: from cellular automata to neural network models
- 300378 VO Moderne EDV-unterstützte Auswertungsmethoden - Moderne EDV-unterstützte Auswertungsmethoden für Naturwissenschaftler
Special Interdisciplinary Topics
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34