7.1. Europe and European Union (G1)
Es sind insgesamt 8 Semesterwochenstunden, also 4 zweistündige Lehrveranstaltungen, aus dem Spezialisierungsmodul G1 zu besuchen. Hierin müssen mindestens ein Seminar (SE) und eine Vorlesung (VO) enthalten sein.
- 210372 VO D5, F, G1: Political Mediation Structures I - Political Mediation Structures I: Association, Association Systems and Social Movements in Europe (D5/F/G1)
- 210407 VO D5, G1: The Political System of the EU - The Principles of the European Union - An Introduction (D5/G1)
- 210369 PS D5, G1: Mechanisms of the EU - Mechanisms of the EU - Decision Making in Theory and Practice (D5/G1)
- 210370 SE G1, G8:EU-Sanctions Conc. Gender & Anti-Discrimin. - EU-Sanctions Concerning Gender and Anti-Discrimination (G1/G8)
- 210371 SE F, G1, Diss: Multi-Level Politics in the EU - Research Seminar: Multi-Level Politics and Democracy in the EU (F/G1/Diss)
- 210239 SE G1, Diss: Practical Aspects of EU Politics - Practical Aspects of EU Politics (G1/Diss)
- 210287 SE G1, G5, G10: Cult. Input of the Acceding Countries - EU - On the Cultural Input of the Acceding Countries (G1/G5/G10)
- 210181 SE F, G1, G6: Mob.or Migr. Students/Univers.Teachers? - Mobile or Migrating Students/University Teachers? (F/G1/G6)
- 210373 PS [ en ] G1:Anti-Semitism,Anti-Catholicism &Anti-Islamism - Anti-Semitism, Anti-Catholicism and Anti-Islamism in Europe (G1)
- 210134 SE G1, G3: The EU in International Comparison - The EU in International Comparison (G1/G3)
- 210396 SE G1, G5, G10: Memory Studies in New Europe - Memory Studies in New Europe (G1/G5/G10)
- 210195 SE G1, G3: The Domestic & External Security of the EU - The Domestic and External Security of the EU (G1/G3)
- 210186 PS G1, G5: Minorities in Europe - Minorities in Europe: Theory and Comparison (G1/G5)
- 210180 PS D6, G1: Migration as a City Political Issue - Migration as a City Political Issue in European Immigration Countries (D6/G1)
- 210240 SE G1, G5: Cyprus: Political System and EU Membership - Cyprus: Political System and EU Membership (G1/G5)
- 210374 PS G1/G4: (Re-)Thinking Democracy? - (Re-)Thinking Democracy? (G1/G4)
- 210375 PS D5, F, G1: Political Mediation Structures II - Political Mediation Structures II: Parties and Party Systems in Europe (D5/F/G1)
- 210416 SE G1, Diss: European Integration Research - FoSe: On the State of the European Integration Research between Neofunctionalism and Multi-Level System Theory (G1/Diss)
- 210404 PS G1, G4: Cultural Policy - Cultural Policy between Claims to National Identity and Efforts towards European Integration (G1/G4)
- 210237 SE G1, G4: Interest Intermediation in the EU - Interest Intermediation in the EU (G1/G4)
- 210376 PS G1: Political Syst. of Italy focusing on the KPI - The Political System of Italy with Special Consideration of the Role of the KPI and Its Successor Parties (G1)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34