C. Diploma Programme Sociology (Branch of Study: Law, Social Sciences and Economics)
Im Folgenden sind die Lehrveranstaltungen gegliedert nach den Studienabschnitten und Fächern des Diplomstudiums (rechts-, sozial- und wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Studienrichtung) angeführt. Welche dieser Lehrveranstaltungen ohne formales Anrechnungsverfahren für den ausgelaufenen sozial- und wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Studienzweig anerkannt werden, ist dem kommentierten Vorlesungsverzeichnis (KOVO) zu entnehmen (elektronischer Zugang: http://www.univie.ac.at/soziologie). Weiterführende Informationen zum Diplomstudium (einschließlich Studienplan) finden sich auf der Institutswebsite. Der Studienplan ist auch im Servicecenter des Instituts erhältlich.Anmeldungen zu den Lehrveranstaltungen: Die persönliche Anmeldung "(p.A.)" zu den Lehrveranstaltungen des Diplomstudiums Soziologie sowie des sozial- und wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Studienzweigs erfolgt ausschließlich über das elektronische Anmeldesystem über die Web-Site des Instituts und kann daher von jedem PC mit Internetanschluss aus erfolgen. Über Anmeldungsmodalitäten und den Beginn der Anmeldungsfrist informiert die Institutswebsite (http://www.univie.ac.at/soziologie).
First Stage of the Degree Programme
1.1. Theories and Applications
- 230013 UE Introduction to Sociology - Introduction to Sociology
- 230047 VO+UE Sociology of Population - Principles of Demography and Sociology of Population
- 230070 UE Structure and Development - Structure and Development of Austrian Present-Day Society
- 230071 UE Structure and Development - Structure and Development of Austrian Present-Day Society
- 230072 UE Structure and Development - Structure and Development of Austrian Contemporary Society
- 230084 VO Structure and Development - Structure and Development of Austrian Present-Day Society
1.2. Methods
- 230020 UE Introduction to Scientific Work - Introduction to Scientific Work and Introduction to Electronic Data Processing
- 230053 VO Introductory course to social research - Introductory course to social research
- 230067 UE Introduction to Scientific Work - Introduction to Scientific Work and Introduction to Electronic Data Processing
- 230367 UE Statistics 1 for Sociologists - Statistics 1 for Sociologists
- 230368 UE Statistics 1 for Sociologists - Statistics 1 for Sociologists
- 230564 VO Statistics 1 for Sociologists - Statistics 1 for Sociologists
1.3. Optional Courses in Law and Economics
1.3.1. Economics
1.3.2. Business Administration
- 230054 UE Business Administration - Business Aspects of Sociology
- 230059 UE The Making of the Modern World Economy - Growth and Development: the Making of the Modern World Economy
1.3.3. Public Law, Labour and Social Law
- 230042 UE Principles of Public Law - Principles of Public Law for Sociologists
1.3.4. Political Science
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. Theories and Applications
- 230001 VO+SE Sociological Theories of Today 2 - Sociological Theories of Today 2: Comparison and Application of Theories
- 230049 VO+UE Micro Sociology and Social Psychology - Micro Sociology and Social Psychology
- 230390 VO+SE Sociological Theories of Today 2 - Sociological Theories of Today 2: Comparison and Application of Theories
- 230527 VO+SE Sociology of political violence - Sociology of political violence
- 230586 VO+UE Gender Differences in the Labour Market - Gender Differences in the Labour Market: Status Quo - Explanatory Approaches - Measures
- 230590 VO+UE Methodology in Social Sciencies - Methodology in Social Sciencies
2.2. Methods
- 230058 VO+UE Mathematics for sociologists - Mathematics for sociologists
- 230073 UE Table Analysis - Table Analysis
- 230086 VO+UE Mathematics for Sociologists - Mathematics for Sociologists
- 230331 PR Research Practice: Data Analysis - Research Practice: Data Analysis
- 230427 UE Table Analysis - Table Analysis
- 230434 PR Research Practice Data Evaluation - Research Practice of Quantitative, Empirical Social Research: Data Evaluation
- 230504 PR Research Practice: Data Evaluation - Research Practice: Data Evaluation
2.3. Elective Courses in Law and Economics
Third Stage of the Degree Programme
3.1. Theories and Applications
- 230449 VO+SE Value-Rational Action, Lobbying and Corruption - Value-Rational Action, Lobbying and Corruption
- 230474 VO+SE Migration, Integration and Ethnic Conflicts - Migration, Integration and Ethnic Conflicts
- 230562 PR Applied Poverty and Social Reporting - Applied Poverty and Social Reporting
- 230582 VO+SE [ en ] Citizenship, participation and volunteering - Citizenship, social participation and issues of volunteering
- 230583 VO+SE Social Structure Analysis - Social Structure Analysis - Social Classes, Milieus, Life Styles
