Alternative compulsory module group: Zoology (120 ECTS)
BZO 1 Animal Body Plans 1 (10 ECTS)
- 300068 UE ( ON-SITE ) Practical courses in Zoology, part 1 - parallel courses
BZO 2 Animal Body Plans 2 (10 ECTS)
BZO 3 Animal Physiology 1 (10 ECTS)
- 300648 VO [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Animal Physiology I: Energy, Respiration, Homeostasis
BZO 4 Animal Physiology 2 (10 ECTS)
- 300476 VO ( ON-SITE ) Animal Physiology II: Nerves, Muscles, Senses
BZO 5 Behavioral Biology (5 ECTS)
- 300013 VO ( ON-SITE ) Introduction to Animal Behavior
- 300475 UE ( ON-SITE ) Animal Behaviour - Introductory experiments in Animal Behaviour
BZO 6 Evolution and Development (5 ECTS)
- 300014 VO [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Introduction to animal development
- 300151 VO ( ON-SITE ) Foundations of Theoretical Biology and Evolutionary Theory
BZO 7 Animal Biodiversity (5 ECTS)
BZO 8 Field Biology (5 ECTS)
- 300301 UE Central European habitat types - in mehreren Parallelen
BZO 9 Animals in their Habitats (5 ECTS)
- 300090 VO ( ON-SITE ) Introduction to the native fauna and their habitat
BZO 10 Cognitive Biology (5 ECTS)
- 300043 VO [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Introduction to Cognitive Biology
BZO 11 Biological Elective Subjects (15 ECTS)
- 300007 VO ( REMOTE ) Primatology
- 300017 VO ( ON-SITE ) Vegetation Ecology and Landscape Ecology
- 300023 UE ( ON-SITE ) Concepts and methods in evolution, systematics and biogeography of plants
- 300024 VO ( ON-SITE ) Concepts in Ecology - Concepts in Ecology
- 300025 VO ( ON-SITE ) Diversity und phylogeny of fungi, algae, mosses and ferns
- 300027 VO Ecosystem Ecology and Biogeochemistry
- 300041 UE Exercise to Palaeodiversity of Invertebrates
- 300048 VO ( ON-SITE ) Ecology of the ecozones of the world
- 300053 VO ( ON-SITE ) Virtual Anthropology - Introduction into digital 3D-methods
- 300054 UE ( ON-SITE ) Diversity and systematics of cryptogams and fungi
- 300056 UE ( ON-SITE ) Plant Anatomy
- 300063 VO ( ON-SITE ) Funerary Archaeology in Austria - Concepts, Digital Methods, and the Archaeological Record
- 300078 VO ( REMOTE ) Hominid Evolution
- 300100 VO Palaeodiversity of Invertebrates
- 300105 VO [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Human Evolution and Archaeological Science
- 300128 VO [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Developmental Biology and Reproduction of plants
- 300138 VO ( ON-SITE ) The last Ice Age - the world between 2,5 million and 10.000 years before present
- 300192 UE Exercise to Palaeodiversity of Vertebrates - Niedere Vertebrata
- 300215 VO ( ON-SITE ) Introduction to Evolutionary Medicine
- 300223 VO Past, present and future of reefs and reef crises
- 300228 VO ( ON-SITE ) Introduction to Human Behavioural Biology
- 300231 VO ( ON-SITE ) Introduction in Social Biology
- 300248 VO ( ON-SITE ) Cell Biology of Plants - Structure and Function of the Plant Cell
- 300289 VO ( ON-SITE ) Introduction Forensic Anthropology
- 300296 VO Mammal evolution - selected topics
- 300299 VU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Introductory Morphometrics
- 300309 VO ( ON-SITE ) Microbial genome plasticity
- 300317 VO Biodiversity and molecular ecology of microorganisms 1
- 300341 VO ( ON-SITE ) Conservation Biology and Landscape Conservation
- 300343 VO [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Genome structure and evolution
- 300376 UE ( ON-SITE ) Concepts and methods in reproductive, developmental and structural plant sciences
- 300385 VO ( MIXED ) Human Anatomy - Osteology and Arthrology - Einführung in die Anatomie des Menschen
- 300426 VO ( ON-SITE ) Introduction into Human Ecology - Introduction into Human Ecology
- 300481 VO Morphology and Palaeodiversity of vertebrates - Mammals and Birds
- 300483 UE Palaeontological Working Methods - Laboratory
- 300492 VO ( MIXED ) Human Anatomy 2 - Organ Morphology
- 300496 VO ( ON-SITE ) Marine Science
- 300545 UE ( ON-SITE ) Fungal diversity in their habitats
- 301212 VO ( ON-SITE ) Plant Molecular Biology I - Genetics and cellorganisation
BZO 12 Advanced Practical Course (10 ECTS)
- 300006 UE ( ON-SITE ) Soil Ecology - Ecology of soils with taxonomy of soil fauna and fungi
- 300092 UE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Introduction to Coral Reef Biology
- 300115 UE ( ON-SITE ) DNA Barcoding - A new approach to species identification in ecology and biodiversity research
- 300167 UE [ de en ] Ecology & Palaeobiology of coral reefs (Red Sea)
- 300188 UE ( ON-SITE ) Behavioral Ecology - at the Konrad Lorenz Forschungsstelle in Gruenau
- 300232 UE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Fluorescence staining, confocal microscopy and computer generated 3D-reconstruction
BZO 13 Bachelor’s Thesis (10 ECTS)
- 300009 PP ( ON-SITE ) Practical Course in Animal Behavior
- 300040 PP ( ON-SITE ) Histological techniques, microscopy & 3D-reconstruction
- 300096 PP ( ON-SITE ) Arthropoda - morphology and evolution
- 300163 PP Form and function of organisms - Participation in the workgroups
- 300182 PP ( ON-SITE ) Case studies on the ecology and biodiversity of tropical vertebrates - in a lowland rainforest in Costa Rica
- 300365 PP ( ON-SITE ) Survey of bird communities in city parks
Last modified: Fr 12.01.2024 00:44