- 230584 VO+SE The Genesis of Laws in sociological interpret. - The Genesis of Laws in sociological interpretations/Seminar
- 230587 VO+SE Sociology of the Border II - Sociology of the Border II
3.3.1. Sociological Theories
- 230040 VO+SE Sociological Theories 2 - History of Sociological Theories 2
- 230219 VO+SE Sociological Theories 2 - Sociological Theories 2
3.3.2. Applied Sociology (Fields of Practice)
- 230068 VO+SE Quality of Life - Quality of Life Political Sociology
- 040313 VK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM II - Labour Relations and HRM II
- 040314 EK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM I - Labour Relations and HRM I Technical Sociology
- 230036 VO+SE Technical Sociology - Technical Sociology: Theories, Methods, Applications Sociology of Work and Economics
- 040313 VK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM II - Labour Relations and HRM II
- 040314 EK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM I - Labour Relations and HRM I Social Structure Research Socialgerontology
- 230018 VO+SE Youth, Old Age and Generations - Youth, Old Age and Generations Sociology of Developing Countries Sociology Curriculum Vitae Sociology of International Relations Urban Sociology Sociology of Migration Sociology of Leisure, Sports and Tourism
- 230182 VO+SE Leisure and Sport Sociology - Leisure and Sport Sociology Traffic Sociology Sociology of Culture
- 230592 VO+SE Confidence - Desperation: Criteria of Modern Arts? - Sociology of Arts between Confidence and Desperation
3.3.3. Research Laboratory
- 230064 PR Research Laboratory: Sociology of Vienna - Research Laboratory: Sociology of Vienna
- 230075 UE Online-Resarch 2 - Special Inquiry Techniques: Online-Resarch 2
- 230560 PR Research Laboratory II: Health Promotion - Research Laboratory II: Health Promotion in Mobile Nursing
- 230561 PR Research Laboratory Qualitäty of Life (Cont.) - Research Laboratory Qualitäty of Life (Continuation)
3.3.4. Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 230024 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar - Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230025 SE Seminar for diploma thesis - Seminar for diploma thesis
- 230026 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar - Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230027 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar - Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230028 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar - Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230029 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar - Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230065 SE Seminar for graduating students - Seminar for graduating students
- 230543 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar - Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230593 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar - Diploma Thesis Seminar
3.2. Methods
- 230080 VO+SE Cross-Cultural Research with AMOS - Cross-Cultural Research: Structural Equation Models with AMOS 6.0 and Applications to the National Identity Module of the ISSP 2003
- 230082 VO+UE Multivariate Methods of Analysis - Specific Multivariate Methods of Analysis: Linear Regression and Factoranalysis
- 230328 UE Participant Observation - Participant Observation
- 230352 VO Evaluation and intervention - Evaluation and intervention research in the social sciences: Questions and answers
- 230563 UE Itemanalysis, Scale and Index Construction - Itemanalysis, Scale and Index Construction
- 230585 VO+UE Statistical Analysis of Castegorical Data - Statistical Analysis of Castegorical Data: Introduction to Logistic Regression, Logit and Latent Class Models
3.3. Courses in Law and Economics
Free Elective Courses
- 230045 UE [ en ] English for Sociologists - English for Sociologists
- 230099 PR Introduction to SPSS - Introduction to SPSS
- 230153 UE European Institutions - European Institutions
- 230573 VO Main feature of sociology for nursing science - Nursing Science: Main feature of sociology for nursing science
- 230588 UE Sociology of home care - Sociology of home care
Research Privatissimum
- 040384 SE Research Privatissimum in Sociology - Research Privatissimum in Sociology
- 230030 SE Doctoral Thesis Seminar - Doctoral Thesis Seminar
- 230032 SE Graduate seminar - Graduate seminar
- 230033 SE Research Privatissimum - Research Privatissimum
- 230037 SE Research Privatissimum - Research Privatissimum
- 230083 SE Research Privatissimum - Research Privatissimum
- 230149 SE Research Privatissimum - Research Privatissimum
- 230315 SE Seminar for research - Seminar for research
- 230436 SE Doctoral Thesis Seminar - Doctoral Thesis Seminar
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34